"default", // "password" => "testing" //]); /** * If you wish to use the SQL user authentication system "sql_auth", * you'll need to specify your SQL information below. */ /** * SQL IP address or hostname * You may specify a unix domain socket directory address * E.g: * $config["mysql"]["host"] = "/path/to/unix/domain/socket"; * * Path to unix socket MUST start with a slash "/" */ //$config["mysql"]["host"] = ""; /** * SQL Dabase name */ //$config["mysql"]["database"] = "unrealircdwebpanel"; /** * SQL Username */ //$config["mysql"]["username"] = "unrealircdwebpanel"; /** * SQL Password */ //$config["mysql"]["password"] = "replace_this_with_your_sql_password"; /** * SQL Table prefix * You should only need to change this if you have already have one * or more instances of webpanel on the same database */ //$config["mysql"]["table_prefix"] = "unreal_"; /** * Also part of the SQL_Auth plugin. This protects your login page. * This is a list of DNS Blacklists that get checked for non-logged-in * users. */ //$config["dnsbl"] = ["dnsbl.dronebl.org", "rbl.efnetrbl.org"]; /** Your email settings * Requires plugin "php_mailer" */ $config["smtp"]["host"] = ""; $config["smtp"]["port"] = 587; $config["smtp"]["encryption"] = "tls"; /* Use 'tls' for STARTTLS or 'ssl' for TLS/SSL */ $config["smtp"]["username"] = "youremail@example.com"; /* The email to login with and send emails from */ $config["smtp"]["password"] = "supersecretpassword"; /* The password for the above email */ $config["smtp"]["from_name"] = "UnrealIRCd Admin Panel";