]> jfr.im git - irc/quakenet/snircd-patchqueue.git/shortlog
2010-04-06  wiebeshowumodehtoclients: fix -h mode change not showing...
2010-04-06  wiebeshowumodehtoclients: do not show mode +h when user...
2010-04-06  wiebeshowumodehtoclients: show usermode +h to clients
2010-04-06  wiebewelcome: add assertion checks to welcome_log
2010-04-06  wiebewelcome: always check timestamps, removed timestamp...
2010-04-06  wiebewelcome: use WelcomeText and WelcomeWho for logging...
2010-04-06  wiebewelcome: add assertion checks in welcome_announce
2010-04-06  wiebewelcome: add macros WelcomeTS WelcomeText WelcomeWho
2010-04-06  wiebewelcome add WelcomeIsSet and WelcomeIsEmpty macros
2010-04-06  wiebewelcome: dont allow timestamp to be 0
2010-04-06  wiebewelcome: fix typo in change or truncate error
2010-04-06  wiebewelcome: fix typo in comment
2010-04-06  wiebewelcome: check the length of the message and throw...
2010-04-06  wiebewelcome: add who to the log messages
2010-04-06  wiebewelcome: use max variable instead of WELCOME_MAX_ENTRIE...
2010-04-06  wiebewelcome: add WelcomeIsValid macro
2010-04-06  wiebewelcome: corrected some comments
2010-04-05  wiebewelcome: do not call welcome_insert on last local/globa...
2010-04-05  wiebewelcome: when unsetting an entry, move the ones after...
2010-04-05  wiebewelcome: do all logging stuff in welcome_log
2010-04-05  wiebewelcome: moved unsetting to welcome_unset and setting...
2010-04-05  wiebewelcome: update timestamp when moving entries
2010-04-05  wiebewelcome: use variables we already have instead of getti...
2010-04-05  wiebewelcome: manually propagate when the entry number is...
2010-04-03  wiebewelcome: throw error when name param is empty (only...
2010-04-03  wiebewelcome: forgot to change TOPICLEN to WELCOMELEN in...
2010-04-03  wiebewelcome: add + prefix which inserts entry (and moves...
2010-04-03  wiebewelcome: add define WELCOMELEN instead of directly...
2010-04-03  wiebewelcome: check WELCOME_LOCAL flag instead of message...
2010-04-03  wiebewelcome: add protocol violation for invalid message...
2010-04-03  wiebewelcome: check source of welcome listing request, if...
2010-04-03  wiebewelcome: shortend local vs remote listing logic
2010-04-02  wiebesethostprotocolviolation: protocol violation for a...
2010-04-02  wiebehashiddenhostorissethost: add HasHiddenHostOrIsSetHost...
2010-04-02  wiebewhousermodes: refresh for issethost.patch where HasSetH...
2010-04-02  wiebeautosethost: refresh for issethost.patch where HasSetHo...
2010-04-02  wiebeissethost: remove HasSetHost() macro, IsSetHost() is...
2010-04-02  wiebesethostnewhostmask: check if user is +rx, not just...
2010-03-27  wieberpingall: RPING with target * travels to all servers...
2010-03-25  wiebeopername: updated description - prefix jupe reasons...
2010-03-25  wiebecentralizemodecccheck: changed check for +C and CTCP...
2010-03-25  wiebeinvalidatebanssethost: also invalidate bans when a...
2010-03-25  wiebewhoisparanoid: added description in patch
2010-03-25  wiebecprivmsgerracconly: changed code comment and patch...
2010-03-25  wiebeglinesnomask: use snomask SNO_GLINE when an oper is...
2010-03-24  wiebeumoderqerrorreplynickatserver: throw error when user...
2010-03-24  wiebefreetargetandsilencecheckafterumodechecks: check +R...
2010-03-23  wiebeopername: missed a compile warning, removed * from...
2010-03-23  wiebewelcome: show global in snomask and notices when dealin...
2010-03-23  wiebeopername: prefix jupe reasons with the oper's opername
2010-03-23  wiebekillalwaysshowvictimuip: made consistent with local...
2010-03-23  wiebeinvalidatebanssethost: refresh for changes in s_user...
2010-03-23  wiebesethostoldcode: removed some old code in set_hostmask...
2010-03-23  wiebewhoisparanoid: correct logic in notice
2010-03-23  wiebecheckoutput: forgot a : in one of the RPL_DATASTR replies
2010-03-23  wiebecheckmscheck: forgot a ; after protocol_violation()
2010-03-23  wiebecheckoutput: added remote server param to command synta...
2010-03-23  wiebewelcome: refresh for changes by checkmscheck to parse.c
2010-03-23  wiebecheckmscheck: split m_check function into mo_check...
2010-03-23  wieberefesh of whotopic for changes in m_check.c in checkput
2010-03-23  wieberefresh of whoban for changes in m_check.c in checkoutput
2010-03-23  wiebecheckoutput: changed (timestamp) output to [timestamp]
2010-03-23  wiebecheckendof: make RPL_ENDOFCHECK consistent with other...
2010-03-23  wieberefresh of whotopic and whoban for changes in m_check...
2010-03-23  wiebecheckoutput: restored for the most part, most output...
2010-03-21  wiebecentralizemodecccheck: updated description in file...
2010-03-20  wiebecentralizemodeccchecks: removed unneeded () around...
2010-03-20  wiebeadd file freetargetcheckaftermodechecks.patch
2010-03-20  wiebecentralizemodecccheck: centralize mode checks for ...
2010-03-20  wiebefreetargetcheckaftermodechecks: move free target check...
2010-03-19  wiebebadchanlocalkick: dont sent kicks upstream for local...
2010-03-19  wiebebadchanactivefor: show 'BADCHAN active for #channel...
2010-03-18  wiebewhousermodes: show all snircd usermodes in who to opers
2010-03-18  wiebelocaloperkill: dont sent local kill by local irc operat...
2010-03-18  wiebekillalwaysshowvictimuip: show nick[user@ip] in kill...
2010-03-18  wiebeinvalidatebanssethost: invalidate bans when user sets...
2010-03-18  wiebeautosethost: dont send RPL_HOSTHIDDEN to remote users...
2010-03-18  wiebenetriderkickoutsideburst: make anti net rider code...
2010-03-18  wiebeautosethost: commented out RPL_USINGSLINE numeric reply...
2010-03-18  wiebeautosethost: changed using spoof block privilege to...
2010-03-17  wiebeautosethost: correct S-line privilige message and send...
2010-03-17  wiebewelcome: fixed for changes to ircd and patch queue
2010-03-17  wiebeopername: added opernames to oper and de-oper snomask...
2010-03-17  wiebeisrealchannelservice: change all appropriate ischannlse...
2010-03-17  wiebemoved minoplevel.patch above ischannelservice.patch
2010-03-17  wieberemoved hisversionremote.patch
2010-03-17  wieberemoved hisadmin.patch
2010-03-17  wieberemoved operping.patch
2010-03-17  wiebechanged order of patches - now order from most likely...
2010-03-17  wieberemoved statsheader.patch - not needed
2010-03-17  wieberemoved addnickchasetomodenick.patch
2010-03-17  wieberemoved addhacktypetohackkick.patch - not needed
2010-03-17  wieberemoved glinesnomask.patch - may return in more simple...
2010-03-17  wieberemoved oplevelforward.patch - this bug is fixed in...
2010-03-17  wieberemoved cmdhelp.patch
2010-03-17  wieberemoved staffpriv.patch
2010-03-17  wieberemoved hidebanowner.patch
2010-03-17  wieberemoved addopkickcmd.patch - not needed
2010-03-17  wieberemoved checkoutput.patch - check can be rewritten...
2010-03-17  wieberemoved privlocalchan.patch - can deal with this in...