]> jfr.im git - erebus.git/blob - modules/avweather.py
fix exception when parting a channel
[erebus.git] / modules / avweather.py
1 # Erebus IRC bot - Author: Erebus Team
2 # vim: fileencoding=utf-8
3 # weather module (from aviationweather.gov)
4 # This file is released into the public domain; see http://unlicense.org/
6 # module info
7 modinfo = {
8 'author': 'Erebus Team',
9 'license': 'public domain',
10 'compatible': [0],
11 'depends': ['userinfo'],
12 'softdeps': ['help'],
13 }
15 # preamble
16 import modlib
17 lib = modlib.modlib(__name__)
18 modstart = lib.modstart
19 modstop = lib.modstop
21 # module code
22 import json
23 import sys
24 import re
26 if sys.version_info.major < 3:
27 from urllib import urlopen, quote_plus
28 else:
29 from urllib.request import urlopen
30 from urllib.parse import quote_plus
32 def location(person, default=None): return lib.mod('userinfo').get(person, 'location', default=None)
34 def _dayofweek(dayname):
35 return ['mon','tue','wed','thu','fri','sat','sun'].index(dayname.lower())
37 def _time_adjust(d):
38 t = d['current']['observation_time']
39 #XXX
40 #mo = re.match(r"(\d\d):(\d\d) (AM|PM)", t)
41 #if mo:
42 # return
43 return t + ' UTC'
45 def _c2f(celsius):
46 return round(celsius * 9.0/5 + 32, 2)
48 def _kmh2mph(kmh):
49 return round(kmh / 1.60934, 2)
51 def _weather(place):
52 if not lib.parent.cfg.get('weatherstack_weather', 'key'):
53 return "Weather is not enabled - please set the API key in the config file"
55 if place is not None:
56 url = 'http://api.weatherstack.com/current?access_key=%s&query=%s' % (lib.parent.cfg.get('weatherstack_weather', 'key'), quote_plus(place))
57 if sys.version_info.major < 3:
58 url = url.encode('utf8')
59 weather = json.load(urlopen(url))
60 if lib.parent.cfg.getboolean('debug', 'weather'):
61 lib.parent.log('*', "?", repr(weather))
62 if 'error' in weather:
63 return "Error from WeatherStack: (%d) %s" % (weather['error']['code'], weather['error']['info'])
65 return u"Weather in %(location)s, %(region)s, %(country)s: As of %(time)s, %(conditions)s, %(cel)s°C (%(far)s°F) (feels like %(flcel)s°C (%(flfar)s°F)). Wind %(windk)skm/h (%(windm)smph) %(winddir)s." % {
66 'location': weather['location']['name'],
67 'region': weather['location']['region'],
68 'country': weather['location']['country'],
69 'time': _time_adjust(weather),
70 'conditions': ', '.join(weather['current']['weather_descriptions']),
71 'cel': weather['current']['temperature'], 'far': _c2f(weather['current']['temperature']),
72 'flcel': weather['current']['feelslike'], 'flfar': _c2f(weather['current']['feelslike']),
73 'windk': weather['current']['wind_speed'], 'windm': _kmh2mph(weather['current']['wind_speed']),
74 'winddir': weather['current']['wind_dir'],
75 }
76 else:
77 return "I don't know where to look! Try %ssetinfo location <your location>" % (lib.parent.trigger,)
80 def _get_metar(place):
81 url = 'https://aviationweather.gov/cgi-bin/data/metar.php?ids=%s&hours=0&order=id%%2C-obs&sep=true&format=raw' % (quote_plus(place))
82 if sys.version_info.major < 3:
83 url = url.encode('utf8')
84 return urlopen(url).read().decode('utf8').strip()
86 METAR_REGEX = re.compile('(?P<location>[A-Z]{4}) (?P<time>\d{6}Z) (?P<auto>AUTO )?(?P<corrected>COR|CCA )?(?P<winddir>(?:VRB|\d\d\d)(?:V\d\d\d)?)(?P<windspeed>\d{2})(?:G(?P<windgust>\d{2}))?KT (?:\d{3}V\d{3} )?(?:(?:(?P<visibilityus>\d+(?: \d+/\d+)?)SM )|(?:(?P<visibilitymetric>\d+) )).*')
87 def _reformat_metar(metar):
88 # http://www.dixwx.com/wxdecoding.htm
89 # https://aviationweather.gov/cgi-bin/data/metar.php?ids=EFHK&hours=0&order=id%2C-obs&sep=true&format=raw
90 # https://aviationweather.gov/cgi-bin/data/metar.php?ids=KCTB&hours=0&order=id%2C-obs&sep=true&format=raw
91 # Need to implement: everything after visibility lol
92 res = METAR_REGEX.fullmatch(metar)
93 if res is None:
94 return "Failed to parse METAR: %s" % (metar)
95 else:
96 return repr(res.groupdict())
98 #@lib.hook(('avweather','avw'), needchan=False, wantchan=True)
99 #@lib.help('<ICAO code>', 'show weather at an airport')
100 @lib.argsEQ(1)
101 def avweather(bot, user, chan, realtarget, *args):
102 if chan is None:
103 chan = user
104 if len(args[0]) != 4:
105 bot.msg(chan, "You must use a 4-character ICAO code.")
106 bot.msg(chan, _reformat_metar(_get_metar(args[0])))
108 @lib.hook(needchan=False, wantchan=True)
109 @lib.help('<ICAO code>', 'show raw METAR for an airport')
110 @lib.argsEQ(1)
111 def metar(bot, user, chan, realtarget, *args):
112 if chan is None:
113 chan = user
114 if len(args[0]) != 4:
115 bot.msg(chan, "You must use a 4-character ICAO code.")
116 bot.msg(chan, _get_metar(args[0]))