$user->name, "ip" => $user->ip, "account" => $user->account ?? NULL]); $numnotes = [ "ip" => isset($notes['ip']['notes']) ? count($notes["ip"]['notes']) : 0, "nick" => isset($notes['ip']['notes']) ? count($notes["nick"]['notes'] ?? []) : 0, "account" => isset($notes['ip']['notes']) ? count($notes['account']['notes'] ?? 0) : 0, ]; ?> Reputation user->reputation; ?> server()->get($user->user->servername); ?> "; foreach($user->user->{"security-groups"} as $sg) { echo ""; } echo "
Nick name); ?>
User ID (UID) id); ?>
Real Host hostname); ?>
IP ip); ?> geoip->country_code)) ? strtolower($user->geoip->country_code) : "") { ?> ip"); ?>">
Ident user->username); ?>
GECOS / Real Name user->realname); ?>
Virtual Host user->vhost)) ? htmlspecialchars($user->user->vhost) : ""; ?>
Connected to id"; ?>">user->servername); ?>
Logged in as user->account)) ? "user->account)."\">".htmlspecialchars($user->user->account)."" : ""; ?>
Security Groups
"; ?> user->modes[$i])) ? $user->user->modes[$i] : NULL); $i++) { if ($mode == "o") { ?>
Oper Login user->operlogin)) ? $user->user->operlogin : ""; echo htmlspecialchars($operlogin); ?>
Oper Class user->operclass)) ? "".htmlspecialchars($user->user->operclass)."" : "None"; ?>
Service Bot This user is a Services Bot.
Deaf User is ignoring channel messages.
Invisible Not shown in /WHO searches.
Private channels Channels hidden in /WHOIS outputs.
Registered Nick This user is using a registered nick.
Server Notices This user is receiving server notices.
Virtual Host Using a custom hostmask
Wallops Listening to /WALLOPS notices from IRC Operators.
Hostmask Using a hostmask (hiding their IP from non-IRCops).
Cipher tls->cipher)) ? $user->tls->cipher : ""; echo htmlspecialchars($cipher); ?>
Cert Fingerprint tls->certfp)) ? "".htmlspecialchars($user->tls->certfp)."" : "None"; ?>
Bot User is marked as a Bot.
PrivDeaf User is rejecting incoming private messages.
Filter User is filtering Bad Words.
Hide IRCop User is hiding their IRCop status.
Hide Idle User is hiding their idle time.
RegOnly Messages User is only accepting private messages from registered users.
Deny CTCPs Denying CTCP requests.
View /WHOIS User is receiving notifications when someone does a /WHOIS on them.
Deny Insecure Messages User is only accepting messages from users using a secure connection.
user->channels as $chan) { ?>
Channel Status
name)."\">$chan->name"; ?> level[$i]); $i++) { ?>
level[$i] == "v") { ?>Voicelevel[$i] == "h") { ?>Half-Oplevel[$i] == "o") { ?>
level[$i] == "a") { ?>Adminlevel[$i] == "q") { ?>Ownerlevel[$i] == "Y") { ?>OJOIN