[ "name" => "Admin", "description" => "Marks someone as channel admin (&)", "requires" => "Admin" ], "b" => [ "name" => "Ban", "description" => "Marks a ban from a channel", "requires" => "HalfOp" ], "c" => [ "name" => "No CTCPs", "description" => "Prevents users from sending CTCP's to the channel", "requires" => "HalfOp" ], "e" => [ "name" => "Ban Exemption", "description" => "Marks an exemption from channel bans", "requires" => "HalfOp" ], "f" => [ "name" => "Flood Protection", "description" => "Implements channel flood protection", "requires" => "Operator" ], "h" => [ "name" => "Half Op", "description" => "Marks someone as channel admin (%)", "requires" => "Operator" ], "i" => [ "name" => "Invite Only", "description" => "Requires an invitation to join", "requires" => "HalfOp" ], "k" => [ "name" => "Key", "description" => "Requires a key/password to join", "requires" => "HalfOp" ], "l" => [ "name" => "Limit", "description" => "Limits a channel to a specific amount of users", "requires" => "HalfOp" ], "m" => [ "name" => "Moderation", "description" => "Prevents non-voiced users from speaking in a channel", "requires" => "HalfOp" ], "n" => [ "name" => "No External Messages", "description" => "Messages cannot be sent to the channel from outside it", "requires" => "HalfOp" ], "o" => [ "name" => "Operator", "description" => "Marks someone as channel operator (@)", "requires" => "Operator" ], "p" => [ "name" => "Private", "description" => "Prevents the channel from showing up in /WHOIS outputs and is replaces with \"*\" in /LIST outputs", "requires" => "Operator" ], "q" => [ "name" => "Owner", "description" => "Marks someone as channel owner (~)", "requires" => "Owner" ], "r" => [ "name" => "Registered", "description" => "Channel has been registered to an account", "requires" => "Services" ], "s" => [ "name" => "Secret", "description" => "Prevents the channel from showing up in /WHOIS and /LIST outputs", "requires" => "Operator" ], "t" => [ "name" => "Topic", "description" => "Only HalfOps and above may set the topic.", "requires" => "HalfOp" ], "v" => [ "name" => "Voice", "description" => "Marks someone as voiced in the channel (+)", "requires" => "HalfOp" ], "z" => [ "name" => "Secure Only", "description" => "Only users using a secure connection may join this channel.", "requires" => "Operator" ], "C" => [ "name" => "No CTCPs", "description" => "CTCP messages are not allowed on the channel.", "requires" => "Operator" ], "D" => [ "name" => "Delay Join", "description" => "Delay showing joins until someone actually speaks.", "requires" => "Operator" ], "G" => [ "name" => "Filter", "description" => "Filters out all Bad words in messages with \"<censored>\".", "requires" => "Operator" ], "H" => [ "name" => "History", "description" => "Record channel history with specified maximums.", "requires" => "Operator" ], "I" => [ "name" => "Invitation", "description" => "Marks an inviation to a channel.", "requires" => "HalfOp" ], "K" => [ "name" => "No Knock", "description" => "Users may not knock on this channel.", "requires" => "HalfOp" ], "L" => [ "name" => "Link", "description" => "Link to another channel when unable to join", "requires" => "Operator" ], "M" => [ "name" => "Auth Moderated", "description" => "Only users who have voice or are authenticated may talk in this channel.", "requires" => "HalfOp" ], "N" => [ "name" => "No Nick Changes", "description" => "Nickname changes are not permitted on the channel.", "requires" => "HalfOp" ], "O" => [ "name" => "IRCOps Only", "description" => "Only IRC Operators may join this channel.", "requires" => "IRC Operator" ], "P" => [ "name" => "Permanent", "description" => "This channel will exist even when nobody is inside.", "requires" => "IRC Operator" ], "Q" => [ "name" => "No Kicks", "description" => "Kicks are not allowed in this channel.", "requires" => "Operator" ], "R" => [ "name" => "Reg Only", "description" => "Only registered/authenticated users may join the channel.", "requires" => "Operator" ], "S" => [ "name" => "Strip Color", "description" => "All color is stripped from channel messages.", "requires" => "IRC Operator" ], "T" => [ "name" => "No Notices", "description" => "Notices are not permitted on the channel.", "requires" => "IRC Operator" ], "V" => [ "name" => "No Invites", "description" => "Users are not allowed to /INVITE others to the channel.", "requires" => "IRC Operator" ], "Z" => [ "name" => "Is Secure", "description" => "Indication that all users on the channel are on a Secure connection.", "requires" => "Server" ] ]; }