id) // doesn't exist, add it with full privileges { $user = []; $user['user_name'] = SQL_DEFAULT_USER['username']; $user['user_pass'] = SQL_DEFAULT_USER['password']; $user['err'] = ""; create_new_user($user); } $lkup = new PanelUser(SQL_DEFAULT_USER['username']); if (!user_can($lkup, PERMISSION_MANAGE_USERS)) $lkup->add_permission(PERMISSION_MANAGE_USERS); } } public static function add_footer_info($empty) { if (!($user = unreal_get_current_user())) return; else { echo "Admin Panel v" . WEBPANEL_VERSION . ""; } } /* pre-Header hook */ public static function session_start($n) { if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_set_cookie_params(3600); session_start(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['id']) || empty($_SESSION)) { $current_page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $tok = split($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], "/"); if ($check = security_check() && $tok[count($tok) - 1] !== "error.php") { header("Location: " . BASE_URL . "plugins/sql_auth/error.php"); die(); } header("Location: ".BASE_URL."login/?redirect=".urlencode($current_page)); die(); } else { if (!unreal_get_current_user()) // user no longer exists { session_destroy(); header("Location: ".BASE_URL."login"); die(); } // you'll be automatically logged out after one hour of inactivity } } /** * Create the tables we'll be using in the SQLdb * @return void */ public static function create_tables() { $conn = sqlnew(); $conn->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . SQL_PREFIX . "users ( user_id int AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, user_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, user_pass VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, user_email VARCHAR(255), user_fname VARCHAR(255), user_lname VARCHAR(255), user_bio VARCHAR(255), created VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (user_id) )"); /** * Patch for beta users * This adds the email column to existing tables without it */ $columns = $conn->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . SQL_PREFIX . "users"); $column_names = array(); $c = $columns->fetchAll(); foreach($c as $column) { $column_names[] = $column['Field']; } $column_exists = in_array("user_email", $column_names); if (!$column_exists) { $conn->query("ALTER TABLE " . SQL_PREFIX . "users ADD COLUMN user_email varchar(255)"); } /** * Another patch for beta users * This changes the size of the meta_value so we can store more */ $conn->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . SQL_PREFIX . "user_meta ( meta_id int AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, user_id int NOT NULL, meta_key VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, meta_value VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (meta_id) )"); $conn->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . SQL_PREFIX . "auth_settings ( id int AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, setting_key VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, setting_value VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (id) )"); $conn->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . SQL_PREFIX . "fail2ban ( id int AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, ip VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, count VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (id) )"); $c = []; if (($columns = $conn->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".SQL_PREFIX."user_meta"))); $c = $columns->fetchAll(); if (!empty($c)) $conn->query("ALTER TABLE `".SQL_PREFIX."user_meta` CHANGE `meta_value` `meta_value` VARCHAR(5000) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL"); new AuthSettings(); } /* We convert $u with a full user as an object ;D*/ public static function get_user(&$u) { $id = $u['id']; $name = $u['name']; $conn = sqlnew(); if ($id) { $prep = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . SQL_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id = :id LIMIT 1"); $prep->execute(["id" => strtolower($id)]); } elseif ($name) { $prep = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . SQL_PREFIX . "users WHERE LOWER(user_name) = :name LIMIT 1"); $prep->execute(["name" => strtolower($name)]); } $data = NULL; $obj = (object) []; if ($prep) $data = $prep->fetchAll(); if (isset($data[0]) && $data = $data[0]) { $obj->id = $data['user_id']; $obj->username = $data['user_name']; $obj->passhash = $data['user_pass']; $obj->first_name = $data['user_fname'] ?? NULL; $obj->last_name = $data['user_lname'] ?? NULL; $obj->created = $data['created']; $obj->bio = $data['user_bio']; $obj->email = $data['user_email']; $obj->user_meta = (new PanelUser_Meta($obj->id))->list; } $u['object'] = $obj; } public static function get_usermeta(&$u) { $list = &$u['meta']; $id = $u['id']; $conn = sqlnew(); if (isset($id)) { $prep = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . SQL_PREFIX . "user_meta WHERE user_id = :id"); $prep->execute(["id" => $id]); } foreach ($prep->fetchAll() as $row) { $list[$row['meta_key']] = $row['meta_value']; } } public static function add_usermeta(&$meta) { $meta = $meta['meta']; $conn = sqlnew(); /* check if it exists first, update it if it does */ $query = "SELECT * FROM " . SQL_PREFIX . "user_meta WHERE user_id = :id AND meta_key = :key"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($query); $stmt->execute(["id" => $meta['id'], "key" => $meta['key']]); if ($stmt->rowCount()) // it exists, update instead of insert { $query = "UPDATE " . SQL_PREFIX . "user_meta SET meta_value = :value WHERE user_id = :id AND meta_key = :key"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($query); $stmt->execute($meta); if ($stmt->rowCount()) return true; return false; } else { $query = "INSERT INTO " . SQL_PREFIX . "user_meta (user_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES (:id, :key, :value)"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($query); $stmt->execute($meta); if ($stmt->rowCount()) return true; return false; } } public static function del_usermeta(&$u) { $conn = sqlnew(); $query = "DELETE FROM " . SQL_PREFIX . "user_meta WHERE user_id = :id AND meta_key = :key"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($query); $stmt->execute($u['meta']); if ($stmt->rowCount()) return true; return false; } public static function user_create(&$u) { $username = $u['user_name']; $first_name = $u['fname'] ?? NULL; $last_name = $u['lname'] ?? NULL; $password = $u['user_pass'] ?? NULL; $user_bio = $u['user_bio'] ?? NULL; $user_email = $u['user_email'] ?? NULL; $conn = sqlnew(); $prep = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO " . SQL_PREFIX . "users (user_name, user_pass, user_fname, user_lname, user_bio, user_email, created) VALUES (:name, :pass, :fname, :lname, :user_bio, :user_email, :created)"); $prep->execute(["name" => $username, "pass" => $password, "fname" => $first_name, "lname" => $last_name, "user_bio" => $user_bio, "user_email" => $user_email, "created" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")]); if ($prep->rowCount()) $u['success'] = true; else $u['errmsg'][] = "Could not add user"; } public static function get_user_list(&$list) { $conn = sqlnew(); $result = $conn->query("SELECT user_id FROM " . SQL_PREFIX . "users"); if (!$result) // impossible { die("Something went wrong."); } $userlist = []; while($row = $result->fetch()) { $userlist[] = new PanelUser(NULL, $row['user_id']); } if (!empty($userlist)) $list = $userlist; } public static function user_delete(&$u) { $user = $u['user']; $query = "DELETE FROM " . SQL_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id = :id"; $conn = sqlnew(); $stmt = $conn->prepare($query); $stmt->execute(["id" => $user->id]); $deleted = $stmt->rowCount(); if ($deleted) { $u['info'][] = "Successfully deleted user \"$user->username\""; $u['boolint'] = 1; } else { $u['info'][] = "Unknown error"; $u['boolint'] = 0; } } public static function edit_core($arr) { $conn = sqlnew(); $user = $arr['user']; $info = $arr['info']; foreach($info as $key => $val) { if (!$val) continue; if (!strcmp($key,"update_fname")) $value = "user_fname"; elseif (!strcmp($key,"update_lname")) $value = "user_lname"; elseif (!strcmp($key,"update_bio")) $value = "user_bio"; elseif (!strcmp($key,"update_pass") || !strcmp($key,"update_pass_conf")) $value = "user_pass"; elseif(!strcmp($key,"update_email")) $value = "user_email"; else die("Malfunction"); $query = "UPDATE " . SQL_PREFIX . "users SET $value=:value WHERE user_id = :id"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($query); $stmt->execute(["value" => $val, "id" => $user->id]); } } } function security_check() { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (dnsbl_check($ip)) return true; else if (fail2ban_check($ip)) { } } function dnsbl_check($ip) { if (!defined('DNSBL')) return; $dnsbl_lookup = DNSBL; // clear variable just in case $listed = NULL; // if the IP was not given because you're an idiot, stop processing if (!$ip) { return; } // get the first two segments of the IPv4 $because = split($ip, "."); // why you $you = $because[1]; // gotta play $want = $because[2]; // that song $to = $you.".".$want."."; // so loud? // exempt local connections because sometimes they get a false positive if ($to == "192.168." || $to == "127.0.") { return NULL; } // you spin my IP right round, right round, to check the records baby, right round-round-round $reverse_ip = glue(array_reverse(split($ip, ".")), "."); // checkem foreach ($dnsbl_lookup as $host) { //if it was listed if (checkdnsrr($reverse_ip . "." . $host . ".", "A")) { //take note $listed = $host; } } // if it was safe, return NOTHING if (!$listed) { return NULL; } // else, you guessed it, return where it was listed else { return $listed; } } function fail2ban_check($ip) { }