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14 <H1>[IRCServices] Re: backups</H1>
15 <B>Chris</B>
16 <A HREF="mailto:ircservices%40ircservices.za.net?Subject=%5BIRCServices%5D%20Re%3A%20backups&In-Reply-To="
17 TITLE="[IRCServices] Re: backups">chriswh at cyberhighway.net
18 </A><BR>
19 <I>Sun Nov 7 11:44:08 PST 1999</I>
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34 <PRE>I know this is not what you guys are looking for, but so you don't get a
35 huge mess, you could try making something like DALnet's (or use to be).
36 When main services go down, instead of worrying about making all this have
37 to match(which could be a real pain) make a services link that would say
38 that services are temporarily down and other nice stuff. This may be coded
39 directly into the dalnet IRCD, as I think it is, because server's with no
40 links whatsoever have this message. I don't know, just throwing in my
41 worthless comments =)
43 -Chris
45 ----------
46 &gt;<i> From: <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">quension at softhome.net</A>
47 </I>&gt;<i> To: <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">ircservices at ender.shadowfire.org</A>
48 </I>&gt;<i> Subject: [IRCServices] Re: backups
49 </I>&gt;<i> Date: Saturday, November 06, 1999 4:05 PM
50 </I>&gt;<i>
51 </I>&gt;<i> zshack wrote:
52 </I>&gt;<i>
53 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; It says something in the readme that it can be done. I have 2 sets of
54 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; services linked, but when the primary fails the secondary set stays in
55 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; read only. I was under the impression that the second set would &quot;take
56 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; over&quot; unless there is a certain command i can give it to start when the
57 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; primary fails.
58 </I>&gt;<i>
59 </I>&gt;<i> The secondary set would have to stay in read-only unless you are able to
60 </I>&gt;<i> easily sync the dbs in the opposite direction (from backup to primary) as
61 </I>&gt;<i> well. And if the backup and primary services are on separate sections of
62 </I>&gt;<i> the network, a network split would cause a nice mess of confusion as
63 </I>users
64 &gt;<i> change things on the backup services that are not echoed to the primary.
65 </I>&gt;<i>
66 </I>&gt;<i> I've done some thinking recently as to what a really good backup system
67 </I>&gt;<i> would look like, and have come to the conclusion that it's going to take
68 </I>a
69 &gt;<i> rather large amount of work.
70 </I>&gt;<i>
71 </I>&gt;<i> If you still want to run the backups as full services, OperServ's SET
72 </I>&gt;<i> READONLY OFF may work.
73 </I>&gt;<i>
74 </I>&gt;<i> I would like to know how you've set up the backups... are they using
75 </I>&gt;<i> different nicks?
76 </I>&gt;<i>
77 </I>&gt;<i> -- Quension
78 </I>&gt;<i>
79 </I>&gt;<i> ---------------------------------------------------------------
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81 </I>&gt;<i> with &quot;unsubscribe ircservices&quot; in the body, without the quotes.
82 </I>---------------------------------------------------------------
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86 </PRE>
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