%{ #include #include #include #include "../lib/stringbuf.h" #include "newsearch.h" #include "parser.h" #define YYSTYPE sstring * int yylex(void); extern char *parseStrError; extern int parseStrErrorPos; #define MAXSTACKSIZE 50 typedef struct parserlist { searchASTExpr expr; struct parserlist *next; } parserlist; static int stackpos; static parserlist *stack[MAXSTACKSIZE]; static int stackcount[MAXSTACKSIZE]; static fnFinder functionfinder; static void *fnfarg; static parsertree **presult, sresult; extern int lexerror, lexpos; void yystrerror(const char *format, ...); void lexreset(void); void resetparser(fnFinder fnf, void *arg, parsertree **result) { presult = result; *presult = &sresult; sresult.exprlist = NULL; sresult.strlist = NULL; sresult.finished = 0; functionfinder = fnf; fnfarg = arg; stackpos = 0; lexreset(); } void yyerror(const char *str) { if(lexerror) { lexerror = 0; yystrerror("lexical error"); return; } parseStrError = (char *)str; parseStrErrorPos = lexpos; } void yystrerror(const char *format, ...) { va_list va; static char buf[512]; parse_free(&sresult); va_start(va, format); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, va); va_end(va); yyerror(buf); } %} %token LPAREN RPAREN WHITESPACE IDENTIFIER STRING %% invocation: LPAREN function argumentlist RPAREN { sstring *str = $2; int i, count; searchASTExpr *ap, *root; parserlist *pp, *npp; expressionlist *xl; parseFunc pfn; stackpos--; count = stackcount[stackpos]; pfn = functionfinder(str->content, fnfarg); if(!pfn) { yystrerror("unknown function: %s", str->content); YYERROR; } /* if we're at the top of the stack we're the root of the tree */ if(stackpos != 0) { /* * we store this function containing its children in the stack list * as there might be functions or other stuff after it, such as: * (fn (fn2) moo moo) */ parserlist *rootp = malloc(sizeof(searchASTExpr) + sizeof(parserlist)); root = &rootp->expr; stackcount[stackpos-1]++; rootp->next = stack[stackpos-1]; stack[stackpos-1] = rootp; } else { /* need space for the final result and real root */ *presult = malloc(sizeof(parsertree) + sizeof(searchASTExpr)); memcpy(*presult, &sresult, sizeof(parsertree)); (*presult)->finished = 1; root = (*presult)->root; } xl = malloc(sizeof(expressionlist) + sizeof(searchASTExpr) * count); xl->next = (*presult)->exprlist; (*presult)->exprlist = xl; ap = xl->expr; for(i=count-1,pp=stack[stackpos];i>=0;i--,pp=npp) { npp = pp->next; memcpy(&ap[i], &pp->expr, sizeof(searchASTExpr)); free(pp); } *root = NSASTManualNode(pfn, count, ap); freesstring(str); } function: IDENTIFIER { if(stackpos >= MAXSTACKSIZE - 1) { yyerror("function stack overflow"); YYERROR; } stackcount[stackpos] = 0; stack[stackpos] = NULL; stackpos++; }; argumentlist: /* empty */ | WHITESPACE argument argumentlist; argument: invocation | literal { sstring *str = $1; parserlist *l = malloc(sizeof(parserlist)); stringlist *sl = malloc(sizeof(stringlist)); l->expr = NSASTLiteral(str->content); l->next = stack[stackpos - 1]; stack[stackpos - 1] = l; stackcount[stackpos - 1]++; sl->data = str; sl->next = (*presult)->strlist; (*presult)->strlist = sl; } ; literal: IDENTIFIER | STRING;