Lost Warrior's Cousin Larry~Wood Axe~26~134~24~40~He was pretty pissed you killed his cousin, but he seems to have suffered the same fate!~ Sandman~Sleeping Dust~25~80~6~37~You put the sandman to his final sleep.~ Skank~Stiletto Heel~21~160~12~34~Your pimp hand is way strong!~ Goblin Gardener~Garden Spade~22~130~8~29~You trample on his garden after slaying him... that felt good!~ Evil Elf~Dark Bow~31~136~13~39~Elves are usually nice you thought... hmm.~ Viking Warrior~Broad Sword~35~330~20~50~You heard vikings were big, but not THAT big!~ Wicked Witch~Cackling Laugh~23~130~20~30~Just for kicks, you splash some water on her and watch her melt.~ Vampire Bat~Blood Sucking Fangs~27~125~21~29~You fry up the bat and eat it... needs gaaahlic.~ Thorn Bush~101 Thorns~19~94~15~25~You set the bush ablaze and roast some marshmallows.~ Barbarian~Heavy Sword~29~250~25~30~You listen to him moan as he falls over dead.~ Crypt Rat~Stinging Bite~29~119~20~26~You squash the little rodent for fear that it might not be dead.~ Small Orc~Sharp Blade~32~300~30~36~It's an ugly one, and it would've grown up to be a terror...~ ^