]> jfr.im git - dlqueue.git/blame - venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/itsdangerous/timed.py
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[dlqueue.git] / venv / lib / python3.11 / site-packages / itsdangerous / timed.py
1import time
2import typing
3import typing as _t
4from datetime import datetime
5from datetime import timezone
7from .encoding import base64_decode
8from .encoding import base64_encode
9from .encoding import bytes_to_int
10from .encoding import int_to_bytes
11from .encoding import want_bytes
12from .exc import BadSignature
13from .exc import BadTimeSignature
14from .exc import SignatureExpired
15from .serializer import Serializer
16from .signer import Signer
18_t_str_bytes = _t.Union[str, bytes]
19_t_opt_str_bytes = _t.Optional[_t_str_bytes]
20_t_opt_int = _t.Optional[int]
23 import typing_extensions as _te
26class TimestampSigner(Signer):
27 """Works like the regular :class:`.Signer` but also records the time
28 of the signing and can be used to expire signatures. The
29 :meth:`unsign` method can raise :exc:`.SignatureExpired` if the
30 unsigning failed because the signature is expired.
31 """
33 def get_timestamp(self) -> int:
34 """Returns the current timestamp. The function must return an
35 integer.
36 """
37 return int(time.time())
39 def timestamp_to_datetime(self, ts: int) -> datetime:
40 """Convert the timestamp from :meth:`get_timestamp` into an
41 aware :class`datetime.datetime` in UTC.
43 .. versionchanged:: 2.0
44 The timestamp is returned as a timezone-aware ``datetime``
45 in UTC rather than a naive ``datetime`` assumed to be UTC.
46 """
47 return datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, tz=timezone.utc)
49 def sign(self, value: _t_str_bytes) -> bytes:
50 """Signs the given string and also attaches time information."""
51 value = want_bytes(value)
52 timestamp = base64_encode(int_to_bytes(self.get_timestamp()))
53 sep = want_bytes(self.sep)
54 value = value + sep + timestamp
55 return value + sep + self.get_signature(value)
57 # Ignore overlapping signatures check, return_timestamp is the only
58 # parameter that affects the return type.
60 @typing.overload
61 def unsign( # type: ignore
62 self,
63 signed_value: _t_str_bytes,
64 max_age: _t_opt_int = None,
65 return_timestamp: "_te.Literal[False]" = False,
66 ) -> bytes:
67 ...
69 @typing.overload
70 def unsign(
71 self,
72 signed_value: _t_str_bytes,
73 max_age: _t_opt_int = None,
74 return_timestamp: "_te.Literal[True]" = True,
75 ) -> _t.Tuple[bytes, datetime]:
76 ...
78 def unsign(
79 self,
80 signed_value: _t_str_bytes,
81 max_age: _t_opt_int = None,
82 return_timestamp: bool = False,
83 ) -> _t.Union[_t.Tuple[bytes, datetime], bytes]:
84 """Works like the regular :meth:`.Signer.unsign` but can also
85 validate the time. See the base docstring of the class for
86 the general behavior. If ``return_timestamp`` is ``True`` the
87 timestamp of the signature will be returned as an aware
88 :class:`datetime.datetime` object in UTC.
90 .. versionchanged:: 2.0
91 The timestamp is returned as a timezone-aware ``datetime``
92 in UTC rather than a naive ``datetime`` assumed to be UTC.
93 """
94 try:
95 result = super().unsign(signed_value)
96 sig_error = None
97 except BadSignature as e:
98 sig_error = e
99 result = e.payload or b""
101 sep = want_bytes(self.sep)
103 # If there is no timestamp in the result there is something
104 # seriously wrong. In case there was a signature error, we raise
105 # that one directly, otherwise we have a weird situation in
106 # which we shouldn't have come except someone uses a time-based
107 # serializer on non-timestamp data, so catch that.
108 if sep not in result:
109 if sig_error:
110 raise sig_error
112 raise BadTimeSignature("timestamp missing", payload=result)
114 value, ts_bytes = result.rsplit(sep, 1)
115 ts_int: _t_opt_int = None
116 ts_dt: _t.Optional[datetime] = None
118 try:
119 ts_int = bytes_to_int(base64_decode(ts_bytes))
120 except Exception:
121 pass
123 # Signature is *not* okay. Raise a proper error now that we have
124 # split the value and the timestamp.
125 if sig_error is not None:
126 if ts_int is not None:
127 try:
128 ts_dt = self.timestamp_to_datetime(ts_int)
129 except (ValueError, OSError, OverflowError) as exc:
130 # Windows raises OSError
131 # 32-bit raises OverflowError
132 raise BadTimeSignature(
133 "Malformed timestamp", payload=value
134 ) from exc
136 raise BadTimeSignature(str(sig_error), payload=value, date_signed=ts_dt)
138 # Signature was okay but the timestamp is actually not there or
139 # malformed. Should not happen, but we handle it anyway.
140 if ts_int is None:
141 raise BadTimeSignature("Malformed timestamp", payload=value)
143 # Check timestamp is not older than max_age
144 if max_age is not None:
145 age = self.get_timestamp() - ts_int
147 if age > max_age:
148 raise SignatureExpired(
149 f"Signature age {age} > {max_age} seconds",
150 payload=value,
151 date_signed=self.timestamp_to_datetime(ts_int),
152 )
154 if age < 0:
155 raise SignatureExpired(
156 f"Signature age {age} < 0 seconds",
157 payload=value,
158 date_signed=self.timestamp_to_datetime(ts_int),
159 )
161 if return_timestamp:
162 return value, self.timestamp_to_datetime(ts_int)
164 return value
166 def validate(self, signed_value: _t_str_bytes, max_age: _t_opt_int = None) -> bool:
167 """Only validates the given signed value. Returns ``True`` if
168 the signature exists and is valid."""
169 try:
170 self.unsign(signed_value, max_age=max_age)
171 return True
172 except BadSignature:
173 return False
176class TimedSerializer(Serializer):
177 """Uses :class:`TimestampSigner` instead of the default
178 :class:`.Signer`.
179 """
181 default_signer: _t.Type[TimestampSigner] = TimestampSigner
183 def iter_unsigners(
184 self, salt: _t_opt_str_bytes = None
185 ) -> _t.Iterator[TimestampSigner]:
186 return _t.cast("_t.Iterator[TimestampSigner]", super().iter_unsigners(salt))
188 # TODO: Signature is incompatible because parameters were added
189 # before salt.
191 def loads( # type: ignore
192 self,
193 s: _t_str_bytes,
194 max_age: _t_opt_int = None,
195 return_timestamp: bool = False,
196 salt: _t_opt_str_bytes = None,
197 ) -> _t.Any:
198 """Reverse of :meth:`dumps`, raises :exc:`.BadSignature` if the
199 signature validation fails. If a ``max_age`` is provided it will
200 ensure the signature is not older than that time in seconds. In
201 case the signature is outdated, :exc:`.SignatureExpired` is
202 raised. All arguments are forwarded to the signer's
203 :meth:`~TimestampSigner.unsign` method.
204 """
205 s = want_bytes(s)
206 last_exception = None
208 for signer in self.iter_unsigners(salt):
209 try:
210 base64d, timestamp = signer.unsign(
211 s, max_age=max_age, return_timestamp=True
212 )
213 payload = self.load_payload(base64d)
215 if return_timestamp:
216 return payload, timestamp
218 return payload
219 except SignatureExpired:
220 # The signature was unsigned successfully but was
221 # expired. Do not try the next signer.
222 raise
223 except BadSignature as err:
224 last_exception = err
226 raise _t.cast(BadSignature, last_exception)
228 def loads_unsafe( # type: ignore
229 self,
230 s: _t_str_bytes,
231 max_age: _t_opt_int = None,
232 salt: _t_opt_str_bytes = None,
233 ) -> _t.Tuple[bool, _t.Any]:
234 return self._loads_unsafe_impl(s, salt, load_kwargs={"max_age": max_age})