# Name~Weapon~Strength~Gold~Experience~(Hit points)~Death Phrase (said when they die) #Level 7 Godzilla~Sparks~300~14004~300~521~ ROAAAAAAR!!!~ Night Crawler~Long Tail~312~13950~450~530~You cannot defend against my teleporting!~ Large Cactus~10,000 Needles~350~15158~403~540~Pins and needles!!~ Fremen Fedaykin~Weirding Way~351~11999~500~555~The death commando calls out for his beloved Muad'Dib before he dies.~ Land Shark~Razor Jaws~325~9041~410~510~After you slay the half breed you tear off its fin and watch the pool of blood gather.~ Wraith Knight~Dark Sword~320~9503~210~513~You could almost taste your impending doom with every swing of his sword!~ Daredevil~Walking Cane~321~12596~340~530~All you can hear him say through his now toothless grin is "I'm not the bad guy!"~ Invisible Boxer~Floating Gloves~330~13040~241~519~You had a hard time with this opponent, his blood soaked flesh is now fully visible.~ Evil Santa~Bag of Coal~328~12020~352~512~This wicked black cloaked rival can do no more harm!~ Referee~Screeching Whistle~302~12125~322~500~Personal foul. Penalty: his life!~ Warlock~Magic Staff~312~13312~201~410~His spells were no match for your heroic display of power!~ Mafia Boss~Gatling Gun~319~15025~300~416~You made him an offer he couldn't refuse!~ ^