* = Not finished - = Started X = Finsihed X Fix bug that doesn't decrease player fights * Deal with cheaters who create additional characters, fight with them a bit, then kill them to get their gold. Maybe add level restrictions to fighting other players? - Finish the monsters for all levels. - Make all applicable commands take the player name instead of the irc nickname as their parameter. This way players can have different names and stay anonymous on IRC while enjoying full game functionality. - Make an end monster for whatever the last level in the game is... that way the game has a point no matter how many monsters are done! * Put the masters in a masters.dat file. * Group all data in a data directory * Make install * Make database and config file version numbers - Not necessary for config files anymore * Town square shouts. Array of 10 strings that gets rotated * Choose how many strings to rotate in the config file * Offline player fighting * Sleep at the Inn (useful after offline fighting works (players can't fight you unless they bribe the innkeeper)) * Transfer funds through bank accounts with caps on amount and per day (not sure, doubt it) * Possible choice in gameserv.conf * MySQL Databases instead of the players.dat/monsters.dat format. This would allow backup versions of GameServ to be running on the same network using the same data. * Classes of players with special abilities like spells and such. - Hash tables for speedy search/insert into player lists. * Error handling * DCC Chat With GameServ for added capabilities * Timeouts on player fights w/ option in config file for timeout rate * Other player will win on timeout? option in config file * Implement some sort of IP identification scheme so you can only have one player per user@host. X Make a logout command X make it so you can't register two of the same player names X Option for including a config file as a runtime parameter for running Multiple instances of GameServ on different networks. X Fix bug where people can identify while they are two different nicknames X Add option to config file for forest fights per day, etc. X Load monsters from a monsters.dat file so they can be changed easily. X Periodic updates of the gameserv databases to avoid lost data X Tavern where you can buy potions and powerups X Add functionality for potions X Forest events X Wishing well X Fountain of youth: rejuvination & forest fights X Make GameServ a true daemon instead of using nohup X No output unless it's a loading error X Take out most of the output except if in debug mode. X put in the logfile in debug mode X Add P10: Undernet protocol X Notice on missing directive from gameserv.conf file. X Make it so you can only fight a person at max, so many levels below you