]> jfr.im git - dlqueue.git/blob - venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/_musllinux.py
init: venv aand flask
[dlqueue.git] / venv / lib / python3.11 / site-packages / pip / _vendor / packaging / _musllinux.py
1 """PEP 656 support.
3 This module implements logic to detect if the currently running Python is
4 linked against musl, and what musl version is used.
5 """
7 import contextlib
8 import functools
9 import operator
10 import os
11 import re
12 import struct
13 import subprocess
14 import sys
15 from typing import IO, Iterator, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple
18 def _read_unpacked(f: IO[bytes], fmt: str) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
19 return struct.unpack(fmt, f.read(struct.calcsize(fmt)))
22 def _parse_ld_musl_from_elf(f: IO[bytes]) -> Optional[str]:
23 """Detect musl libc location by parsing the Python executable.
25 Based on: https://gist.github.com/lyssdod/f51579ae8d93c8657a5564aefc2ffbca
26 ELF header: https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/elf/gabi4+/ch4.eheader.html
27 """
28 f.seek(0)
29 try:
30 ident = _read_unpacked(f, "16B")
31 except struct.error:
32 return None
33 if ident[:4] != tuple(b"\x7fELF"): # Invalid magic, not ELF.
34 return None
35 f.seek(struct.calcsize("HHI"), 1) # Skip file type, machine, and version.
37 try:
38 # e_fmt: Format for program header.
39 # p_fmt: Format for section header.
40 # p_idx: Indexes to find p_type, p_offset, and p_filesz.
41 e_fmt, p_fmt, p_idx = {
42 1: ("IIIIHHH", "IIIIIIII", (0, 1, 4)), # 32-bit.
43 2: ("QQQIHHH", "IIQQQQQQ", (0, 2, 5)), # 64-bit.
44 }[ident[4]]
45 except KeyError:
46 return None
47 else:
48 p_get = operator.itemgetter(*p_idx)
50 # Find the interpreter section and return its content.
51 try:
52 _, e_phoff, _, _, _, e_phentsize, e_phnum = _read_unpacked(f, e_fmt)
53 except struct.error:
54 return None
55 for i in range(e_phnum + 1):
56 f.seek(e_phoff + e_phentsize * i)
57 try:
58 p_type, p_offset, p_filesz = p_get(_read_unpacked(f, p_fmt))
59 except struct.error:
60 return None
61 if p_type != 3: # Not PT_INTERP.
62 continue
63 f.seek(p_offset)
64 interpreter = os.fsdecode(f.read(p_filesz)).strip("\0")
65 if "musl" not in interpreter:
66 return None
67 return interpreter
68 return None
71 class _MuslVersion(NamedTuple):
72 major: int
73 minor: int
76 def _parse_musl_version(output: str) -> Optional[_MuslVersion]:
77 lines = [n for n in (n.strip() for n in output.splitlines()) if n]
78 if len(lines) < 2 or lines[0][:4] != "musl":
79 return None
80 m = re.match(r"Version (\d+)\.(\d+)", lines[1])
81 if not m:
82 return None
83 return _MuslVersion(major=int(m.group(1)), minor=int(m.group(2)))
86 @functools.lru_cache()
87 def _get_musl_version(executable: str) -> Optional[_MuslVersion]:
88 """Detect currently-running musl runtime version.
90 This is done by checking the specified executable's dynamic linking
91 information, and invoking the loader to parse its output for a version
92 string. If the loader is musl, the output would be something like::
94 musl libc (x86_64)
95 Version 1.2.2
96 Dynamic Program Loader
97 """
98 with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
99 try:
100 f = stack.enter_context(open(executable, "rb"))
101 except OSError:
102 return None
103 ld = _parse_ld_musl_from_elf(f)
104 if not ld:
105 return None
106 proc = subprocess.run([ld], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
107 return _parse_musl_version(proc.stderr)
110 def platform_tags(arch: str) -> Iterator[str]:
111 """Generate musllinux tags compatible to the current platform.
113 :param arch: Should be the part of platform tag after the ``linux_``
114 prefix, e.g. ``x86_64``. The ``linux_`` prefix is assumed as a
115 prerequisite for the current platform to be musllinux-compatible.
117 :returns: An iterator of compatible musllinux tags.
118 """
119 sys_musl = _get_musl_version(sys.executable)
120 if sys_musl is None: # Python not dynamically linked against musl.
121 return
122 for minor in range(sys_musl.minor, -1, -1):
123 yield f"musllinux_{sys_musl.major}_{minor}_{arch}"
126 if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
127 import sysconfig
129 plat = sysconfig.get_platform()
130 assert plat.startswith("linux-"), "not linux"
132 print("plat:", plat)
133 print("musl:", _get_musl_version(sys.executable))
134 print("tags:", end=" ")
135 for t in platform_tags(re.sub(r"[.-]", "_", plat.split("-", 1)[-1])):
136 print(t, end="\n ")