Unreal3.2.9-RC2 Release Notes ============================ ==[ GENERAL INFORMATION ]== - If you are upgrading on *NIX, make sure you run 'make clean' and './Config' first, before doing 'make' - The official UnrealIRCd documentation is doc/unreal32docs.html online version at: http://www.vulnscan.org/UnrealIRCd/unreal32docs.html FAQ: http://www.vulnscan.org/UnrealIRCd/faq/ Read them before asking for help. - Report bugs at http://bugs.unrealircd.org/ - When upgrading a network, we assume you are upgrading from the previous version (3.2.8/ Upgrading from 3.2.6 or 3.2.7 should also be no problem. - The purpose of the sections below (NEW, CHANGED, MINOR, etc) is to be a SUMMARY of the changes in this release. There have been 160+ changes, twice as much as usual for a release, hence this summary is a bit long too. For the FULL list of changes, see the Changelog. - If you previously used CVS to access the development version of UnrealIRCd, you now need to use Mercurial, see see http://www.unrealircd.com/hgmove ==[ NEW ]== - Extban ~j: this only prevents a user from joining, once in he can speak freely. - Extban ~R:: this ban only matches if is a registered user (has identified to services). Especially useful in cases like: +e ~R:TrustedUser. - Stacked Extended Bans: - Extbans are now split in two groups: - Ones that specify which user actions are affected (group 1): ~q (quiet), ~n (nick change), ~j (join) - Ones that introduce new criteria that can be used (group 2): ~c (channel), ~r (realname), ~R (registered) - With stacked extbans you can combine an extban of the first group with the second For example: ~q:~c:#lamers would quiet all users who are also in #lamers - Extended Invex: very much like extended bans, but for +I (Invite Exception). Currently supported are: ~c (channel, ~r (realname) and ~R (registered) [=group 2] Possible useful uses are setting a channel +i (invite only) and then setting +I ~c:#trustedchan (or even: +I ~c:+#trustedchan) while still retaining the ability to easily ban users through +b. - Channel Mode +Z: indicates whether a channel is 'secure' or not. This channel mode works in conjunction with +z (lower case z). While +z (normally) prevents new non-SSL users from joining, sometimes they can still join, like when after a netsplit the channels merge again. When all users on the channel are connected through SSL, the channel is set +Z by the server. Whenever an insecure user joins, the channel is put -Z. - Remote MOTD support: you can now specify an URL instead of a file - Automatic installation of curl (w/c-ares) if you answer 'Yes' to remote includes - One can now rehash ALL servers with the command '/REHASH -global'. This can be particularly useful if you use remote includes or MOTD's. NetAdmin only command. - files { } block by which you can configure the location of the tune file, pid, etc - STARTTLS: On an IRCd compiled with SSL support this allows a client to start a SSL session on a regular non-SSL port (like 6667). Only supported by a few IRC clients. Can be disabled by setting set::ssl::options::no-starttls - set::uhnames: this allows one to turn UHNAMES off ('no'), which can be a good idea if you have channels with more than 1000 users, as otherwise the nicklist can take several seconds to load. Defaults to on ('yes'). - IPv6 clones detection support: allow::ipv6-clone-mask determines the number of bits used when comparing two IPv6 addresses to determine if allow::maxperip is exceeded. This allows an admin to recognize that most IPv6 blocks are allocated to individuals, who might each get a /64 IPv6 block. set::default-ipv6-clone-mask defaults to 64 and provides default value for the allow blocks. - The m_nopost module is now part of Unreal: this defends against the Firefox/ Javascript 'XPS attack' which uses HTTP POST to create dummy IRC bots. - There have also been some behavior changes, which can be considered NEW, see next section (CHANGED). ==[ CHANGED ]== - Channel Mode +z: due to the +z/+Z changes, some things have changed: - +z can now be set even when insecure users are present (the channel will then be set +Z when the last insecure user leaves) - An oper previously had to invite himself and then join the channel with the key 'override' to set -z. This is no longer needed. The channel stays +z, but will be set -Z when the oper joins. - Remote includes: if a remote include fails to load (eg: webserver down) then the most recent (cached) version of that remote include will be used, and the IRCd will still boot and be able to REHASH. This means it is now 'safe' to use remote includes on a network, without risking problems like unable to rehash in case of webserver problems. - set::level-on-join now supports voice/halfop/protect/owner - Backslashes (\) in MOTD/RULES files are no longer considered special, this might mean that you have to change some escaped backslashes (\\) to \. - '/REHASH -motd' really rehashes ALL MOTD/OPERMOTD/BOTMOTD/RULES files, both the 'normal' files and the ones in tld { } blocks. - The 'Compile as hub/leaf' choice is now gone, as it didn't do anything. - Better document 'sslclientcert' in the Oper Block documentation. This allows one to authenticate against a SSL certificate for /OPER, instead of using a password. ==[ MAJOR BUGS FIXED ]== - If you have autoconnect with a low connfreq, previously you often risked getting 'Server exists' errors and 'breaking' the network. Now, the server handshake has been redesigned which means this will no longer happen. You can now safely have a low connfreq of - for example - 10 seconds. - Windows: 'Permission denied' errors when starting Unreal - A crash on some new Linux systems when replacing .so files - Solaris & QNX: Compile problems - IPv6: admins no longer have to tweak sysctl, like on FreeBSD & newer Linux systems - IPv6: IPv4 ip's in link::bind-ip did not work properly which made the IRCd either not bind to the correct IP, or - like on FreeBSD - made it unable to link at all. - A very rare crash on outgoing connect ==[ MINOR BUGS FIXED ]== - autoconnect not working if TS offset was negative (for the duration of the offset) - CGI:IRC & IPv6: sometimes a users' IP was incorrectly formatted, causing 'ghosts' - Mac OS X: permission problems - Several installation issues with curl - SSL: No more 'Underlying syscall error', the actual error is now shown - And many more... see Changelog ==[ KNOWN ISSUES ]== - Regexes: Be careful with backreferences (\1, etc), certain regexes can slow the IRCd down considerably and even bring it to a near-halt. In the spamfilter user target it's usually safe though. Slow spamfilter detection can help prevent the slowdown/freeze, but might not work in worst-case scenario's. - Regexes: Possessive quantifiers such as, for example, "++" (not to be confused with "+") are not safe to use, they can easily freeze the IRCd. ==[ ADDITIONAL INFO ]== * See Changelog for more details