id) && $user->password_verify($_POST['password'], $hash_needs_updating)) { /* SUCCESSFUL LOGIN */ if ($hash_needs_updating) { /* Set password again so it is freshly hashed */ $hash = PanelUser::password_hash($_POST['password']); $ar = ["update_pass_conf"=>$hash]; $user->update_core_info($ar); unset($ar); unset($hash); } panel_start_session($user); $_SESSION['id'] = $user->id; $user->add_meta("last_login", date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); Hook::run(HOOKTYPE_USER_LOGIN, $user); /* Middle of install? Override redirect: */ if (!isset($config['unrealircd']) || empty($config['unrealircd']['host'])) $redirect = get_config("base_url")."settings/install2.php"; header('Location: ' . $redirect); die(); } else { /* LOGIN FAILED */ $fail = [ "login" => htmlspecialchars($_POST['username']), "IP" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ]; Hook::run(HOOKTYPE_USER_LOGIN_FAIL, $fail); $failmsg = "Incorrect login"; } } else $failmsg = "Couldn't log you in: Missing credentials"; } ?> css/unrealircd-admin.css" rel="stylesheet"> img/favicon.ico"> UnrealIRCd Panel

img/favicon.ico"> Log in to use Admin Panel

Username cannot be empty.
Password cannot be empty.