/* * ircd_parser.y: A yacc/bison parser for ircd config files. * This is part of ircu, an Internet Relay Chat server. * The contents of this file are Copyright 2001 Diane Bruce, * Andrew Miller, the ircd-hybrid team and the ircu team. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. * $Id: ircd_parser.y,v 2006/06/08 02:11:21 entrope Exp $ */ %{ #include "config.h" #include "s_conf.h" #include "class.h" #include "client.h" #include "crule.h" #include "ircd_features.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "gline.h" #include "hash.h" #include "ircd.h" #include "ircd_alloc.h" #include "ircd_chattr.h" #include "ircd_log.h" #include "ircd_reply.h" #include "ircd_snprintf.h" #include "ircd_string.h" #include "list.h" #include "listener.h" #include "match.h" #include "motd.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "numnicks.h" #include "opercmds.h" #include "parse.h" #include "res.h" #include "s_auth.h" #include "s_bsd.h" #include "s_conf.h" #include "s_debug.h" #include "s_misc.h" #include "send.h" #include "struct.h" #include "sys.h" #include #include #include #include #define MAX_STRINGS 80 /* Maximum number of feature params. */ extern struct LocalConf localConf; extern struct DenyConf* denyConfList; extern struct CRuleConf* cruleConfList; extern struct ServerConf* serverConfList; extern struct s_map* GlobalServiceMapList; extern struct qline* GlobalQuarantineList; extern struct sline* GlobalSList; int yylex(void); /* Now all the globals we need :/... */ int tping, tconn, maxlinks, sendq, port, invert, stringno, flags; char *name, *pass, *host, *ip, *username, *origin, *hub_limit; char *stringlist[MAX_STRINGS]; struct ConnectionClass *c_class; struct DenyConf *dconf; struct ServerConf *sconf; struct s_map *smap; struct sline *spoof; struct Privs privs; struct Privs privs_dirty; static void parse_error(char *pattern,...) { static char error_buffer[1024]; va_list vl; va_start(vl,pattern); ircd_vsnprintf(NULL, error_buffer, sizeof(error_buffer), pattern, vl); va_end(vl); yyerror(error_buffer); } %} %token QSTRING %token NUMBER %token GENERAL %token ADMIN %token LOCATION %token CONTACT %token CONNECT %token CLASS %token CHANNEL %token PINGFREQ %token CONNECTFREQ %token MAXLINKS %token MAXHOPS %token SENDQ %token NAME %token HOST %token IP %token USERNAME %token PASS %token LOCAL %token SECONDS %token MINUTES %token HOURS %token DAYS %token WEEKS %token MONTHS %token YEARS %token DECADES %token BYTES %token KBYTES %token MBYTES %token GBYTES %token TBYTES %token SERVER %token PORT %token MASK %token HUB %token LEAF %token UWORLD %token YES %token NO %token OPER %token VHOST %token HIDDEN %token MOTD %token JUPE %token NICK %token NUMERIC %token DESCRIPTION %token CLIENT %token KILL %token CRULE %token REAL %token REASON %token TFILE %token RULE %token ALL %token FEATURES %token QUARANTINE %token PSEUDO %token PREPEND %token USERMODE %token IAUTH %token TIMEOUT %token FAST %token AUTOCONNECT %token PROGRAM %token SPOOFHOST /* and now a lot of privileges... */ %token TPRIV_CHAN_LIMIT TPRIV_MODE_LCHAN TPRIV_DEOP_LCHAN TPRIV_WALK_LCHAN %token TPRIV_LOCAL_KILL TPRIV_REHASH TPRIV_RESTART TPRIV_DIE %token TPRIV_GLINE TPRIV_LOCAL_GLINE TPRIV_LOCAL_JUPE TPRIV_LOCAL_BADCHAN %token TPRIV_LOCAL_OPMODE TPRIV_OPMODE TPRIV_SET TPRIV_WHOX TPRIV_BADCHAN %token TPRIV_SEE_CHAN TPRIV_SHOW_INVIS TPRIV_SHOW_ALL_INVIS TPRIV_PROPAGATE %token TPRIV_UNLIMIT_QUERY TPRIV_DISPLAY TPRIV_SEE_OPERS TPRIV_WIDE_GLINE %token TPRIV_FORCE_OPMODE TPRIV_FORCE_LOCAL_OPMODE TPRIV_APASS_OPMODE %token TPRIV_LIST_CHAN /* and some types... */ %type sizespec %type timespec timefactor factoredtimes factoredtime %type expr yesorno privtype %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' %union{ char *text; int num; } %% /* Blocks in the config file... */ blocks: blocks block | block; block: adminblock | generalblock | classblock | connectblock | uworldblock | operblock | portblock | jupeblock | clientblock | killblock | cruleblock | motdblock | featuresblock | quarantineblock | pseudoblock | iauthblock | spoofblock | error ';'; /* The timespec, sizespec and expr was ripped straight from * ircd-hybrid-7. */ timespec: expr | factoredtimes; factoredtimes: factoredtimes factoredtime { $$ = $1 + $2; } | factoredtime; factoredtime: expr timefactor { $$ = $1 * $2; }; timefactor: SECONDS { $$ = 1; } | MINUTES { $$ = 60; } | HOURS { $$ = 60 * 60; } | DAYS { $$ = 60 * 60 * 24; } | WEEKS { $$ = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; } | MONTHS { $$ = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 4; } | YEARS { $$ = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365; } | DECADES { $$ = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 10; }; sizespec: expr { $$ = $1; } | expr BYTES { $$ = $1; } | expr KBYTES { $$ = $1 * 1024; } | expr MBYTES { $$ = $1 * 1024 * 1024; } | expr GBYTES { $$ = $1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } | expr TBYTES { $$ = $1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } ; /* this is an arithmetic expression */ expr: NUMBER { $$ = $1; } | expr '+' expr { $$ = $1 + $3; } | expr '-' expr { $$ = $1 - $3; } | expr '*' expr { $$ = $1 * $3; } | expr '/' expr { $$ = $1 / $3; } /* leave this out until we find why it makes BSD yacc dump core -larne | '-' expr %prec NEG { $$ = -$2; } */ | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } ; jupeblock: JUPE '{' jupeitems '}' ';' ; jupeitems: jupeitem jupeitems | jupeitem; jupeitem: jupenick; jupenick: NICK '=' QSTRING ';' { addNickJupes($3); MyFree($3); }; generalblock: GENERAL { /* Zero out the vhost addresses, in case they were removed. */ memset(&VirtualHost_v4.addr, 0, sizeof(VirtualHost_v4.addr)); memset(&VirtualHost_v6.addr, 0, sizeof(VirtualHost_v6.addr)); } '{' generalitems '}' ';' { if (localConf.name == NULL) parse_error("Your General block must contain a name."); if (localConf.numeric == 0) parse_error("Your General block must contain a numeric (between 1 and 4095)."); }; generalitems: generalitem generalitems | generalitem; generalitem: generalnumeric | generalname | generalvhost | generaldesc; generalnumeric: NUMERIC '=' NUMBER ';' { if (localConf.numeric == 0) localConf.numeric = $3; else if (localConf.numeric != $3) parse_error("Redefinition of server numeric %i (%i)", $3, localConf.numeric); }; generalname: NAME '=' QSTRING ';' { if (localConf.name == NULL) localConf.name = $3; else { if (strcmp(localConf.name, $3)) parse_error("Redefinition of server name %s (%s)", $3, localConf.name); MyFree($3); } }; generaldesc: DESCRIPTION '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(localConf.description); localConf.description = $3; ircd_strncpy(cli_info(&me), $3, REALLEN); }; generalvhost: VHOST '=' QSTRING ';' { struct irc_in_addr addr; if (!strcmp($3, "*")) { /* This traditionally meant bind to all interfaces and connect * from the default. */ } else if (!ircd_aton(&addr, $3)) parse_error("Invalid virtual host '%s'.", $3); else if (irc_in_addr_is_ipv4(&addr)) memcpy(&VirtualHost_v4.addr, &addr, sizeof(addr)); else memcpy(&VirtualHost_v6.addr, &addr, sizeof(addr)); MyFree($3); }; adminblock: ADMIN { MyFree(localConf.location1); MyFree(localConf.location2); MyFree(localConf.contact); localConf.location1 = localConf.location2 = localConf.contact = NULL; } '{' adminitems '}' ';' { if (localConf.location1 == NULL) DupString(localConf.location1, ""); if (localConf.location2 == NULL) DupString(localConf.location2, ""); if (localConf.contact == NULL) DupString(localConf.contact, ""); }; adminitems: adminitems adminitem | adminitem; adminitem: adminlocation | admincontact; adminlocation: LOCATION '=' QSTRING ';' { if (localConf.location1 == NULL) localConf.location1 = $3; else if (localConf.location2 == NULL) localConf.location2 = $3; else /* Otherwise just drop it. -A1kmm */ MyFree($3); }; admincontact: CONTACT '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(localConf.contact); localConf.contact = $3; }; classblock: CLASS { tping = 90; } '{' classitems '}' ';' { if (name != NULL) { struct ConnectionClass *c_class; add_class(name, tping, tconn, maxlinks, sendq); c_class = find_class(name); MyFree(c_class->default_umode); c_class->default_umode = pass; memcpy(&c_class->privs, &privs, sizeof(c_class->privs)); memcpy(&c_class->privs_dirty, &privs_dirty, sizeof(c_class->privs_dirty)); } else { parse_error("Missing name in class block"); } name = NULL; pass = NULL; tconn = 0; maxlinks = 0; sendq = 0; memset(&privs, 0, sizeof(privs)); memset(&privs_dirty, 0, sizeof(privs_dirty)); }; classitems: classitem classitems | classitem; classitem: classname | classpingfreq | classconnfreq | classmaxlinks | classsendq | classusermode | priv; classname: NAME '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(name); name = $3; }; classpingfreq: PINGFREQ '=' timespec ';' { tping = $3; }; classconnfreq: CONNECTFREQ '=' timespec ';' { tconn = $3; }; classmaxlinks: MAXLINKS '=' expr ';' { maxlinks = $3; }; classsendq: SENDQ '=' sizespec ';' { sendq = $3; }; classusermode: USERMODE '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(pass); pass = $3; }; connectblock: CONNECT { maxlinks = 65535; flags = CONF_AUTOCONNECT; } '{' connectitems '}' ';' { struct ConfItem *aconf = NULL; if (name == NULL) parse_error("Missing name in connect block"); else if (pass == NULL) parse_error("Missing password in connect block"); else if (host == NULL) parse_error("Missing host in connect block"); else if (strchr(host, '*') || strchr(host, '?')) parse_error("Invalid host '%s' in connect block", host); else if (c_class == NULL) parse_error("Missing or non-existent class in connect block"); else { aconf = make_conf(CONF_SERVER); aconf->name = name; aconf->origin_name = origin; aconf->passwd = pass; aconf->conn_class = c_class; aconf->address.port = port; aconf->host = host; aconf->maximum = maxlinks; aconf->hub_limit = hub_limit; aconf->flags = flags; lookup_confhost(aconf); } if (!aconf) { MyFree(name); MyFree(pass); MyFree(host); MyFree(origin); MyFree(hub_limit); } name = pass = host = origin = hub_limit = NULL; c_class = NULL; port = flags = 0; }; connectitems: connectitem connectitems | connectitem; connectitem: connectname | connectpass | connectclass | connecthost | connectport | connectvhost | connectleaf | connecthub | connecthublimit | connectmaxhops | connectauto; connectname: NAME '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(name); name = $3; }; connectpass: PASS '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(pass); pass = $3; }; connectclass: CLASS '=' QSTRING ';' { c_class = find_class($3); if (!c_class) parse_error("No such connection class '%s' for Connect block", $3); MyFree($3); }; connecthost: HOST '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(host); host = $3; }; connectport: PORT '=' NUMBER ';' { port = $3; }; connectvhost: VHOST '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(origin); origin = $3; }; connectleaf: LEAF ';' { maxlinks = 0; }; connecthub: HUB ';' { MyFree(hub_limit); DupString(hub_limit, "*"); }; connecthublimit: HUB '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(hub_limit); hub_limit = $3; }; connectmaxhops: MAXHOPS '=' expr ';' { maxlinks = $3; }; connectauto: AUTOCONNECT '=' YES ';' { flags |= CONF_AUTOCONNECT; } | AUTOCONNECT '=' NO ';' { flags &= ~CONF_AUTOCONNECT; }; uworldblock: UWORLD '{' uworlditems '}' ';'; uworlditems: uworlditem uworlditems | uworlditem; uworlditem: uworldname; uworldname: NAME '=' QSTRING ';' { make_conf(CONF_UWORLD)->host = $3; }; operblock: OPER '{' operitems '}' ';' { struct ConfItem *aconf = NULL; if (name == NULL) parse_error("Missing name in operator block"); else if (pass == NULL) parse_error("Missing password in operator block"); else if (host == NULL) parse_error("Missing host in operator block"); else if (c_class == NULL) parse_error("Invalid or missing class in operator block"); else { aconf = make_conf(CONF_OPERATOR); aconf->name = name; aconf->passwd = pass; conf_parse_userhost(aconf, host); aconf->conn_class = c_class; memcpy(&aconf->privs, &privs, sizeof(aconf->privs)); memcpy(&aconf->privs_dirty, &privs_dirty, sizeof(aconf->privs_dirty)); if (!FlagHas(&privs_dirty, PRIV_PROPAGATE) && !FlagHas(&c_class->privs_dirty, PRIV_PROPAGATE)) parse_error("Operator block for %s and class %s have no LOCAL setting", name, c_class->cc_name); } if (!aconf) { MyFree(name); MyFree(pass); MyFree(host); } name = pass = host = NULL; c_class = NULL; memset(&privs, 0, sizeof(privs)); memset(&privs_dirty, 0, sizeof(privs_dirty)); }; operitems: operitem | operitems operitem; operitem: opername | operpass | operhost | operclass | priv; opername: NAME '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(name); name = $3; }; operpass: PASS '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(pass); pass = $3; }; operhost: HOST '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(host); if (!strchr($3, '@')) { int uh_len; host = (char*) MyMalloc((uh_len = strlen($3)+3)); ircd_snprintf(0, host, uh_len, "*@%s", $3); MyFree($3); } else host = $3; }; operclass: CLASS '=' QSTRING ';' { c_class = find_class($3); if (!c_class) parse_error("No such connection class '%s' for Operator block", $3); MyFree($3); }; priv: privtype '=' yesorno ';' { FlagSet(&privs_dirty, $1); if (($3 == 1) ^ invert) FlagSet(&privs, $1); else FlagClr(&privs, $1); invert = 0; }; privtype: TPRIV_CHAN_LIMIT { $$ = PRIV_CHAN_LIMIT; } | TPRIV_MODE_LCHAN { $$ = PRIV_MODE_LCHAN; } | TPRIV_DEOP_LCHAN { $$ = PRIV_DEOP_LCHAN; } | TPRIV_WALK_LCHAN { $$ = PRIV_WALK_LCHAN; } | KILL { $$ = PRIV_KILL; } | TPRIV_LOCAL_KILL { $$ = PRIV_LOCAL_KILL; } | TPRIV_REHASH { $$ = PRIV_REHASH; } | TPRIV_RESTART { $$ = PRIV_RESTART; } | TPRIV_DIE { $$ = PRIV_DIE; } | TPRIV_GLINE { $$ = PRIV_GLINE; } | TPRIV_LOCAL_GLINE { $$ = PRIV_LOCAL_GLINE; } | JUPE { $$ = PRIV_JUPE; } | TPRIV_LOCAL_JUPE { $$ = PRIV_LOCAL_JUPE; } | TPRIV_LOCAL_OPMODE { $$ = PRIV_LOCAL_OPMODE; } | TPRIV_OPMODE { $$ = PRIV_OPMODE; }| TPRIV_SET { $$ = PRIV_SET; } | TPRIV_WHOX { $$ = PRIV_WHOX; } | TPRIV_BADCHAN { $$ = PRIV_BADCHAN; } | TPRIV_LOCAL_BADCHAN { $$ = PRIV_LOCAL_BADCHAN; } | TPRIV_SEE_CHAN { $$ = PRIV_SEE_CHAN; } | TPRIV_SHOW_INVIS { $$ = PRIV_SHOW_INVIS; } | TPRIV_SHOW_ALL_INVIS { $$ = PRIV_SHOW_ALL_INVIS; } | TPRIV_PROPAGATE { $$ = PRIV_PROPAGATE; } | TPRIV_UNLIMIT_QUERY { $$ = PRIV_UNLIMIT_QUERY; } | TPRIV_DISPLAY { $$ = PRIV_DISPLAY; } | TPRIV_SEE_OPERS { $$ = PRIV_SEE_OPERS; } | TPRIV_WIDE_GLINE { $$ = PRIV_WIDE_GLINE; } | TPRIV_LIST_CHAN { $$ = PRIV_LIST_CHAN; } | LOCAL { $$ = PRIV_PROPAGATE; invert = 1; } | TPRIV_FORCE_OPMODE { $$ = PRIV_FORCE_OPMODE; } | TPRIV_FORCE_LOCAL_OPMODE { $$ = PRIV_FORCE_LOCAL_OPMODE; } | TPRIV_APASS_OPMODE { $$ = PRIV_APASS_OPMODE; } ; yesorno: YES { $$ = 1; } | NO { $$ = 0; }; /* The port block... */ portblock: PORT '{' portitems '}' ';' { if (port > 0 && port <= 0xFFFF) add_listener(port, host, pass, tconn, tping); else parse_error("Port %d is out of range", port); MyFree(host); MyFree(pass); host = pass = NULL; port = tconn = tping = 0; }; portitems: portitem portitems | portitem; portitem: portnumber | portvhost | portmask | portserver | porthidden; portnumber: PORT '=' NUMBER ';' { port = $3; }; portvhost: VHOST '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(host); host = $3; }; portmask: MASK '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(pass); pass = $3; }; portserver: SERVER '=' YES ';' { tconn = -1; } | SERVER '=' NO ';' { tconn = 0; }; porthidden: HIDDEN '=' YES ';' { tping = -1; } | HIDDEN '=' NO ';' { tping = 0; }; clientblock: CLIENT { maxlinks = 65535; port = 0; } '{' clientitems '}' ';' { struct ConfItem *aconf = 0; struct irc_in_addr addr; unsigned char addrbits = 0; if (!c_class) parse_error("Invalid or missing class in Client block"); else if (ip && !ipmask_parse(ip, &addr, &addrbits)) parse_error("Invalid IP address %s in Client block", ip); else { aconf = make_conf(CONF_CLIENT); aconf->username = username; aconf->host = host; if (ip) memcpy(&aconf->address.addr, &addr, sizeof(aconf->address.addr)); else memset(&aconf->address.addr, 0, sizeof(aconf->address.addr)); aconf->address.port = port; aconf->addrbits = addrbits; aconf->name = ip; aconf->conn_class = c_class; aconf->maximum = maxlinks; aconf->passwd = pass; } if (!aconf) { MyFree(username); MyFree(host); MyFree(ip); MyFree(pass); } host = NULL; username = NULL; c_class = NULL; ip = NULL; pass = NULL; port = 0; }; clientitems: clientitem clientitems | clientitem; clientitem: clienthost | clientip | clientusername | clientclass | clientpass | clientmaxlinks | clientport; clienthost: HOST '=' QSTRING ';' { char *sep = strchr($3, '@'); MyFree(host); if (sep) { *sep++ = '\0'; MyFree(username); DupString(host, sep); username = $3; } else { host = $3; } }; clientip: IP '=' QSTRING ';' { char *sep; sep = strchr($3, '@'); MyFree(ip); if (sep) { *sep++ = '\0'; MyFree(username); DupString(ip, sep); username = $3; } else { ip = $3; } }; clientusername: USERNAME '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(username); username = $3; }; clientclass: CLASS '=' QSTRING ';' { c_class = find_class($3); if (!c_class) parse_error("No such connection class '%s' for Client block", $3); MyFree($3); }; clientpass: PASS '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(pass); pass = $3; }; clientmaxlinks: MAXLINKS '=' expr ';' { maxlinks = $3; }; clientport: PORT '=' expr ';' { port = $3; }; killblock: KILL { dconf = (struct DenyConf*) MyCalloc(1, sizeof(*dconf)); } '{' killitems '}' ';' { if (dconf->usermask || dconf->hostmask ||dconf->realmask) { dconf->next = denyConfList; denyConfList = dconf; } else { MyFree(dconf->usermask); MyFree(dconf->hostmask); MyFree(dconf->realmask); MyFree(dconf->message); MyFree(dconf); parse_error("Kill block must match on at least one of username, host or realname"); } dconf = NULL; }; killitems: killitem killitems | killitem; killitem: killuhost | killreal | killusername | killreasonfile | killreason; killuhost: HOST '=' QSTRING ';' { char *h; MyFree(dconf->hostmask); MyFree(dconf->usermask); if ((h = strchr($3, '@')) == NULL) { DupString(dconf->usermask, "*"); dconf->hostmask = $3; } else { *h++ = '\0'; DupString(dconf->hostmask, h); dconf->usermask = $3; } ipmask_parse(dconf->hostmask, &dconf->address, &dconf->bits); }; killusername: USERNAME '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(dconf->usermask); dconf->usermask = $3; }; killreal: REAL '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(dconf->realmask); dconf->realmask = $3; }; killreason: REASON '=' QSTRING ';' { dconf->flags &= ~DENY_FLAGS_FILE; MyFree(dconf->message); dconf->message = $3; }; killreasonfile: TFILE '=' QSTRING ';' { dconf->flags |= DENY_FLAGS_FILE; MyFree(dconf->message); dconf->message = $3; }; cruleblock: CRULE { tconn = CRULE_AUTO; } '{' cruleitems '}' ';' { struct CRuleNode *node = NULL; if (host == NULL) parse_error("Missing host in crule block"); else if (pass == NULL) parse_error("Missing rule in crule block"); else if ((node = crule_parse(pass)) == NULL) parse_error("Invalid rule '%s' in crule block", pass); else { struct CRuleConf *p = (struct CRuleConf*) MyMalloc(sizeof(*p)); p->hostmask = host; p->rule = pass; p->type = tconn; p->node = node; p->next = cruleConfList; cruleConfList = p; } if (!node) { MyFree(host); MyFree(pass); } host = pass = NULL; tconn = 0; }; cruleitems: cruleitem cruleitems | cruleitem; cruleitem: cruleserver | crulerule | cruleall; cruleserver: SERVER '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(host); collapse($3); host = $3; }; crulerule: RULE '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(pass); pass = $3; }; cruleall: ALL '=' YES ';' { tconn = CRULE_ALL; } | ALL '=' NO ';' { tconn = CRULE_AUTO; }; motdblock: MOTD '{' motditems '}' ';' { if (host != NULL && pass != NULL) motd_add(host, pass); MyFree(host); MyFree(pass); host = pass = NULL; }; motditems: motditem motditems | motditem; motditem: motdhost | motdfile; motdhost: HOST '=' QSTRING ';' { host = $3; }; motdfile: TFILE '=' QSTRING ';' { pass = $3; }; featuresblock: FEATURES '{' featureitems '}' ';'; featureitems: featureitems featureitem | featureitem; featureitem: QSTRING { stringlist[0] = $1; stringno = 1; } '=' stringlist ';' { unsigned int ii; feature_set(NULL, (const char * const *)stringlist, stringno); for (ii = 0; ii < stringno; ++ii) MyFree(stringlist[ii]); }; stringlist: stringlist extrastring | extrastring; extrastring: QSTRING { if (stringno < MAX_STRINGS) stringlist[stringno++] = $1; else MyFree($1); }; quarantineblock: QUARANTINE '{' quarantineitems '}' ';'; quarantineitems: quarantineitems quarantineitem | quarantineitem; quarantineitem: QSTRING '=' QSTRING ';' { struct qline *qconf = MyCalloc(1, sizeof(*qconf)); qconf->chname = $1; qconf->reason = $3; qconf->next = GlobalQuarantineList; GlobalQuarantineList = qconf; }; pseudoblock: PSEUDO QSTRING '{' { smap = MyCalloc(1, sizeof(struct s_map)); smap->command = $2; } pseudoitems '}' ';' { int valid = 0; if (!smap->name) parse_error("Missing name in pseudo %s block", smap->command); else if (!smap->services) parse_error("Missing nick in pseudo %s block", smap->command); else valid = 1; if (valid && register_mapping(smap)) { smap->next = GlobalServiceMapList; GlobalServiceMapList = smap; } else { free_mapping(smap); } smap = NULL; }; pseudoitems: pseudoitem pseudoitems | pseudoitem; pseudoitem: pseudoname | pseudoprepend | pseudonick | pseudoflags; pseudoname: NAME '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(smap->name); smap->name = $3; }; pseudoprepend: PREPEND '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(smap->prepend); smap->prepend = $3; }; pseudonick: NICK '=' QSTRING ';' { char *sep = strchr($3, '@'); if (sep != NULL) { size_t slen = strlen($3); struct nick_host *nh = MyMalloc(sizeof(*nh) + slen); memcpy(nh->nick, $3, slen + 1); nh->nicklen = sep - $3; nh->next = smap->services; smap->services = nh; } MyFree($3); }; pseudoflags: FAST ';' { smap->flags |= SMAP_FAST; }; iauthblock: IAUTH '{' iauthitems '}' ';' { auth_spawn(stringno, stringlist); while (stringno > 0) MyFree(stringlist[stringno--]); }; iauthitems: iauthitem iauthitems | iauthitem; iauthitem: iauthprogram; iauthprogram: PROGRAM '=' { while (stringno > 0) MyFree(stringlist[stringno--]); } stringlist ';'; spoofblock: SPOOFHOST QSTRING '{' { spoof = MyCalloc(1, sizeof(struct sline)); spoof->spoofhost = $2; spoof->passwd = NULL; spoof->realhost = NULL; spoof->username = NULL; } spoofitems '}' ';' { struct irc_in_addr ip; char bits; if (spoof->username == NULL && spoof->realhost) { parse_error("Username missing in spoofhost."); } else if (spoof->realhost == NULL && spoof->username) { parse_error("Realhost missing in spoofhost."); } if (spoof->realhost) { if (!string_has_wildcards(spoof->realhost)) { if (ipmask_parse(spoof->realhost, &ip, &bits) != 0) { spoof->address = ip; spoof->bits = bits; spoof->flags = SLINE_FLAGS_IP; } else { Debug((DEBUG_DEBUG, "S-Line: \"%s\" appears not to be a valid IP address, might be wildcarded.", spoof->realhost)); spoof->flags = SLINE_FLAGS_HOSTNAME; } } else spoof->flags = SLINE_FLAGS_HOSTNAME; } else spoof->flags = 0; spoof->next = GlobalSList; GlobalSList = spoof; spoof = NULL; }; spoofitems: spoofitem spoofitems | spoofitem; spoofitem: spoofpassword | spoofrealhost | spoofrealident; spoofpassword: PASS '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(spoof->passwd); spoof->passwd = $3; }; spoofrealhost: HOST '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(spoof->realhost); spoof->realhost = $3; }; spoofrealident: USERNAME '=' QSTRING ';' { MyFree(spoof->username); spoof->username = $3; };