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14 <H1>[IRCServices] Ircd's and Services....</H1>
15 <B>&amp;quot</B>
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19 <I>Sat Oct 14 08:36:56 PDT 2000</I>
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35 You can try <A HREF="http://www.slashnet.org/">http://www.slashnet.org/</A> it is based off of DALnet's older DreamForge code. It's called Cyclone. There is a patch that is required to run properly with IRCServices, whicth you can also get from slashnet.org.
38 Scott Seufert
39 aka katsklaw
40 Server Admin
41 Excalibre.ShadowFire.Org
42 ----- Original Message -----
43 From: Ciar&#225;n Reilly
44 To: IRC Services List
45 Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 10:32 AM
46 Subject: [IRCServices] Ircd's and Services....
49 Hi folks, The IRC network I administer has ceased to operate, it will be back in a few months as a fresh newly designed service, and as such, I wanted to completely overhaul my IRC Server. I have been running Services4.4.5 with Elite3.1.1. I know Elite wasn't supported, but I didnt have many problems with it. This time however, I'd like to iron out alllllll the bumps, so I was wondering if anyone can reccomend some good IRCD's, which are compatible with Services, and in addition do the following :
51 User Hostmasking, (A requirement)
52 Wingate / Proxy detection (an optional extra, not needed, but preferred)
53 Any other fancy features you care to mention.
55 Obviously, the fundamental requirement is that they're compatible with Services, anyone got suggestions ?
57 Also, is there any kinda estimated release date for 4.5 ?
59 Probably a stupid qustion, but is Services compatible with the likes of ConfrenceRoom from www.confrenceroom.com, I dunno, the idea of a multithreaded Ircd sometimes appeals to me...
61 Thanks for your time,
63 Ciar&#225;n.
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