]> jfr.im git - dlqueue.git/blob - venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__main__.py
init: venv aand flask
[dlqueue.git] / venv / lib / python3.11 / site-packages / pip / _vendor / rich / __main__.py
1 import colorsys
2 import io
3 from time import process_time
5 from pip._vendor.rich import box
6 from pip._vendor.rich.color import Color
7 from pip._vendor.rich.console import Console, ConsoleOptions, Group, RenderableType, RenderResult
8 from pip._vendor.rich.markdown import Markdown
9 from pip._vendor.rich.measure import Measurement
10 from pip._vendor.rich.pretty import Pretty
11 from pip._vendor.rich.segment import Segment
12 from pip._vendor.rich.style import Style
13 from pip._vendor.rich.syntax import Syntax
14 from pip._vendor.rich.table import Table
15 from pip._vendor.rich.text import Text
18 class ColorBox:
19 def __rich_console__(
20 self, console: Console, options: ConsoleOptions
21 ) -> RenderResult:
22 for y in range(0, 5):
23 for x in range(options.max_width):
24 h = x / options.max_width
25 l = 0.1 + ((y / 5) * 0.7)
26 r1, g1, b1 = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, 1.0)
27 r2, g2, b2 = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l + 0.7 / 10, 1.0)
28 bgcolor = Color.from_rgb(r1 * 255, g1 * 255, b1 * 255)
29 color = Color.from_rgb(r2 * 255, g2 * 255, b2 * 255)
30 yield Segment("▄", Style(color=color, bgcolor=bgcolor))
31 yield Segment.line()
33 def __rich_measure__(
34 self, console: "Console", options: ConsoleOptions
35 ) -> Measurement:
36 return Measurement(1, options.max_width)
39 def make_test_card() -> Table:
40 """Get a renderable that demonstrates a number of features."""
41 table = Table.grid(padding=1, pad_edge=True)
42 table.title = "Rich features"
43 table.add_column("Feature", no_wrap=True, justify="center", style="bold red")
44 table.add_column("Demonstration")
46 color_table = Table(
47 box=None,
48 expand=False,
49 show_header=False,
50 show_edge=False,
51 pad_edge=False,
52 )
53 color_table.add_row(
54 (
55 "✓ [bold green]4-bit color[/]\n"
56 "✓ [bold blue]8-bit color[/]\n"
57 "✓ [bold magenta]Truecolor (16.7 million)[/]\n"
58 "✓ [bold yellow]Dumb terminals[/]\n"
59 "✓ [bold cyan]Automatic color conversion"
60 ),
61 ColorBox(),
62 )
64 table.add_row("Colors", color_table)
66 table.add_row(
67 "Styles",
68 "All ansi styles: [bold]bold[/], [dim]dim[/], [italic]italic[/italic], [underline]underline[/], [strike]strikethrough[/], [reverse]reverse[/], and even [blink]blink[/].",
69 )
71 lorem = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque in metus sed sapien ultricies pretium a at justo. Maecenas luctus velit et auctor maximus."
72 lorem_table = Table.grid(padding=1, collapse_padding=True)
73 lorem_table.pad_edge = False
74 lorem_table.add_row(
75 Text(lorem, justify="left", style="green"),
76 Text(lorem, justify="center", style="yellow"),
77 Text(lorem, justify="right", style="blue"),
78 Text(lorem, justify="full", style="red"),
79 )
80 table.add_row(
81 "Text",
82 Group(
83 Text.from_markup(
84 """Word wrap text. Justify [green]left[/], [yellow]center[/], [blue]right[/] or [red]full[/].\n"""
85 ),
86 lorem_table,
87 ),
88 )
90 def comparison(renderable1: RenderableType, renderable2: RenderableType) -> Table:
91 table = Table(show_header=False, pad_edge=False, box=None, expand=True)
92 table.add_column("1", ratio=1)
93 table.add_column("2", ratio=1)
94 table.add_row(renderable1, renderable2)
95 return table
97 table.add_row(
98 "Asian\nlanguage\nsupport",
99 ":flag_for_china: 该库支持中文,日文和韩文文本!\n:flag_for_japan: ライブラリは中国語、日本語、韓国語のテキストをサポートしています\n:flag_for_south_korea: 이 라이브러리는 중국어, 일본어 및 한국어 텍스트를 지원합니다",
100 )
102 markup_example = (
103 "[bold magenta]Rich[/] supports a simple [i]bbcode[/i]-like [b]markup[/b] for [yellow]color[/], [underline]style[/], and emoji! "
104 ":+1: :apple: :ant: :bear: :baguette_bread: :bus: "
105 )
106 table.add_row("Markup", markup_example)
108 example_table = Table(
109 show_edge=False,
110 show_header=True,
111 expand=False,
112 row_styles=["none", "dim"],
113 box=box.SIMPLE,
114 )
115 example_table.add_column("[green]Date", style="green", no_wrap=True)
116 example_table.add_column("[blue]Title", style="blue")
117 example_table.add_column(
118 "[cyan]Production Budget",
119 style="cyan",
120 justify="right",
121 no_wrap=True,
122 )
123 example_table.add_column(
124 "[magenta]Box Office",
125 style="magenta",
126 justify="right",
127 no_wrap=True,
128 )
129 example_table.add_row(
130 "Dec 20, 2019",
131 "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker",
132 "$275,000,000",
133 "$375,126,118",
134 )
135 example_table.add_row(
136 "May 25, 2018",
137 "[b]Solo[/]: A Star Wars Story",
138 "$275,000,000",
139 "$393,151,347",
140 )
141 example_table.add_row(
142 "Dec 15, 2017",
143 "Star Wars Ep. VIII: The Last Jedi",
144 "$262,000,000",
145 "[bold]$1,332,539,889[/bold]",
146 )
147 example_table.add_row(
148 "May 19, 1999",
149 "Star Wars Ep. [b]I[/b]: [i]The phantom Menace",
150 "$115,000,000",
151 "$1,027,044,677",
152 )
154 table.add_row("Tables", example_table)
156 code = '''\
157 def iter_last(values: Iterable[T]) -> Iterable[Tuple[bool, T]]:
158 """Iterate and generate a tuple with a flag for last value."""
159 iter_values = iter(values)
160 try:
161 previous_value = next(iter_values)
162 except StopIteration:
163 return
164 for value in iter_values:
165 yield False, previous_value
166 previous_value = value
167 yield True, previous_value'''
169 pretty_data = {
170 "foo": [
171 3.1427,
172 (
173 "Paul Atreides",
174 "Vladimir Harkonnen",
175 "Thufir Hawat",
176 ),
177 ],
178 "atomic": (False, True, None),
179 }
180 table.add_row(
181 "Syntax\nhighlighting\n&\npretty\nprinting",
182 comparison(
183 Syntax(code, "python3", line_numbers=True, indent_guides=True),
184 Pretty(pretty_data, indent_guides=True),
185 ),
186 )
188 markdown_example = """\
189 # Markdown
191 Supports much of the *markdown* __syntax__!
193 - Headers
194 - Basic formatting: **bold**, *italic*, `code`
195 - Block quotes
196 - Lists, and more...
197 """
198 table.add_row(
199 "Markdown", comparison("[cyan]" + markdown_example, Markdown(markdown_example))
200 )
202 table.add_row(
203 "+more!",
204 """Progress bars, columns, styled logging handler, tracebacks, etc...""",
205 )
206 return table
209 if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
211 console = Console(
212 file=io.StringIO(),
213 force_terminal=True,
214 )
215 test_card = make_test_card()
217 # Print once to warm cache
218 start = process_time()
219 console.print(test_card)
220 pre_cache_taken = round((process_time() - start) * 1000.0, 1)
222 console.file = io.StringIO()
224 start = process_time()
225 console.print(test_card)
226 taken = round((process_time() - start) * 1000.0, 1)
228 c = Console(record=True)
229 c.print(test_card)
231 print(f"rendered in {pre_cache_taken}ms (cold cache)")
232 print(f"rendered in {taken}ms (warm cache)")
234 from pip._vendor.rich.panel import Panel
236 console = Console()
238 sponsor_message = Table.grid(padding=1)
239 sponsor_message.add_column(style="green", justify="right")
240 sponsor_message.add_column(no_wrap=True)
242 sponsor_message.add_row(
243 "Textualize",
244 "[u blue link=https://github.com/textualize]https://github.com/textualize",
245 )
246 sponsor_message.add_row(
247 "Twitter",
248 "[u blue link=https://twitter.com/willmcgugan]https://twitter.com/willmcgugan",
249 )
251 intro_message = Text.from_markup(
252 """\
253 We hope you enjoy using Rich!
255 Rich is maintained with [red]:heart:[/] by [link=https://www.textualize.io]Textualize.io[/]
257 - Will McGugan"""
258 )
260 message = Table.grid(padding=2)
261 message.add_column()
262 message.add_column(no_wrap=True)
263 message.add_row(intro_message, sponsor_message)
265 console.print(
266 Panel.fit(
267 message,
268 box=box.ROUNDED,
269 padding=(1, 2),
270 title="[b red]Thanks for trying out Rich!",
271 border_style="bright_blue",
272 ),
273 justify="center",
274 )