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14 <H1>[IRCServices] cheers. ideas.</H1>
15 <B>Andrew Church</B>
16 <A HREF="mailto:ircservices%40ircservices.za.net?Subject=%5BIRCServices%5D%20cheers.%20ideas.&In-Reply-To="
17 TITLE="[IRCServices] cheers. ideas.">achurch at dragonfire.net
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19 <I>Wed Oct 11 16:10:46 PDT 2000</I>
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34 <PRE> Okay, my two cents:
36 I'll be the first to admit that the current Services database format
37 is less than ideal. When I originally designed Services, I designed it
38 the network I had started a bit earlier, which at the time had at most
39 20-30 simultaneous users. Services can write a database of a few thousand
40 nicks quickly enough not to matter, but up that by an order of magnitude
41 and you'll start seeing lag just from writing the database. Moreover, a
42 single bit error in the wrong place and you lose the entire database (and
43 apologies to anyone who's experienced this).
45 There's also the issue of accessing, and particularly altering, the
46 databases from outside of Services. Although access alone isn't really a
47 problem--if you want to access the Services databases now, you can do it
48 by borrowing the database loading code; listchans and listnicks work like
49 that--altering the databases from outside of Services' control brings in
50 all the classic problems of multithreaded applications--races, deadlocks,
51 that sort of stuff. Which isn't to say it can't be done, of course, but
52 as Andrew Kempe commented, it'll take a good deal of work. My personal
53 thought is that it would be better done as a multi-step process: first
54 implement some manner of sending Services certain commands from outside
55 (e.g. register/drop a nick), iron out the problems there, then look at
56 going to complete external read/write support.
58 As far as database format goes, I personally don't like either the
59 XML or SQL options which have been presented so far. While I agree that
60 XML would make external viewing/editing of the databases easier and reduce
61 the possibility of single-bit crashes, it would place even more strain on
62 Services when updating the databases--not only do you have to write all
63 the data to disk each time, you have to convert it all to ASCII and you
64 have to add all sorts of formatting stuff, meaning both more CPU time and
65 more disk space needed (I could easily see the database size tripling or
66 worse). As far as SQL goes, relying on an external program to be running
67 in order to write data is just ugly; besides which, the delay in sending
68 commands to the SQL server to read/write data would almost certainly be
69 untenable. (A 30-millisecond delay on an update request, for example, is
70 fine if the requests are spread out among lots of clients; it's not fine
71 if you have one program trying to do 50 updates a second.) Besides which,
72 there are probably a lot of people, myself included, who wouldn't want to
73 use Services if it required installing an SQL server as well.
75 I personally see no reason why a proprietary format wouldn't work
76 fine, as long as a library or some such was provided to allow other
77 programs to access it. In fact, given that the most important thing for
78 Services is to be able to respond quickly to user requests, I think this
79 is the best solution. There really aren't any similar systems you can
80 compare Services to (at least, none come to mind); if you want to talk
81 about SQL, I would almost expect Services to act as an SQL _server_, not
82 a client.
84 Actually, something like that may end up being a good solution after
85 all. There's no reason why external programs have to access the data
86 _files_ for Services, just like database clients typically don't directly
87 access the database server's data files; you can just have Services
88 respond to requests through some channel--e.g. a control socket--and
89 allow data access through that channel, like a database server. The only
90 need to access the files directly would be if they got corrupted, and
91 with a good file structure design such occurrences (and the damage they
92 caused) could be reduced to almost nil.
96 --Andrew Church
97 <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">achurch at dragonfire.net</A>
98 <A HREF="http://achurch.dragonfire.net/">http://achurch.dragonfire.net/</A>
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