]> jfr.im git - erebus.git/blob - modlib.py
urls - allow port in url
[erebus.git] / modlib.py
1 # Erebus IRC bot - Author: John Runyon
2 # vim: fileencoding=utf-8
3 # module helper functions, see modules/modtest.py for usage
4 # This file is released into the public domain; see http://unlicense.org/
6 import abc
7 import sys
8 import socket
9 from functools import wraps
11 if sys.version_info.major < 3:
12 stringbase = basestring
13 else:
14 stringbase = str
16 """Used to return an error to the bot core."""
17 class error(object):
18 def __init__(self, desc):
19 self.errormsg = desc
20 def __nonzero__(self):
21 return False #object will test to False
22 __bool__ = __nonzero__ #py3 compat
23 def __repr__(self):
24 return '<modlib.error %r>' % self.errormsg
25 def __str__(self):
26 return str(self.errormsg)
28 class modlib(object):
29 # default (global) access levels
30 OWNER = 100
31 MANAGER = 99
32 ADMIN = 75
33 STAFF = 50
34 KNOWN = 1
35 AUTHED = 0 # Users which have are known to be authed
36 ANYONE = -1 # non-authed users have glevel set to -1
37 IGNORED = -2 # If the user is IGNORED, no hooks or chanhooks will fire for their messages. numhooks can still be fired.
38 glevs = {
47 }
49 # (channel) access levels
50 COWNER = 5
51 MASTER = 4
52 OP = 3
53 VOICE = 2
54 FRIEND = 1
55 PUBLIC = 0 # Anyone (use glevel to control whether auth is needed)
56 BANNED = -1 # The default reqclevel is PUBLIC, so any commands which needchan will be ignored from BANNED users unless the command reqclevel=-1
57 # [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 -1]
58 clevs = [None, 'Friend', 'Voice', 'Op', 'Master', 'Owner', 'Banned']
60 # messages
61 WRONGARGS = "Wrong number of arguments."
63 def __init__(self, name):
64 self.Socketlike = Socketlike
65 self.hooks = {} # {command:handler}
66 self.chanhooks = {} # {channel:handler}
67 self.exceptionhooks = [] # [(exception,handler)]
68 self.numhooks = {} # {numeric:handler}
69 self.sockhooks = [] # [(af,ty,address,handler_class)]
70 self.sockets = [] # [(sock,obj)]
71 self.helps = []
72 self.parent = None
74 self.name = (name.split("."))[-1]
76 def modstart(self, parent):
77 #modstart can return a few things...
78 # None: unspecified success
79 # False: unspecified error
80 # modlib.error (or anything else False-y): specified error
81 # True: unspecified success
82 # non-empty string (or anything else True-y): specified success
83 #"specified" values will be printed. unspecified values will result in "OK" or "failed"
84 self.parent = parent
85 for cmd, func in self.hooks.items():
86 parent.hook(cmd, func)
87 parent.hook("%s.%s" % (self.name, cmd), func)
88 for chan, func in self.chanhooks.items():
89 parent.hookchan(chan, func)
90 for exc, func in self.exceptionhooks:
91 parent.hookexception(exc, func)
92 for num, func in self.numhooks.items():
93 parent.hooknum(num, func)
94 for hookdata in self.sockhooks:
95 self._create_socket(*hookdata)
97 for func, args, kwargs in self.helps:
98 try:
99 self.mod('help').reghelp(func, *args, **kwargs)
100 except:
101 pass
102 return True
103 def modstop(self, parent):
104 for cmd, func in self.hooks.items():
105 parent.unhook(cmd, func)
106 parent.unhook("%s.%s" % (self.name, cmd), func)
107 for chan, func in self.chanhooks.items():
108 parent.unhookchan(chan, func)
109 for exc, func in self.exceptionhooks:
110 parent.unhookexception(exc, func)
111 for num, func in self.numhooks.items():
112 parent.unhooknum(num, func)
113 for sock, obj in self.sockets:
114 self._destroy_socket(sock, obj)
116 for func, args, kwargs in self.helps:
117 try:
118 self.mod('help').dereghelp(func, *args, **kwargs)
119 except:
120 pass
121 return True
123 def hook(self, cmd=None, needchan=True, glevel=ANYONE, clevel=PUBLIC, wantchan=None):
124 if wantchan is None: wantchan = needchan
125 _cmd = cmd #save this since it gets wiped out...
126 def realhook(func):
127 cmd = _cmd #...and restore it
128 if cmd is None:
129 cmd = func.__name__ # default to function name
130 if isinstance(cmd, stringbase):
131 cmd = (cmd,)
133 if clevel > self.PUBLIC and not needchan:
134 raise Exception('clevel must be left at default if needchan is False')
136 func.needchan = needchan
137 func.wantchan = wantchan
138 func.reqglevel = glevel
139 func.reqclevel = clevel
140 func.cmd = cmd
141 func.module = func.__module__.split('.')[1]
143 for c in cmd:
144 self.hooks[c] = func
145 if self.parent is not None:
146 self.parent.hook(c, func)
147 self.parent.hook("%s.%s" % (self.name, c), func)
148 return func
149 return realhook
151 def hookchan(self, chan, glevel=ANYONE, clevel=PUBLIC):
152 def realhook(func):
153 self.chanhooks[chan] = func
154 if self.parent is not None:
155 self.parent.hookchan(chan, func)
156 return func
157 return realhook
159 def hookexception(self, exc):
160 def realhook(func):
161 self.exceptionhooks.append((exc, func))
162 if self.parent is not None:
163 self.parent.hookexception(exc, func)
164 return func
165 return realhook
167 def hooknum(self, num):
168 def realhook(func):
169 self.numhooks[str(num)] = func
170 if self.parent is not None:
171 self.parent.hooknum(str(num), func)
172 return func
173 return realhook
175 def bind(self, bindto, data=None):
176 """Used as a decorator on a class which implements getdata and parse methods.
177 See modules/sockets.py for an example.
178 Takes an arg like:
179 [unix:]/foo/bar
180 [udp|tcp:][ip:]port
181 """
182 if len(bindto) == 0:
183 raise Exception('bindto must have a value')
184 if bindto[0] == '/':
185 return self._hooksocket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM, bindto)
186 if len(bindto) > 5 and bindto[0:5] == 'unix:':
187 return self._hooksocket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM, bindto[5:])
188 af = socket.AF_INET
189 ty = socket.SOCK_STREAM
190 host = ''
191 if len(bindto) > 4 and bindto[0:4] == 'udp:':
192 ty = socket.SOCK_DGRAM
193 bindto = bindto[4:]
194 if len(bindto) > 4 and bindto[0:4] == 'tcp:':
195 bindto = bindto[4:]
196 if ':' in bindto:
197 pieces = bindto.rsplit(':', 1)
198 host = pieces[0]
199 bindto = pieces[1]
200 port = int(bindto)
201 return self._hooksocket(af, ty, (host, port), data)
203 def bind_tcp(self, host, port, data=None):
204 return self._hooksocket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, (host, port), data)
205 def bind_udp(self, host, port, data=None):
206 return self._hooksocket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, (host, port), data)
207 def bind_unix(self, path, data=None):
208 return self._hooksocket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM, path, data)
209 def _hooksocket(self, af, ty, address, data):
210 def realhook(cls):
211 if not issubclass(cls, Socketlike):
212 raise Exception('Attempted to hook a socket without a class to process data')
213 self.sockhooks.append((af, ty, address, cls, data))
214 if self.parent is not None:
215 self._create_socket(af, ty, address, cls, data)
216 return cls
217 return realhook
218 def _create_socket(self, af, ty, address, cls, data):
219 ty = ty | socket.SOCK_NONBLOCK
220 sock = socket.socket(af, ty)
221 sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
222 sock.bind(address)
223 obj = _ListenSocket(self, sock, cls, data)
224 self.sockets.append((sock,obj))
225 sock.listen(5)
226 self.parent.newfd(obj, sock.fileno())
227 self.parent.log(repr(obj), '?', 'Socket ready to accept new connections (%r, %r, %r, %r)' % (af, ty, address, cls))
228 def _destroy_socket(self, sock, obj):
229 obj.close()
231 def mod(self, modname):
232 if self.parent is not None:
233 return self.parent.module(modname)
234 else:
235 return error('unknown parent')
238 def flags(self, *flags):
239 """Parses out "flags" to a command, like `MODUNLOAD -AUTOLOAD somemodule`
240 @lib.hook()
241 @lib.flags('autoload', 'force')
242 def baz(bot, user, chan, realtarget, flags, *args)
244 Note the added `flags` argument, which will be a dict - in this case `{'autounload':true,'force':false}`."""
245 def realhook(func):
246 func.flags = [f.lower() for f in flags]
248 @wraps(func)
249 def parseargs(bot, user, chan, realtarget, *_args):
250 args = list(_args) # we need a copy, also need a list, iterate over _args-tuple, mutate args-list
251 found_flags = {f: False for f in flags}
252 for arg in _args:
253 if arg[0] == "-" and len(arg) > 1:
254 found_prefix = None
255 possible_flag = arg[1:].lower()
256 for f in flags:
257 if possible_flag == f: # Exact match?
258 found_flags[possible_flag] = True
259 args.remove(arg)
260 found_prefix = None
261 break
262 elif f.find(possible_flag) == 0: # Is the current word a prefix of a flag?
263 if found_prefix is not None: # Is it also a prefix of another flag?
264 return 'Error: %s is a prefix of multiple flags (%s, %s).' % (possible_flag, found_prefix[1], f)
265 else:
266 found_prefix = (arg,f)
267 if found_prefix is not None: # found (only one) prefix
268 found_flags[found_prefix[1]] = True
269 args.remove(found_prefix[0])
270 return func(bot, user, chan, realtarget, found_flags, *args)
272 return parseargs
273 return realhook
276 def argsEQ(self, num):
277 def realhook(func):
278 @wraps(func)
279 def checkargs(bot, user, chan, realtarget, *args):
280 adjuster = 0
281 if hasattr(checkargs, 'flags'):
282 adjuster = 1
283 if len(args)-adjuster == num:
284 return func(bot, user, chan, realtarget, *args)
285 else:
286 bot.msg(user, self.WRONGARGS)
287 return checkargs
288 return realhook
290 def argsGE(self, num):
291 def realhook(func):
292 @wraps(func)
293 def checkargs(bot, user, chan, realtarget, *args):
294 adjuster = 0
295 if hasattr(checkargs, 'flags'):
296 adjuster = 1
297 if len(args)-adjuster >= num:
298 return func(bot, user, chan, realtarget, *args)
299 else:
300 bot.msg(user, self.WRONGARGS)
301 return checkargs
302 return realhook
304 def help(self, *args, **kwargs):
305 """help(syntax, shorthelp, longhelp?, more lines longhelp?, cmd=...?)
306 Example:
307 help("<user> <pass>", "login")
308 ^ Help will only be one line. Command name determined based on function name.
309 help("<user> <level>", "add a user", cmd=("adduser", "useradd"))
310 ^ Help will be listed under ADDUSER; USERADD will say "alias for adduser"
311 help(None, "do stuff", "This command is really complicated.")
312 ^ Command takes no args. Short description (in overall HELP listing) is "do stuff".
313 Long description (HELP <command>) will say "<command> - do stuff", newline, "This command is really complicated."
314 """
315 def realhook(func):
316 if self.parent is not None:
317 try:
318 self.mod('help').reghelp(func, *args, **kwargs)
319 except:
320 pass
321 self.helps.append((func, args, kwargs))
322 return func
323 return realhook
325 class Socketlike(abc.ABC):
326 def __init__(self, sock, data):
327 """This default method saves the socket in self.sock and creates self.buffer for getdata(). The data is discarded."""
328 self.sock = sock
329 self.buffer = b''
331 def getdata(self):
332 """This default method gets LF or CRLF separated lines from the socket and returns an array of completely-seen lines to the core.
333 This should work well for most line-based protocols (like IRC)."""
334 recvd = self.sock.recv(8192)
335 if recvd == b"": # EOF
336 if len(self.buffer) != 0:
337 # Process what's left in the buffer. We'll get called again after.
338 remaining_buf = self.buffer.decode('utf-8', 'backslashreplace')
339 self.buffer = b""
340 return [remaining_buf]
341 else:
342 # Nothing left in the buffer. Return None to signal the core to close this socket.
343 return None
344 self.buffer += recvd
345 lines = []
347 while b"\n" in self.buffer:
348 pieces = self.buffer.split(b"\n", 1)
349 s = pieces[0].decode('utf-8', 'backslashreplace').rstrip("\r")
350 lines.append(pieces[0].decode('utf-8', 'backslashreplace'))
351 self.buffer = pieces[1]
353 return lines
355 def __str__(self):
356 return '%s#%d' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.sock.fileno())
357 def __repr__(self):
358 return '<%s.%s #%d %s:%d>' % ((self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.sock.fileno())+self.sock.getpeername())
360 @abc.abstractmethod
361 def parse(self, chunk): pass
363 @classmethod
364 def __subclasshook__(cls, C):
365 if cls is Socketlike:
366 if any('parse' in B.__dict__ and 'getdata' in B.__dict__ for B in C.__mro__):
367 return True
368 return NotImplemented
370 class _ListenSocket(Socketlike):
371 def __init__(self, lib, sock, cls, data):
372 self.clients = []
373 self.lib = lib
374 self.sock = sock
375 self.cls = cls
376 self.data = data
378 def _make_closer(self, obj, client):
379 def close():
380 self.lib.parent.log(repr(self), '?', 'Closing child socket #%d' % (client.fileno()))
381 try:
382 obj.closing()
383 except AttributeError:
384 pass
385 self.lib.parent.delfd(client.fileno())
386 client.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
387 client.close()
388 self.clients.remove((client,obj))
389 return close
391 def parse(self):
392 # getdata will never return a non-empty array, so parse will never be called; but Socketlike requires this method
393 pass
395 def getdata(self):
396 client, addr = self.sock.accept()
397 obj = self.cls(client, self.data)
398 obj.close = self._make_closer(obj, client)
399 self.lib.parent.log(repr(self), '?', 'New connection #%d from %s' % (client.fileno(), addr))
400 self.clients.append((client,obj))
401 self.lib.parent.newfd(obj, client.fileno())
402 return []
404 def close(self):
405 self.lib.parent.log(repr(self), '?', 'Socket closing')
406 if self.sock.fileno() != -1:
407 self.lib.parent.delfd(self.sock.fileno())
408 self.sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
409 self.sock.close()
410 for client, obj in self.clients:
411 obj.close()
413 def __repr__(self): return '<_ListenSocket #%d>' % (self.sock.fileno())