error) { Message::Fail("Warning: Plugin \"$modname\" failed to load: $plugin->error"); } else { self::$list[] = $plugin; } } static function plugin_exists($name, $version = NULL) { foreach(self::$list as $p) if (!strcasecmp($p->name,$name) && (!$version || ($version >= $p->version))) return true; return false; } } class Plugin { public $name; public $author; public $version; public $description; public $handle; public $email; public $error = NULL; function __construct($handle) { if (!is_dir(UPATH."/plugins/$handle")) $this->error = "Plugin directory \"".UPATH."/plugins/$handle\" doesn't exist"; else if (!is_file(UPATH."/plugins/$handle/$handle.php")) $this->error = "Plugin file \"".UPATH."/plugins/$handle/$handle.php\" doesn't exist"; else { require_once UPATH."/plugins/$handle/$handle.php"; if (!class_exists($handle)) $this->error = "Class \"$handle\" doesn't exist"; else { $plugin = new $handle(); if (!isset($plugin->name)) $this->error = "Plugin name not defined"; elseif (!isset($plugin->author)) $this->error = "Plugin author not defined"; elseif (!isset($plugin->version)) $this->error = "Plugin version not defined"; elseif (!isset($plugin->description)) $this->error = "Plugin description not defined"; elseif (!isset($plugin->email)) $this->error = "Plugin email not defined"; else { $this->handle = $handle; $this->name = $plugin->name; $this->author = $plugin->author; $this->version = $plugin->version; $this->description = $plugin->description; $this->email = $plugin->email; } } } } } if (defined('PLUGINS')) { foreach(PLUGINS as $plugin) Plugins::load($plugin); } /* Requires the plugin */ function require_plugin($name, $version) { if (!Plugins::plugin_exists($name,$version)) die("Missing plugin: $name v$version"); } /* I'm not a fan of globals */ class AuthModLoaded { public static $status = 0; } function is_auth_provided() { return AuthModLoaded::$status; }