]> jfr.im git - erebus.git/blob - modules/steam.py
add steam module with !STEAMNP command
[erebus.git] / modules / steam.py
1 # Erebus IRC bot - Author: Erebus Team
2 # vim: fileencoding=utf-8
4 # module info
5 modinfo = {
6 'author': 'Erebus Team',
7 'license': 'public domain',
8 'compatible': [0], # compatible module API versions
9 'depends': [], # other modules required to work properly?
10 'softdeps': ['help'], # modules which are preferred but not required
11 }
13 # preamble
14 import modlib
15 lib = modlib.modlib(__name__)
16 modstart = lib.modstart
17 modstop = lib.modstop
19 # module code
20 import json
21 import sys
22 if sys.version_info.major < 3:
23 from urllib import urlopen, quote, HTTPError
24 else:
25 from urllib.request import urlopen
26 from urllib.parse import quote
27 from urllib.error import HTTPError
28 _lookup_states = {
29 0: 'Offline',
30 1: 'Online',
31 2: 'Busy',
32 3: 'Away',
33 4: 'Snooze',
34 5: 'Looking to trade',
35 6: 'Looking to play'
36 }
38 def _key():
39 return lib.parent.cfg.get('steam', 'apikey')
41 def _resolve_urlname(urlname):
42 if urlname.isascii() and urlname.isdecimal():
43 return urlname
44 url = "https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/ResolveVanityURL/v0001/?key=%s&vanityurl=%s" % (_key(), urlname)
45 try:
46 data = json.load(urlopen(url))
47 if lib.parent.cfg.getboolean('debug', 'steam'):
48 lib.parent.log('*', "?", repr(data))
49 return data['response']['steamid']
50 except HTTPError as e:
51 raise Exception("(In looking up SteamID:) No such user (or some other error: %s %s) " % (e.code, e.msg))
52 except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
53 raise Exception("(In looking up SteamID:) Couldn't decode response: %s %d" % (e.msg, e.pos))
54 except KeyError as e:
55 raise Exception("(In looking up SteamID:) Couldn't read response: %r" % (e))
56 except Exception as e:
57 raise Exception("(In looking up SteamID:) Some other error occurred: %s %r" % (type(e).__name__, e))
61 @lib.hook(needchan=False, wantchan=True)
62 @lib.help('<custom URL|SteamID>', 'looks up what a user is playing on Steam')
63 @lib.argsEQ(1)
64 def steamnp(bot, user, chan, realtarget, *args):
65 steamid = _resolve_urlname(args[0])
67 url = "https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v0002/?key=%s&steamids=%s" % (_key(), steamid)
69 try:
70 data = json.load(urlopen(url))
71 except HTTPError as e:
72 raise Exception("No such user (or some other error: %s %s) " % (e.code, e.msg))
73 except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
74 raise Exception("Couldn't decode response: %s %d" % (e.msg, e.pos))
75 except KeyError as e:
76 raise Exception("Couldn't read response: %r" % (e))
77 except Exception as e:
78 raise Exception("Some other error occurred: %s %r" % (type(e).__name__, e))
80 if lib.parent.cfg.getboolean('debug', 'steam'):
81 lib.parent.log('*', "?", repr(data))
83 player = data['response']['players'][0]
85 profileurl = player['profileurl']
86 stateint = player['personastate']
87 state = _lookup_states[stateint]
88 displayname = player['personaname']
89 if 'gameextrainfo' in player:
90 gamename = player['gameextrainfo']
91 else:
92 gamename = None
94 if gamename is None:
95 return "%s (%s) is not playing a game right now. %s" % (displayname, state, profileurl)
96 else:
97 return "%s (%s) is playing \037%s\037. %s" % (displayname, state, gamename, profileurl)