Slime~Acid Goo~The slime oozes into nothing... you clean the acid goo off of your weapon~ Ghost~Cold Breath~You feel a chill as the spirit leaves the realm.~ Ugly Rodent~Sharp Teeth~You stomp on the Ugly Rodent's remains for a finishing blow.~ Whart Hog~Tusks~You cook and eat the hog for good measure!~ Pesky Kid~Slingshot~You take his slingshot and snap the band, sending the kid crying home to mom~ Playground Bully~Painful Noogie~You give him an indian burn, and punt him across the schoolyard!~ Small Imp~Dagger~You can't help but laugh as he stumbles and falls onto his own dagger!~ Little Monkey~Monkey Wrench~You want to cook it, but you just can't think of eating something that looks so human!~ Grub Worm~Minor Nudge~You decide to save the poor little fella for your next fishing trip.~ Drakee~Tail Slap~You hold the little Drakee by its tale and slam it down on a dry stump!~ Fat Slob~Smelly Breath~You kick his stomach for fun, and are thrown back by the spring of it all!~ Lost Warrior~Long Sword~You give him a proper burial in respect for the dead warrior.~ Harry Potter~Nimbus 2000~I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me.~ Snake Nidhogg~Crushtail~CURSE YOU!~ Seven of Nine~Nanoprobes~Death is irrelevant, resistance is futile~ Great Smiley~Happiness~Wheeeeeeeee, party!! :D~ Crud Puppy~Bad Office Coffee~My evil powers have grown weak!~ Layla~Sexy Kiss of Insanity~She lookes at you with her misleading eyes, almost making you feel bad you killed her.~ Ignatz Despoiler-of-Maidens~Bludgeon~Blessed with his own stupidity!~ King Kong~Skyscraper~I want my woman!~ Sergeant Gunnary Heartman~Drill Voice~You still need training boy!~ Cartman~Flammable Fart~Respect my authority! ^