# Name~Weapon~Strength~Gold~Experience~(Hit points)~Death Phrase (said when they die) #Level 1 Slime~Acid Goo~6~50~3~9~The slime oozes into nothing... you clean the acid goo off of your weapon Ghost~Cold Breath~8~100~10~10~You feel a chill as the spirit leaves the realm. Ugly Rodent~Sharp Teeth~9~75~8~13~You stomp on the Ugly Rodent's remains for a finishing blow. Whart Hog~Tusks~10~80~6~10~You cook and eat the hog for good measure! Pesky Kid~Slingshot~8~30~4~6~You take his slingshot and snap the band, sending the kid crying home to mom Playground Bully~Painful Noogie~11~44~6~10~You give him an indian burn, and punt him across the schoolyard! Small Imp~Dagger~6~64~10~10~You can't help but laugh as he stumbles and falls onto his own dagger! Little Monkey~Monkey Wrench~6~53~9~9~You want to cook it, but you just can't think of eating something that looks so human! Grub Worm~Minor Nudge~2~10~3~3~You decide to save the poor little fella for your next fishing trip. Drakee~Tail Slap~5~22~7~5~You hold the little Drakee by its tale and slam it down on a dry stump! Fat Slob~Smelly Breath~6~40~10~7~You kick his stomach for fun, and are thrown back by the spring of it all! Lost Warrior~Long Sword~10~250~19~15~You give him a proper burial in respect for the dead warrior. # Name~Weapon~Strength~Gold~Experience~(Hit points)~Death Phrase (said when they die) #Level 2 Lost Warrior's Cousin Larry~Wood Axe~26~134~24~40~He was pretty pissed you killed his cousin, but he seems to have suffered the same fate! Sandman~Sleeping Dust~25~80~6~37~You put the sandman to his final sleep. Skank~Stiletto Heel~21~160~12~34~Your pimp hand is way strong! Goblin Gardener~Garden Spade~22~130~8~29~You trample on his garden after slaying him... that felt good! Evil Elf~Dark Bow~31~136~13~39~Elves are usually nice you thought... hmm. Viking Warrior~Broad Sword~35~330~20~50~You heard vikings were big, but not THAT big! Wicked Witch~Cackling Laugh~23~130~20~30~Just for kicks, you splash some water on her and watch her melt. Vampire Bat~Blood Sucking Fangs~27~125~21~29~You fry up the bat and eat it... needs gaaahlic. Thorn Bush~101 Thorns~19~94~15~25~You set the bush ablaze and roast some marshmallows. Barbarian~Heavy Sword~29~250~25~30~You listen to him moan as he falls over dead. Crypt Rat~Stinging Bite~29~119~20~26~You squash the little rodent for fear that it might not be dead. Small Orc~Sharp Blade~32~300~30~36~It's an ugly one, and it would've grown up to be a terror... # Name~Weapon~Strength~Gold~Experience~(Hit points)~Death Phrase (said when they die) #Level 3 Teferi~Puzzle Box~39~380~18~36~It was a puzzling experience. Spineless Thug~Spiked Bat~41~384~27~39~See you at the crossroads! Pyromaniac~Flame Thrower~37~563~22~48~He chants FIRE FIRE as he falls to the ground... a burning heap of flesh. Evil Enchantress~Deadly Spell~50~830~35~56~She looked just about as good as she fought. Killer Leprechaun~Gold Rush~40~1300~30~44~You steal his pot of gold... that's a lot of money! Avalanche Rider~Huge Snowball~52~700~32~48~You take his snowboard and snap it in two! Blundering Idiot~Stupidity~25~700~20~90~Now there's one person you don't feel sorry for killing! Militant Anarchist~Molotov Cocktail~49~245~45~43~Order has been restored for now... Scathe Zombies~Death Grip~49~763~15~60~That was perhaps the scariest experience of your life. Demon Llama~Flamed Spit~48~638~28~45~You wipe the spit off your face and fling it back at the Llama. Juggalo~Clown Axe~60~650~30~60~What is a Juggalo? I don't know! The Boogie Man~Striking Fear~46~600~35~50~He's scared you for the very last time! # Name~Weapon~Strength~Gold~Experience~(Hit points)~Death Phrase (said when they die) #Level 4 Living Fire~Scorching Wind~99~1100~36~89~You extinguish the Living Flame once and for all! Raging Orc~Orcish Artillary~97~900~25~90~This orc was a bit tougher than you remembered! Huge Tarantula~Tangling Web~75~1000~35~80~You're glad you overcame your arachniphobia so soon! Rabid Wolf~Cujo Bite~52~1200~47~85~The mutt falls over dead as white foam drips from its deadly canines... Goblin Fighter~Morning Star~90~700~30~99~He almost got you, but you sliced off his head. Grizzly Bear~Razor Claws~95~1747~81~100~It almost got you this time... better be careful Skeleton Man~Leg Bone~79~597~57~92~As a finisher, you wind up with the broad side of your weapon and hit his skull off for a home run! Young Werewolf~Gnashed Teeth~88~1742~65~91~You scatter the wolf's body parts in hopes he will stay dead! Dark Infantry~Flesh Reaper~76~870~43~102~Light has prevailed this time... but it's only so long before you meet again. Erie Spirit~Deadly Grin~81~1300~32~105~His cousin the ghost was a little bit easier. Gollum~Precious Treasure~75~1492~73~95~Gollum screams out "MY PRECIOUS" as his small body falls limp from your blow. Rock Fighter~Boulders~99~1742~99~125~You dodge his last rock, and counter with a low blow, cutting off his legs. # Name~Weapon~Strength~Gold~Experience~(Hit points)~Death Phrase (said when they die) #Level 5 Giant Sphinx~Ancient Curse~130~1000~100~140~You look in awe at the great wonder, collapsed at your feet! Giant Ogre~Big Log~140~857~175~120~Your wits outmatched the ogre's brawn... big dumb thing. Massive Cockroach~Piercing Hiss~135~700~150~122~Where's the exterminator when you need one? Large Venomous Snake~Poison Fangs~150~900~175~146~After killing this beast you check for puncture marks... you find none, luckily. Lizard Man~Deadly Jaws~155~1250~175~160~His scales made for tough armor, and his jaws for a tougher opponent! Face Dancer~Illusion Scyth~148~1603~198~173~His carcus takes the shape of many things before it dies. His true form is so repulsive, you know why he changed faces so much! Darklord Longbow Archer~Deadly Bow and Arrows~155~1569~243~180~Your face turns white with horror after you realize you just met the devil's protector! Hell's Paladin~Sword of Hellfire~200~2191~254~175~This is starting to get tough you think. Do you really want to go to level 6? The Unknown Soldier~Soul Torture~185~1890~200~180~Who was that? Where was he from? And what was that weapon?? Undead Cult Leader~Lance of Deceit~190~1792~195~190~His words fall on deaf ears... this is one cult you will NOT be part of! Water Serpent~Forked Tongue~160~1500~176~220~The serpent squeals as you cut off its head! Silverback Gorilla~Deadly Poison Banana Peel~170~1300~150~178~Was that gorilla or guerilla? # Name~Weapon~Strength~Gold~Experience~(Hit points)~Death Phrase (said when they die) #Level 6 Cheap Bastard~Sack of Pennies~255~1000~195~200~You hear him scream, "MY COINS!!" as you run off with his sack. Disgruntled Postal Worker~AK-47~220~2500~200~201~I guess he went postal! Unix Administrator~rm -rf you~240~3215~230~240~mv unixadmin /dev/null ; ls unixadmin ... You make sure he's null and void! Tremble Troll~Tree Trunk Sized Arms~215~2750~145~214~The creature lies shaking in a pool of blood at your feet. Flood Monkey~Swamp Weed Rope~300~4500~375~221~Don't tie me down! Ooh Ooh! Aah Aah! Mim Gryan~Needle Fingers~286~2760~350~225~The once razor sharp needles have been grinded to a dull point by your armor. Galley Beggar~Shrieking Laugh~229~1000~191~259~What the heck was so funny? Freybug~Rocks~276~3412~300~250~Your mother was a rolling stone! Psi Morph~Mind Control~295~3220~400~290~It's a good thing this monster couldn't control your spirit! Aibyteyu~Spear Fork~260~2309~245~230~Where's the Beef!?!? Atax~Tiny Daggers~260~2000~215~210~This THING took on the form of your best friend! Keep your eyes peeled next time! Idunkjoo~Trident~286~3165~243~245~You frantically struggle for air as you asphyxiate between the trident's prongs! WHEW! #Level 7 Godzilla~Sparks~300~14004~300~321~ ROAAAAAAR!!! Night Crawler~Long Tail~312~13950~450~330~You cannot defend against my teleporting! Large Cactus~10,000 Needles~350~15158~403~340~Pins and needles!! Fremen Fedaykin~Weirding Way~351~11999~500~355~The death commando calls out for his beloved Muad'Dib before he dies. Land Shark~Razor Jaws~325~9041~410~310~After you slay the half breed you tear off its fin and watch the pool of blood gather. Wraith Knight~Dark Sword~320~9503~210~313~You could almost taste your impending doom with every swing of his sword! Daredevil~Walking Cane~321~12596~340~330~All you can hear him say through his now toothless grin is "I'm not the bad guy!" Invisible Boxer~Floating Gloves~330~13040~241~319~You had a hard time with this opponent, his blood soaked flesh is now fully visible. Evil Santa~Bag of Coal~328~12020~352~312~This wicked black cloaked rival can do no more harm! Referee~Screeching Whistle~302~12125~322~300~Personal foul. Penalty: his life! Warlock~Magic Staff~312~13312~201~310~His spells were no match for your heroic display of power! Mafia Boss~Gatling Gun~319~15025~300~316~You made him an offer he couldn't refuse! # Name~Weapon~Strength~Gold~Experience~(Hit points)~Death Phrase (said when they die) #Level 8 Cyclops~Laser Eye~399~15000~490~399~That's one hot laser. Wans Beast~Crushing Embrace~370~17141~1000~300~The hairy thing has finally stopped moving. Lord Mathese~Fencing Sword~360~23011~1100~312~You have wiped the sneer off his face once and for all. King Arhur's Evil Twin~Excabular~351~24602~1233~350~You feel lucky to have lived, things could have gone sour.. Gate Keeper~Large Key~400~25642~4000~1243~Goodness he was strong! No wonder he's guarding the gate! Flying Elephant~Trunk~410~20000~3402~1029~You wonder how such a large beast was able to fly. Two Headed Lion~Two Headed Pounce~391~14010~2304~999~You have slain the mythical beast and, in the process, have cut off both of its heads! One Eyed one Eared Flying Purple People Eater~Horn on his Head~380~10001~2357~340~He was a one eyed one eared flying purple people eater! Red Neck of the East~Trailer Hitch~350~1000~670~700~If you go to your family reunion to pick up women, you might be a redneck! Decomposed Corpse~Horrid Stench~375~2140~1204~890~Your stomach churns as you flee from this vile creature's twice killed carcus! Empty Armor~Translucent Sword~380~13010~930~560~The armor falls into a pile as your finishing blow misses completely! Where did it go? Liquid Gold Man~Sword Arm~399~50102~900~2420~He was tough, and you were greedy, but the payoff is wonderful! # Name~Weapon~Strength~Gold~Experience~(Hit points)~Death Phrase (said when they die) level 9 # Level 9 Iron Maiden~Hell and Fire~450~60021~1234~2000~666! THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST! Black Eye~Blank Stare~475~45982~1501~2123~The eye seems to stare eternally inward from now on! Bill Gates~Blue Screen of Death~510~100000~1700~2400~format c: /q ...He's DEAD! Honored Matre~Tantric Ecstacy~483~10351~2102~2302~The whore's attempts at sexual government have been halted for now! Shaitan~Melange Agony~500~30491~3400~2500~Shai Hulud's warning must be taken with extreme humility, lest you invoke the wrath of Leto! Bi La Kaifa! Bene Tleilax Master Waff~Poison Tipped Darts~461~20121~2051~2223~You almost didn't have time to dodge the darts thrown from his sleeves! Reverend Mother~Gom Jabbar~490~23300~4032~2102~Her muscle conditioning was exquisite... but yours is better! Extremely Large Dingo~Sharp Canines~450~15231~2123~1958~That stupid mutt won't bother you anymore mate! Walking Ebola Virus~Disease Ridden Body~475~12314~1231~2000~You better decontaminate yourself, lest you find yourself infected by the vile monster! Corprus Stalker~Swollen Limbs~400~9412~2311~3000~He was slow, but extremely powerful! The corprus disease must do something to his body... Alien Priest~Religious Banter~420~1000~2223~2122~Green blood oozes from the carcus of this deceased missionary from beyond... Mad Scientist~Hydrochloric Acid~435~3203~1452~1760~The strange man cackles as he crawls away. All you catch is something about chemistry... ? # Name~Weapon~Strength~Gold~Experience~(Hit points)~Death Phrase (said when they die) level 10 # Name~Weapon~Strength~Gold~Experience~(Hit points)~Death Phrase (said when they die) level 11 # Name~Weapon~Strength~Gold~Experience~(Hit points)~Death Phrase (said when they die) level 12