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14 <H1>[IRCServices] ping timeouts..</H1>
15 <B>Andy Church</B>
16 <A HREF="mailto:ircservices%40ircservices.za.net?Subject=%5BIRCServices%5D%20ping%20timeouts..&In-Reply-To="
17 TITLE="[IRCServices] ping timeouts..">achurch at dragonfire.net
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19 <I>Tue Sep 7 21:27:33 PDT 1999</I>
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34 <PRE>&gt;<i>I keep getting ping timeouts for services. I am running df467 for ircd and 4.3pre0 for services. Here is a snippet from my services.log
35 </I>&gt;<i>
36 </I>&gt;<i>[Sep 05 12:44:23 1999] unknown message from server (P)
37 </I>&gt;<i>[Sep 05 12:44:23 1999] unknown message from server (NG :zealot.cat.pdx.edu)
38 </I>&gt;<i>[Sep 05 12:46:22 1999] unknown message from server (ERROR :Closing Link: service
39 </I>&gt;<i>s.cat.pdx.edu[] (Ping timeout))
40 </I>&gt;<i>[Sep 05 12:46:22 1999] Read error from server: No such file or directory
41 </I>[...]
42 &gt;<i>Y:99:0:60:1:1000000
43 </I>
44 This is an ancient problem with Services, in which if there's
45 absolutely no activity on your network for an extended period of time,
46 Services may corrupt the next line it receives from the server. You could
47 try either decreasing the ping frequency in the Y: line in ircd.conf (60
48 in your configuration) or increasing ReadTimeout in example.conf so that
49 ReadTimeout is greater than the IRC server's ping frequency. What Services
50 should really do is send its own pings to its uplink server, but I didn't
51 quite get around to finishing that.
53 &gt;<i>Both ircd and services are running on the same box. I originally had them communicating through localhost but switched to the IP address saince I had these ping timeouts.
54 </I>
55 Using localhost is a better idea (though I'm not sure it makes too
56 much difference performance-wise). In any case, it's not the cause of
57 the ping timeout problem.
59 --Andy Church
60 <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">achurch at dragonfire.net</A>
61 <A HREF="http://achurch.dragonfire.net/">http://achurch.dragonfire.net/</A>
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