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14 <H1>[IRCServices] /ns ghost exploit</H1>
15 <B>Andrew Church</B>
16 <A HREF="mailto:ircservices%40ircservices.za.net?Subject=%5BIRCServices%5D%20/ns%20ghost%20exploit&In-Reply-To="
17 TITLE="[IRCServices] /ns ghost exploit">achurch at achurch.org
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19 <I>Fri Mar 15 16:19:00 PST 2002</I>
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34<PRE> Well, I won't touch the security patch argument because I don't want
35to bring years of Bugtraq debates into here, but as you say, we have
36different points of view on this, so having a patch is probably the best
37thing--it is open source, after all.
39 --Andrew Church
40 <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">achurch at achurch.org</A>
41 <A HREF="http://achurch.org/">http://achurch.org/</A>
43&gt;&gt;<i> This is basically what I was trying to say. In response to the
44</I>&gt;&gt;<i> comment that GHOST could check the target's
45</I>&gt;&gt;<i> recognized/identified status
46</I>&gt;&gt;<i> before killing, suppose the user hasn't identified when they get
47</I>&gt;&gt;<i> disconnected (maybe their connection dropped just as they
48</I>&gt;&gt;<i> connected to IRC,
49</I>&gt;&gt;<i> or maybe they didn't identify for some other reason)?
51</I>&gt;<i>In any scenario such as this, with a valid ghost where the ghost command no
52</I>&gt;<i>longer functions, they could use the recover and release commands which
53</I>&gt;<i>would allow them to use their nick again, the &quot;ghost&quot; would have it's nick
54</I>&gt;<i>changed and would quit IRC naturally within a few minutes. A nick owner
55</I>&gt;<i>does not lose the ability to use the nick just because ghost is made a
56</I>&gt;<i>little more selective. The error message will be altered to direct a user
57</I>&gt;<i>to use recover and release, thanks.
59</I>&gt;<i>The logic behind the use of nick status, is that it seems the simplest
60</I>&gt;<i>method to determine the validity of a ghost. Checking other things such as
61</I>&gt;<i>the connecting host/IP would have problems should the ghost occur because
62</I>&gt;<i>of an ISP disconnect or redial. For static IPs it would be perfect.
63</I>&gt;<i>Checking the access list against the ghost host, does not remove the
64</I>&gt;<i>potential for abuse since an open access list would mean that the ghost
65</I>&gt;<i>would always appear to be valid. So a decision was made to only assume that
66</I>&gt;<i>fully identified nicknames are valid ghosts.
68</I>&gt;<i>An alternative is to have a ghost system similar to guest nicks, but this
69</I>&gt;<i>would provide no way to remove verifiable ghosts from IRC prior to their
70</I>&gt;<i>natural timeout. This may not be a bad thing since it prevents unnecessary
71</I>&gt;<i>killing but would obviously require much more patching of services to
72</I>&gt;<i>implement and until services reaches a time when a branch is feasible, it
73</I>&gt;<i>would not be something worth considering at this time.
75</I>&gt;&gt;<i> The main point, though, is that if the person in question has
76</I>&gt;&gt;<i> registered/linked those nicks, then from Services' point of
77</I>&gt;&gt;<i> view (and mine
78</I>&gt;&gt;<i> as well) those nicks belong to that person, and they can do
79</I>&gt;&gt;<i> whatever they
80</I>&gt;&gt;<i> want with them, including killing new users who try to use
81</I>&gt;&gt;<i> them.
83</I>&gt;<i>AIUI GHOST was designed (and is described in the documentation) to remove
84</I>&gt;<i>ghost sessions, not as a way for users to kill people using their
87</I>&gt;<i>Using that logic, surely the recover command should ignore the
88</I>&gt;<i>NSForceNickChange directive as well? Personally, we do not tend to give
89</I>&gt;<i>users kill power on a server. Given the restrictions we have on it's use by
90</I>&gt;<i>the administration of the network, it seems wrong to give a user the power
91</I>&gt;<i>as part of the nickname ownership.
93</I>&gt;<i>Kill Immediate ON will protect a nickname from being used without ever
94</I>&gt;<i>removing a person from a server and is in my opinion a far better system.
95</I>&gt;<i>Kill quick will prevent a nickname being used for more than 20 seconds, and
96</I>&gt;<i>normal kill for more than 60 seconds. All of these have minimal impact on
97</I>&gt;<i>the user being &quot;killed&quot; since they merely have their nickname changed so
98</I>&gt;<i>are able to read the message from services explaining why their nickname
99</I>&gt;<i>was changed and even seek assistance if they still have problems. If killed
100</I>&gt;<i>on sight, they do not get that opportunity and see no real reason for being
101</I>&gt;<i>removed from the network.
103</I>&gt;&gt;<i>From a nick owner perspective, this protection exists whether or not the
104</I>&gt;<i>nick owner is on IRC and without any effort on their part. A nick owner has
105</I>&gt;<i>more than adequate protection of the name and ability to restrict it's use
106</I>&gt;<i>without the need to kill users.
108</I>&gt;&gt;<i> As I said
109</I>&gt;&gt;<i> before, if you have users abusing the command, deal with the users
110</I>&gt;&gt;<i> individually; denying such people this one particular avenue
111</I>&gt;&gt;<i> of mischief
112</I>&gt;&gt;<i> will just push them into another anyway.
114</I>&gt;<i>Personally I do not think that buttons with Do Not Press on them are a
115</I>&gt;<i>particularly useful feature nor do I want the ongoing task of dealing with
116</I>&gt;<i>this as each wave of newbies discover this trick.
118</I>&gt;<i>I would prefer people to find other avenues of mischief, since this will
119</I>&gt;<i>lead to a better overall package as each is addressed. Imagine if we avoid
120</I>&gt;<i>applying OS security fixes assuming that if we do not fix them, at least
121</I>&gt;<i>people will not look for new ones. The fact is, whether this is fixed or
122</I>&gt;<i>not, people will continue to look for new avenues of mischief. The lag
123</I>&gt;<i>services trick to &quot;get around&quot; mlock is one that was discovered by users
124</I>&gt;<i>years ago or so and is one that still comes up regularly which shows that
125</I>&gt;<i>discovering one exploit does not prevent the search for others.
127</I>&gt;<i>I definitely do not want to put people off finding problems like this in
128</I>&gt;<i>Services, since they are better found and fixed than waiting for a
129</I>&gt;<i>particularly malicious user to utilise.
131</I>&gt;<i>We obviously have vastly differing opinions on this matter. I have
132</I>&gt;<i>suggested how I intend to close this loophole rather than &quot;manage&quot; it as
133</I>&gt;<i>you suggested and the discussion on list has proved useful in spotting some
134</I>&gt;<i>potential pitfalls which was my primary aim after you said you would not
135</I>&gt;<i>consider fixing it. I am disappointed it will not be at least an option in
136</I>&gt;<i>the main services package, but, since I already have to patch in odd things
137</I>&gt;<i>anyway, it is just one more for the list.
144</I>&gt;<i>To unsubscribe or change your subscription options, visit:
145</I>&gt;<i><A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices</A>
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