]> jfr.im git - dlqueue.git/blob - venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/winterm.py
init: venv aand flask
[dlqueue.git] / venv / lib / python3.11 / site-packages / pip / _vendor / colorama / winterm.py
1 # Copyright Jonathan Hartley 2013. BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file.
2 try:
3 from msvcrt import get_osfhandle
4 except ImportError:
5 def get_osfhandle(_):
6 raise OSError("This isn't windows!")
9 from . import win32
11 # from wincon.h
12 class WinColor(object):
13 BLACK = 0
14 BLUE = 1
15 GREEN = 2
16 CYAN = 3
17 RED = 4
18 MAGENTA = 5
19 YELLOW = 6
20 GREY = 7
22 # from wincon.h
23 class WinStyle(object):
24 NORMAL = 0x00 # dim text, dim background
25 BRIGHT = 0x08 # bright text, dim background
26 BRIGHT_BACKGROUND = 0x80 # dim text, bright background
28 class WinTerm(object):
30 def __init__(self):
31 self._default = win32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(win32.STDOUT).wAttributes
32 self.set_attrs(self._default)
33 self._default_fore = self._fore
34 self._default_back = self._back
35 self._default_style = self._style
36 # In order to emulate LIGHT_EX in windows, we borrow the BRIGHT style.
37 # So that LIGHT_EX colors and BRIGHT style do not clobber each other,
38 # we track them separately, since LIGHT_EX is overwritten by Fore/Back
39 # and BRIGHT is overwritten by Style codes.
40 self._light = 0
42 def get_attrs(self):
43 return self._fore + self._back * 16 + (self._style | self._light)
45 def set_attrs(self, value):
46 self._fore = value & 7
47 self._back = (value >> 4) & 7
48 self._style = value & (WinStyle.BRIGHT | WinStyle.BRIGHT_BACKGROUND)
50 def reset_all(self, on_stderr=None):
51 self.set_attrs(self._default)
52 self.set_console(attrs=self._default)
53 self._light = 0
55 def fore(self, fore=None, light=False, on_stderr=False):
56 if fore is None:
57 fore = self._default_fore
58 self._fore = fore
59 # Emulate LIGHT_EX with BRIGHT Style
60 if light:
61 self._light |= WinStyle.BRIGHT
62 else:
63 self._light &= ~WinStyle.BRIGHT
64 self.set_console(on_stderr=on_stderr)
66 def back(self, back=None, light=False, on_stderr=False):
67 if back is None:
68 back = self._default_back
69 self._back = back
70 # Emulate LIGHT_EX with BRIGHT_BACKGROUND Style
71 if light:
72 self._light |= WinStyle.BRIGHT_BACKGROUND
73 else:
74 self._light &= ~WinStyle.BRIGHT_BACKGROUND
75 self.set_console(on_stderr=on_stderr)
77 def style(self, style=None, on_stderr=False):
78 if style is None:
79 style = self._default_style
80 self._style = style
81 self.set_console(on_stderr=on_stderr)
83 def set_console(self, attrs=None, on_stderr=False):
84 if attrs is None:
85 attrs = self.get_attrs()
86 handle = win32.STDOUT
87 if on_stderr:
88 handle = win32.STDERR
89 win32.SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, attrs)
91 def get_position(self, handle):
92 position = win32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle).dwCursorPosition
93 # Because Windows coordinates are 0-based,
94 # and win32.SetConsoleCursorPosition expects 1-based.
95 position.X += 1
96 position.Y += 1
97 return position
99 def set_cursor_position(self, position=None, on_stderr=False):
100 if position is None:
101 # I'm not currently tracking the position, so there is no default.
102 # position = self.get_position()
103 return
104 handle = win32.STDOUT
105 if on_stderr:
106 handle = win32.STDERR
107 win32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, position)
109 def cursor_adjust(self, x, y, on_stderr=False):
110 handle = win32.STDOUT
111 if on_stderr:
112 handle = win32.STDERR
113 position = self.get_position(handle)
114 adjusted_position = (position.Y + y, position.X + x)
115 win32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, adjusted_position, adjust=False)
117 def erase_screen(self, mode=0, on_stderr=False):
118 # 0 should clear from the cursor to the end of the screen.
119 # 1 should clear from the cursor to the beginning of the screen.
120 # 2 should clear the entire screen, and move cursor to (1,1)
121 handle = win32.STDOUT
122 if on_stderr:
123 handle = win32.STDERR
124 csbi = win32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle)
125 # get the number of character cells in the current buffer
126 cells_in_screen = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y
127 # get number of character cells before current cursor position
128 cells_before_cursor = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y + csbi.dwCursorPosition.X
129 if mode == 0:
130 from_coord = csbi.dwCursorPosition
131 cells_to_erase = cells_in_screen - cells_before_cursor
132 elif mode == 1:
133 from_coord = win32.COORD(0, 0)
134 cells_to_erase = cells_before_cursor
135 elif mode == 2:
136 from_coord = win32.COORD(0, 0)
137 cells_to_erase = cells_in_screen
138 else:
139 # invalid mode
140 return
141 # fill the entire screen with blanks
142 win32.FillConsoleOutputCharacter(handle, ' ', cells_to_erase, from_coord)
143 # now set the buffer's attributes accordingly
144 win32.FillConsoleOutputAttribute(handle, self.get_attrs(), cells_to_erase, from_coord)
145 if mode == 2:
146 # put the cursor where needed
147 win32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, (1, 1))
149 def erase_line(self, mode=0, on_stderr=False):
150 # 0 should clear from the cursor to the end of the line.
151 # 1 should clear from the cursor to the beginning of the line.
152 # 2 should clear the entire line.
153 handle = win32.STDOUT
154 if on_stderr:
155 handle = win32.STDERR
156 csbi = win32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle)
157 if mode == 0:
158 from_coord = csbi.dwCursorPosition
159 cells_to_erase = csbi.dwSize.X - csbi.dwCursorPosition.X
160 elif mode == 1:
161 from_coord = win32.COORD(0, csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y)
162 cells_to_erase = csbi.dwCursorPosition.X
163 elif mode == 2:
164 from_coord = win32.COORD(0, csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y)
165 cells_to_erase = csbi.dwSize.X
166 else:
167 # invalid mode
168 return
169 # fill the entire screen with blanks
170 win32.FillConsoleOutputCharacter(handle, ' ', cells_to_erase, from_coord)
171 # now set the buffer's attributes accordingly
172 win32.FillConsoleOutputAttribute(handle, self.get_attrs(), cells_to_erase, from_coord)
174 def set_title(self, title):
175 win32.SetConsoleTitle(title)
178 def enable_vt_processing(fd):
179 if win32.windll is None or not win32.winapi_test():
180 return False
182 try:
183 handle = get_osfhandle(fd)
184 mode = win32.GetConsoleMode(handle)
185 win32.SetConsoleMode(
186 handle,
188 )
190 mode = win32.GetConsoleMode(handle)
192 return True
193 # Can get TypeError in testsuite where 'fd' is a Mock()
194 except (OSError, TypeError):
195 return False