]> jfr.im git - erebus.git/blob - README.md
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[erebus.git] / README.md
1 Modular Python{2,3} IRC bot
2 ===========================
4 Getting started
5 ---------------
6 - `cp bot.config.example bot.config`
7 - `vim bot.config`
8 - Create a MySQL database, i.e. `CREATE DATABASE foo; GRANT ALL ON foo.* TO ...`
9 - `mysql <dump.sql`
10 - `./run.sh`
12 Install croncheck.sh in your crontab, if desired.
13 `* * * * * /path/to/erebus/croncheck.sh`
14 To suppress croncheck.sh from restarting the bot without removing from crontab, `touch dontstart`
16 Output will be placed in `logfile`, which is rotated to `oldlogs/`. (I strongly recommend `rm oldlogs/*` as a weekly crontab entry. `@weekly find /path/to/erebus/oldlogs/ -mtime 7 -execdir rm '{}' +`)
18 The bot targets both Python 2 and 3. However, it is generally only actively tested on Python 2.
19 If it's not working on Python 3 (or an included module isn't working on Python 3), please raise a bug.
21 Some modules require additional supporting materials, which can be found in `modules/contrib/`.
24 Module API
25 ----------
26 The module API has largely remained backwards-compatible and likely will remain so into the future. However, it is still currently unstable, primarily because it's only tested with the included modules. If you find a change was introduced which breaks something you relied on, please raise a bug.
28 There is currently no documentation as to... well, anything. A good starter template for a new module is `modules/eval.py`. `modules/control.py` uses a significant subset of the API features available. `modules/foo.py` is intended as a demonstration module, and documents some of the major features.