UnrealIRCd Administration Panel

Overview Users Channels Server Bans Spamfilter News
user()->get($user); if (!$nick) { Message::Fail("Could not find that user. Maybe they disconnected after you clicked this?"); return; } $msg_msg = ($duration == "0" || $duration == "0w0d0h") ? "permanently" : "for ".rpc_convert_duration_string($duration); $reason = (isset($_POST['ban_reason'])) ? $_POST['ban_reason'] : "No reason"; if ($rpc->serverban()->add($user, $bantype, $duration, $reason)) { $c = $nick->client; Message::Success($c->name . " (*@".$c->hostname.") has been $bantype" . "d $msg_msg: $reason"); } } } if (!empty($_POST['tklch'])) foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { foreach ($value as $tok) { $tok = explode(",", $tok); $ban = base64_decode($tok[0]); $type = base64_decode($tok[1]); if ($rpc->serverban()->delete($ban, $type)) Message::Success("$type has been removed for $ban"); else Message::Fail("Unable to remove $type on $ban: $rpc->error"); } } if (!empty($_POST['sf'])) foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { foreach ($value as $tok) { $tok = explode(",", $tok); $name = base64_decode($tok[0]); $match_type = base64_decode($tok[1]); $spamfilter_targets = base64_decode($tok[2]); $ban_action = base64_decode($tok[3]); if ($rpc->spamfilter()->delete($name, $match_type, $spamfilter_targets, $ban_action)) Message::Success("Spamfilter on $name has been removed"); else Message::Fail("Unable to remove spamfilter on $name: $rpc->error"); } } } rpc_pop_lists(); ?>
Chat Overview
Most popular channel ( users)
Server bans
Spamfilter entries
Filter by:
name), strtolower($_POST['uf_nick'])) !== 0 && strpos(strtolower($user->name), strtolower($_POST['uf_nick'])) == false) continue; /* Some basic filtering for HOST */ if (isset($_POST['uf_host']) && strlen($_POST['uf_host']) && strpos(strtolower($user->hostname), strtolower($_POST['uf_host'])) !== 0 && strpos(strtolower($user->hostname), strtolower($_POST['uf_host'])) == false) continue; /* Some basic filtering for IP */ if (isset($_POST['uf_ip']) && strlen($_POST['uf_ip']) && strpos(strtolower($user->ip), strtolower($_POST['uf_ip'])) !== 0 && strpos(strtolower($user->ip), strtolower($_POST['uf_ip'])) == false) continue; /* Some basic filtering for ACCOUNT */ if (isset($_POST['uf_account']) && strlen($_POST['uf_account']) && strpos(strtolower($user->user->account), strtolower($_POST['uf_account'])) !== 0 && strpos(strtolower($user->user->account), strtolower($_POST['uf_account'])) == false) continue; echo ""; echo ""; $isBot = (strpos($user->user->modes, "B") !== false) ? ' Bot' : ""; echo "'; echo ""; echo ""; $account = (isset($user->user->account)) ? ''.$user->user->account.'' : 'None'; echo ""; $modes = (isset($user->user->modes)) ? "+" . $user->user->modes : ""; echo ""; $oper = (isset($user->user->operlogin)) ? ''.$user->user->operlogin."".$user->user->operclass."" : ""; if (!strlen($oper)) $oper = (strpos($user->user->modes, "S") !== false) ? 'Service' : ""; echo ""; $secure = (isset($user->tls)) ? "Secure" : "Insecure"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } ?>
Select all Nick UID Host / IP Account Usermodesℹ️ Oper Secure Connected to Reputation ℹ️
".$user->name.$isBot.'".$user->id."".$user->hostname." (".$user->ip.")".$account."".$modes." ".$oper."".$secure."".$user->user->servername."".$user->user->reputation."

"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; $topic = (isset($channel->topic)) ? $channel->topic : ""; echo ""; $setby = (isset($channel->topic)) ? "By ".$channel->topic_set_by .", at ".$channel->topic_set_at : ""; echo ""; $modes = (isset($channel->modes)) ? "+" . $channel->modes : ""; echo ""; } ?>
Name Created User count Topic Topic Set Modes ".$channel->name."".$channel->creation_time."".$channel->num_users."".$topic."".$setby."".$modes."
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } ?>
Select all Mask Type Set By Set On Expires Duration Reason ".$tkl->name."".$tkl->type_string."".$tkl->set_by."".$tkl->set_at_string."".$tkl->expire_at_string."".$tkl->duration_string."".$tkl->reason."

"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; for ($i = 0, $targs = ""; $i < strlen($sf->spamfilter_targets); $i++) { $c = $sf->spamfilter_targets[$i]; if ($c == "c") $targs .= "Channel, "; else if ($c == "p") $targs .= "Private,"; else if ($c == "n") $targs .= "Notice, "; else if ($c == "N") $targs .= "Channel notice, "; else if ($c == "P") $targs .= "Part message, "; else if ($c == "q") $targs .= "Quit message, "; else if ($c == "d") $targs .= "DCC filename, "; else if ($c == "a") $targs .= "Away message, "; else if ($c == "t") $targs .= "Channel topic, "; else if ($c == "T") $targs .= "MessageTag, "; else if ($c == "u") $targs .= "Usermask, "; } $targs = rtrim($targs,", "); echo ""; echo ""; } ?>
Select all Mask Type Set By Set On Expires Duration Match Type Action Action Duration Target Reason ".$sf->name."".$sf->type_string."".$sf->set_by."".$sf->set_at_string."".$sf->expire_at_string."".$sf->duration_string."".$sf->match_type."".$sf->ban_action."".$sf->ban_duration_string."".$targs."".$sf->reason."