newserv Modules =============== This is a brief overview of the newserv modules. core ---- This is not actually a module. Instead, this is the code of the "newserv" binary which provides minimal support for loading modules. authext, bans, chanindex, channel, irc, nick, server ---------------------------------------------------- These modules provide basic support for accounts, channels, nicks and server connections. Virtually all other modules depend on at least some of these modules. localuser --------- Implements functionality for creating local users that are "connected" to the newserv instance. control ------- Spawns the control user for your newserv instance. The control user provides an IRC-based interface for newserv commands, e.g. to manage loaded modules and modify user accounts. Other modules can register their own commands. Configuration: [control] nick=N3 #ident=control #realname=newserv Control Service #authname=C control_commands ---------------- Provides commonly-used oper commands. control_management ------------------ Provides user management commands. auth ---- Supports sending AC tokens. You should only use this module if you don't have some other form of authentication service on your network (such as Q). This module lets opers use arbitrary account names and IDs. chanfix ------- Keeps track of channel ops and can be used to re-op opless channels. However, since its chanfixing commands require oper, it should be paired with the request module, which provides REQUESTOP for users and uses chanfix internally. chanserv -------- This is QuakeNet's channel service (Q). In order to load this module you will need also need to load the pqsql module. Configuration: [chanserv] nick=Q user=TheQBot realname=ChannelService account=Q secret= ticketsecret= createaccountsecret= secret can be an arbitrary string, at most 128 characters long. If not set, Q will generate a random one and not write it to the configuration. ticketsecret can be an arbitrary string, at most 256 characters long and must be set for ticket auth to work. Note that you must implement ticket auth yourself if you wish to use it. createaccountsecret must be a hex string of exact 128 characters (i.e. 64 bytes of hex-encoded data). pqsql ----- Provides support for PostgreSQL database queries. Configuration: [pqsql] host= port=5432 username=gunnar password=changeme #database=newserv dbapi2 ------ Implements database functionality used by some other modules. In addition to loading the dbapi2 module you will also need to load one of the database provider modules: sqlite-dbapi2 or pqsql-dbapi2 fakeusers --------- Provides a way to spawn fake users. glines ------ Implements gline commands and general gline functionality that is used by other modules. geoip ----- Provides geo-location services for other modules. Configuration: [geoip] #db=GeoIP.dat helpmod2 -------- This is QuakeNet's G service. It is primarily used on official support channels. invalidbans ----------- This module automatically removes invalid IPv6 bans as these can desync channel modes on snircd 1.3.4a. jupe ---- Provides commands to set, list and remove jupes. lua --- Provides support for Lua scripts. For an example of a fairly complex script have a look at the labspace repository at Configuration: [lua] #botnick=U #scriptsuffix=.lua scriptdir=./luascripts script=labspace Note: You will need to create the script directory in your newserv installation directory (e.g. "luascripts" in this example) and symlink the lua/lib directory into it. newsearch --------- Provides functionality to search for nicks and channels based on certain criteria. nickwatch --------- Implements event-based nicksearch queries. nterfacer --------- Implements a protocol that allows external services to communicate with this newserv instance. You will need to implement your own client if you wish to use this. Configuration: [nterfacer] #debug=0 # listening port #port=2438 # Each individual permit/allowed client must have a hostname and password hostname= password=changeme miscreply --------- Implements rping and various other status query commands. Configuration: [miscreply] #admin1=Located at the Union Aerospace Corp. facility, Stroggos #admin2=Network IRC Service #admin3=No administrative info available patrol ------ Implements functionality to spawn trojanscan swarm clones. Configuration: [patrol] #minpoolhosts=5000 patricia, patricianick, patriciasearch -------------------------------------- Implements finding nicks based on CIDR prefixes. proxyscan --------- Does on-connect proxy scans and glines open proxies. Configuration: [proxyscan] # listen port port=9999 # bind IP ip= maxscans=200 rescaninterval=3600 nick=P user=proxyscan realname=Proxyscan request ------- This is QuakeNet's channel service request bot (R). Configuration: [request] #nick=R #user=request #real=Service Request v0.23 #snick=S #qnick=Q #auth=R #authid=1780711 # Auth to S #user=R #password=bla serverlist ---------- Implements the serverlist command which shows various information about connected servers (including their network latency). Configuration: [serverlist] service_re=^services\d*\..*$ hub_re=^hub\d*\..*$ not_client_re=^(testserv\d*\.).*$ settime ------- Provides commands to set the network time. splitlist --------- Keeps track of servers that were lost during a netsplit. This module is used by chanfix to determine when it shouldn't re-op users. ticketauth ---------- Provides ticketauth, a way to authenticate to noperserv using a one-time ticket. It works similar to the ticket auth in chanserv. If you want to use ticketauth, you'll need to implement a method to issue tickets using the shared secret yourself. Configuration: [ticketauth] sharedsecret= sharedsecret is an arbitrary string of at most 512 characters. trojanscan ---------- Used to find and gline drones on the network. Note that this module uses MySQL exclusively and in a blocking manner, so that a hanging connection to the MySQL database can and will block all network I/O. For this reason, you will probably want a newserv instance dedicated to running trojanscan if you wish to run it. Configuration: [trojanscan] nick=T ident=trojanscan realname=Trojanscan v2.73 authname=T # MySQL credentials dbhost=localhost dbport=3306 dbuser=moo dbpass=changeme db=moo maxchans=750 cycletime=16000 parttime=2600 maxusers=20 minchansize=150 trusts ------ Implements connection limits. Supports the TRUST protocol which is used by quakenet-iauthd to determine whether to allow users to connect to the network. You will need to load the trusts_master module on exactly one of your newserv instances. All other instances should load the trusts_slave module in order to receive replication updates from the trusts master: [trusts] master=1 # Only used if master=0 In most cases you will also want to load the trusts_management module on your trusts master. This module provides commands to add, modify and delete trusts. If you want to enforce connection limits on your network you can use the trusts_policy module: [trusts_policy] enforcepolicy_irc=1 enforcepolicy_auth=0 trustport=5776,changeme,changeme You can use the QuakeNet IAuth daemon available at to enforce connection limits using IAuth rather than g:lines. whowas, whowas_channels ----------------------- Keeps track of historical user records. Used by the glines module to chase nicks and by newsearch. The whowas_channels module optionally keeps track of which channels users were on. Configuration: [whowas] maxentries=1000 xsb --- Provides newserv<->newserv communication capabilities. Used by the trusts modules to sync trusts between newserv instances. Configuration: [xsb] servicemask=*