""]; * * So when you call this hook, you must refer to the * parameter by reference. For example: * Hook::func(HOOKTYPE_NAVBAR, 'add_navbar_item'); * * function add_navbar_item(&$pages) // remember the & to use by reference * { insert_hacks_here(); } */ define('HOOKTYPE_NAVBAR', 100); /** HOOKTYPE_PRE_HEADER * * This doesn't receive anything, however you must still specify an * parameter for your hook function, because it's referring to memory. Sorry =] * * Currently this is only used by the "sql_auth" plugin by Valware in order to * redirect users immediately to the login page. * * Putting HTML in this hook is not a good idea. */ define('HOOKTYPE_PRE_HEADER', 101); /** HOOKTYPE_PRE_OVERVIEW_CARD * * @param object $stats * * This is called before the initial cards have loaded in the overview. * This lets you add your own HTML or whatever you like on the overview, * new cards, whatever. * * The parameter is an object containing stats used in the overview. * See "index.php" to see how it's used. * */ define('HOOKTYPE_PRE_OVERVIEW_CARD', 102); /** HOOKTYPE_OVERVIEW_CARD * * @param object $stats * * This is called after the initial cards have loaded in the overview. * This lets you add your own HTML or whatever you like on the overview, * new cards, whatever. * * The parameter is an object containing stats used in the overview. * See "index.php" to see how it's used. * */ define('HOOKTYPE_OVERVIEW_CARD', 103); /** HOOKTYPE_NOTIFICATION * * @param array $notification * The array should contain: * * "name" - The name of the recipient * "message" - The notification message * * This does not do anything special by itself. It simply allows plugins * to be able to use it with regards to notification sending. * This is not run at any place, but should be run from your plugin. * * This hook is simple in design and only contains two elements in attempt * to make it work cross-plugin. That is, if you have implemented your own * notificiation system, you will be able to do whatever you like such as * display a navbar list of notifications or send important emails by running * this hook. * */ define('HOOKTYPE_NOTIFICATION', 104); /** HOOKTYPE_PRE_FOOTER * @param array $empty - Doesn't do anything * * This runs inside the footer body before anything else. */ define('HOOKTYPE_PRE_FOOTER', 105); /** HOOKTYPE_FOOTER * @param array $empty - Doesn't do anything * * This runs inside the footer body after everything else. */ define('HOOKTYPE_FOOTER', 106); /** HOOKTYPE_USER_LOOKUP * @param array $user [name, id] */ define('HOOKTYPE_USER_LOOKUP', 107); /** HOOKTYPE_USERMETA_ADD * @param array $meta [[id, key, value], (object)PanelUser] */ define('HOOKTYPE_USERMETA_ADD', 108); /** HOOKTYPE_USERMETA_ADD * @param array $meta [id, key, value] */ define('HOOKTYPE_USERMETA_DEL', 109); /** HOOKTYPE_USERMETA_ADD * @param array $meta [id, key, value] */ define('HOOKTYPE_USERMETA_GET', 110); /** HOOKTYPE_USER_CREATE * @param array $userinfo [] */ define('HOOKTYPE_USER_CREATE', 111); define('HOOKTYPE_GET_USER_LIST', 112); define('HOOKTYPE_USER_DELETE', 113); define('HOOKTYPE_USER_LOGIN', 114); define('HOOKTYPE_USER_LOGIN_FAIL', 115); define('HOOKTYPE_USER_PERMISSION_LIST', 116); /** * Class for "Hook" * This is the main function which gets called whenever you want to use a Hook. * * Example: * Calling the Hook using a function: * Hook::func(HOOKTYPE_NAVBAR, 'bob'); * * This Hook references the function 'bob', and will run this * function bob * { * echo "We rehashed!"; * } * * Example 2: * Calling the Hook using an initialized object class method: * Hook::func(HOOKTYPE_NAVBAR, [$this, 'method']); * * Example 3: * Calling the Hook using a static class method: * Hook::func(HOOKTYPE_NAVBAR, 'classname::method'); * */ class Hook { /** A static list of Hooks and their associated functions */ private static $actions = []; /** Runs a Hook. * The parameter for $Hook should be a "HOOKTYPE_" as defined in hook.php * @param string $Hook The define or string name of the Hook. For example, HOOKTYPE_REHASH. * @param array &$args The array of information you are sending along in the Hook, so that other functions may see and modify things. * @return void Does not return anything. * */ public static function run($Hook, &$args = array()) { if (!empty(self::$actions[$Hook])) foreach (self::$actions[$Hook] as &$f) $f($args); } /** Calls a Hook * @param string $Hook The define or string name of the Hook. For example, HOOKTYPE_REHASH. * @param string|Closure $function This is a string reference to a Closure function or a class method. * @return void Does not return anything. */ public static function func($Hook, $function) { self::$actions[$Hook][] = $function; } /** Deletes a Hook * @param string $Hook The Hook from which we are removing a function reference. * @param string $function The name of the function that we are removing. * @return void Does not reuturn anything. */ public static function del($Hook, $function) { for ($i = 0; isset(self::$actions[$Hook][$i]); $i++) if (self::$actions[$Hook][$i] == $function) array_splice(self::$actions[$Hook],$i); } }