**** Remote Includes **** Setting up UnrealIRCd to work with remote includes is not very difficult. The first step is to download c-ares. C-ares can be downloaded from download the latest version of c-ares and extract the .tar.gz somewhere. Now, download the latest version of curl, available at again, extract the tar.gz somewhere. Next, go to the Unreal3.2 directory and run the curlinstall script. You run the script as follows: ./curlinstall ares_path curl_path Paths should be complete pathnames. If you extracted c-ares to /home/username/c-ares-1.0.0 and curl to /home/username/curl-7.11.0 then you would run: ./curlinstall /home/username/c-ares-1.0.0 /home/username/curl-7.11.0 Lastly, run ./Config. When asked whether to enable remote includes say "yes" and when asked for the path curl was installed to include the path that is printed out after ./curlinstall completes. Then simply run make to compile Unreal as usual and remote includes should work fine.