From: Ed Kellett Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 15:45:00 +0000 (+0000) Subject: Fix titles with '' X-Git-Url: Fix titles with '' --- diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 6c5c33f02..54cea9aeb 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2003-04-17 04:59:57+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-rehubbing -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Rehubbing' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Rehubbing --- Over the course of the next few days, we'll be rehubbing most of the network, in an effort to improve reliability and possibly save some bandwidth costs. We're not sure how quickly we'll go through the network; if you'd like to keep track of the proceedings, you may want to turn on WALLOPS ("/mode yournick +w" or "/umode +w" on most clients). We'll try to mention it occasionally on global notice, since most users will be affected by the main rotation part of the rehubbing. Apologies for the inconvenience, and thanks for your patience. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 722864bd5..734b9519f 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ author: christel date: 2003-04-25 21:15:22+00:00 slug: announcement-additional-faq-items -title: '[Announcement] Additional FAQ items' +title: [Announcement] Additional FAQ items --- We've added [two]( [FAQs]( about [automated network bans]( which you should probably read at your first opportunity. Thanks! diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 7adef0662..64907e6ff 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ author: christel date: 2003-06-05 15:44:59+00:00 slug: announcement-polling-for-statistics -title: '[Announcement] Polling for statistics' +title: [Announcement] Polling for statistics --- At about 20:15 UTC, we'll be running a network-wide CTCP VERSION from a staff nick, **client_poll**. You should feel free to change your VERSION string if you want to, but the information helps staff get some idea of channel demographics. Thanks! diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 609382a7c..101ccdb13 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2003-08-03 21:12:49+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-ircd-upgrade-3 -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] IRCD Upgrade' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] IRCD Upgrade --- Hi, all. Yesterday at about 10pm UTC we posted a global notice to let people know that we were considering an upgrade this weekend to pre-1.0.32 dancer-ircd. We continue to experience clonebot attacks, and the additional features in the new release will be helpful. We directed people to channel **#upgrade** and asked for questions and feedback. After answering questions and taking comments for about an hour, it seemed that the response to the idea of trying the upgrade was pretty favorable. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 7aff41858..2b107b9cf 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2003-09-01 04:42:32+00:00 slug: release-dancer-ircd-1032 -title: '[Release] dancer-ircd 1.0.32' +title: [Release] dancer-ircd 1.0.32 --- We're pleased to announce that dancer-ircd [1.0.32]( has been released. It's up on the testnet and we'll probably be doing limited production testing at some point during the week. We believe that the cmode +J, +b/+q and +e issues and the services shutdown hub crash issue are resolved by this release. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index d0d9eec2c..806575d10 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2004-01-31 22:05:38+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-ircd-upgrades -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] IRCD Upgrades' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] IRCD Upgrades --- Hi all. It's time again for an upgrade. In about 7 hours, at 05:00 UTC, we'll be upgrading the servers to [dancer-ircd v1.0.34]( The upgrade process is likely to be fairly disruptive, as we are doing to be doing our best to get it done as quickly as possible. This time, we're hoping to get the IPv6 servers upgraded at the same time, rather than holding that upgrade till later. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 8f9d44877..a2b2ebf69 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2004-02-14 14:49:39+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-bug-fixes-expected-network-disturbances -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Bug fixes, expected network disturbances' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Bug fixes, expected network disturbances --- Good afternoon to all. We'll be upgrading the servers again tomorrow morning at 05:00. We'll have more details closer to upgrade time; but the upgrade should resolve the "anonymous topic" problem as well as several other bugs. In addition, we'll be introducing a new channel mode, **+R, moderate unknown users.** The effect of this mode is that users without mode **e** turned on (identified to NickServ) will be moderated and will not automatically have a voice in the channel. Users moderated by +R will receive a message pointing them to NickServ when they attempt to type on channel. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 092bee37b..1ae2c5c34 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ author: christel date: 2004-03-16 04:22:00+00:00 slug: announcement-feature-addition-freenode-info -title: '[Announcement] Feature Addition, freenode-info.' +title: [Announcement] Feature Addition, freenode-info. --- As you may have noticed, as of this morning we have added a new feature to freenode, called [freenode-info]. For more information, please check this [FAQ]( Thanks! diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 03184b15c..d6914c0c0 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2004-04-13 16:34:53+00:00 slug: announcement-policy-changes -title: '[Announcement] Policy Changes' +title: [Announcement] Policy Changes --- Hi all. We've made two changes recently of which you should be aware. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 21dd07129..40700c273 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2004-07-12 04:30:50+00:00 slug: announcement-fundraising-update-scheduled-maintenance -title: '[Announcement] Fundraising Update & Scheduled Maintenance' +title: [Announcement] Fundraising Update & Scheduled Maintenance --- As you're probably aware, the March-July 2004 fundraiser for [Peer-Directed Projects Center]( is officially at a close. We've met our fundraising goal, with donations totaling $18,119.42. Thanks to our corporate sponsor [Digium]( and to all of the users of freenode. We appreciate your help! diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 973c42c06..499fdea5e 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2004-08-12 19:52:26+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-maintenance-and-re-routing -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Maintenance and Re-routing' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Maintenance and Re-routing --- Hi, all. Main rotation servers will be coming down for maintenance and rerouting on two occasions this month: diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index a12c35a11..f3dd0fbdf 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2004-09-05 01:29:13+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-services-downtime -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Services Downtime' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Services Downtime --- Hi all. We're making a minor change in cloaking this morning; we're changing the generic user cloaks (the '.registered' and most of the '.cloaked' cloaks) to '.user'. The requirements for these cloaks will stay the same; we're just simplifying the hostnames a bit. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 791c9035a..2efbee99b 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2004-09-08 02:38:24+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-services-database-clear-out -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Services database clear-out.' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Services database clear-out. --- This is just to let you know that we will soon be performing a fairly massive cleanup of the NickServ database, and through it the ChanServ database. We're hoping to clear out a lot of the dead nicks and channels in order to make our next services upgrade a simpler process. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 9abd56c04..dbe16cfb6 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ author: christel date: 2004-10-11 19:09:18+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-upgrading-rotation-servers -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Upgrading Rotation Servers' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Upgrading Rotation Servers --- About 11 hours from now, at 06:00 (1am in Chicago, 8am in Paris, 3pm _[whoops, 3:30pm --ed]_ in Adelaide), we'll be rebooting several main rotation servers to perform upgrades. Much of the network will be affected, but if all goes well, we should be finished within a half hour. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thanks for your understanding, and thank you for using freenode! diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 17e9ebbff..de362bfe3 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2004-10-28 19:58:15+00:00 slug: a-couple-of-items-of-possible-interest -title: 'A couple of items of possible interest. ' +title: A couple of items of possible interest. --- **First,** if you're involved with bookkeeping or accounting for a small not-for-profit entity, particularly in the FOSS community, please consider maintaining a presence on the new **#accounting** channel on **freenode**. This channel was set up to provide mutual support for small not-for-profit entities in the area of bookkeeping and accounting. Examples: use of UCoA for general ledger and reporting, accrual-based accounting techniques, basic bookkeeping. Please [stop by the **freenode** IRC network](, channel **#accounting**. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index d9dd28c19..4e083fea2 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2004-11-03 04:59:56+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-emergency-reboot -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Emergency reboot' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Emergency reboot --- Good morning to you all. The **freenode** network will experience extensive outages between 12 and 12:30pm today (about 7-7.5 hours from now). One of our sponsors needs to reboot a dying core router on an emergency basis, and it's expected to affect service network-wide. The outages should last about five minutes. Staff may need to do routing cleanup mid-afternoon, as well. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 322e77810..1f9064af7 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2004-12-18 05:09:10+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-re-hubbing -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Re-hubbing' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Re-hubbing --- Good morning, all. We'll be doing substantial rehubbing on freenode at 7am, in just under two hours. The work will disrupt network use but should be finished in less than a half hour. We'll also be doing fairly major rehubbing and reboots on main rotation servers around 5am either Sunday or Monday morning. We'll keep you posted. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 9f3902c6b..6e640e417 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2004-12-29 03:34:19+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-switch-maintenance -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Switch Maintenance' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Switch Maintenance --- Good morning and best wishes during the holiday season. One of our sponsors has scheduled switch maintenance for New Years' Eve morning, 31 December 2004 at 1am UTC. This maintenance could take as little as two minutes or as much as forty-five. There is the possibility of substantial network impact. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index f907e8190..ebf8b53d1 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2005-01-23 23:34:28+00:00 slug: announcement-pdpc-fundraiser -title: '[Announcement] PDPC Fundraiser' +title: [Announcement] PDPC Fundraiser --- Good evening to everyone. Here's hoping you're having an excellent new year. In the next day or so, [Peer-Directed Projects Center](, the IRS 501(c)(03) parent organization of **freenode**, will begin its fundraising campaign for the fiscal year ending 30 June 2006. We're still working on budget estimates for FYE 2006, and we begin the campaign with about $2,440 in donations over and above those required for the current year. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 306ba8561..27d4d1de4 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2005-01-27 07:06:05+00:00 slug: announcement-late-notice-of-outages -title: '[Announcement] Late notice of outages' +title: [Announcement] Late notice of outages --- Good morning, all. We've received last minute news that several of our main hub and leaf nodes may experience outages beginning about five hours from now, from noon until 2pm UTC. Service is being interrupted to perform urgent upgrades to infrastructure equipment. We're not certain whether the outages will occur once or twice or be intermittent throughout that period. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 4a788717b..eab6d3894 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2005-02-02 13:50:53+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-network-outages -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Network Outages' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Network Outages --- Significant network outages are scheduled for just over 17 hours from now, to update server code. These updates affect main rotation servers and hubs and will significantly affect all users on the network. The outages are scheduled for 7am UTC tomorrow. We'll make them as brief as we can manage. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 97c3e6c59..6f91cc2ea 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ author: christel date: 2005-05-20 17:20:29+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-expected-downtime-due-to-software-upgrade -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Expected downtime due to software upgrade' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Expected downtime due to software upgrade --- Due to an unexpected combination of events, freenode will be scheduling major server maintenance for 7am UTC Sunday 22 May 2005 (that's midnight in Los Angeles, 3am in New York City, 9am in Brussels and 5pm in Sydney). Six major servers will be restarted and the entire network will be affected. If all goes well, everything should be over in just about 15 minutes. Thanks for your support and understanding as we continue to upgrade the network. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 62b00dda5..8149af724 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ author: christel date: 2005-05-20 20:36:16+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-major-server-maintenance -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Major Server Maintenance' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Major Server Maintenance --- To update status, we're still scheduling major server maintenance at 7am UTC Sunday 22 May 2005 (that's midnight in Los Angeles, 3am in New York City, 9am in Brussels and 5pm in Sydney). Seven, not six, major servers will be restarted, and the entire network will be affected. We anticipate that this process may take up to an hour, rather than the 15 minutes previously reported. Thanks again for your support and understanding. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index c1721c004..e9f2aa90a 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ author: christel date: 2005-06-20 18:00:19+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-server-upgrades -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Server Upgrades' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Server Upgrades --- freenode has tentatively scheduled server upgrades for 6am UTC on Saturday 2 July 2005 (2am in New York City, 8am in Brussels, 4pm in Sydney and 11pm Friday in Los Angeles). At least three major servers will be restarted, and the entire network will be affected. This process may take up to an hour. As always, thank you for your support and understanding. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 634369ed4..1f04558ce 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2005-06-27 21:36:08+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-rescheduling-planned-outages -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Rescheduling planned outages' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Rescheduling planned outages --- The upgrades for freenode on Saturday 2 July 2005 at 6am UTC have been rescheduled. One of our sponsors has schedule a couple of major power outages, and the effect on us will be pretty major, so we'll do the work at that time. So, the new schedule has major outages planned which are likely to affect our service for one hour each at 9am UTC (2am Los Angeles, 11am Brussels and 6pm Sydney) on: Wednesday, 29 June 2005 Sunday, 3 July 2005 diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 6909855cf..d39f7cb51 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2005-06-28 23:55:08+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-changes-to-the-scheduled-downtime -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Changes to the scheduled downtime' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Changes to the scheduled downtime --- There's a slight change in the outage schedule. The outages are now planned to last up to an hour and a half, beginning at 8:30am UTC (1:30am Los Angeles, 10:30am Brussels and 5:30pm Sydney) on: Wednesday, 29 June 2005 Sunday, 3 July 2005 diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 4e9f4576e..2dad33b79 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2005-08-07 07:11:46+00:00 slug: announcement-introducing-stats-p -title: '[Announcement] Introducing /stats p' +title: [Announcement] Introducing /stats p --- Late-scheduled sponsor power outages between 9am and 10am UTC on Monday, 8 August 2005 (a bit over a day from now) will impact network use for most of our users. We'll take the opportunity at that time to do software updates on several of our servers, and we'll also schedule a test upgrade to Hyperion 1.0. Hyperion is a fork of our current dancer-ircd 1.0 ircd server software. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 8264ca816..b7db76f2d 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2005-08-29 12:52:45+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-ircd-upgrade-2 -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] IRCD upgrade.' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] IRCD upgrade. --- By now you've noticed that the **freenode** network was upgraded late this morning to hyperion-ircd release 1.0.1. Due to overwhelming problems with floodbots during the last few days, we've added an experimental feature to hyperion ircd and we'll be implementing it this afternoon. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 76c415f8d..5418f689e 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2005-08-30 20:03:10+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-services-upgrade -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Services Upgrade' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Services Upgrade --- Yesterday around noon, we ran into such serious problems with hyperion-ircd 1.0.1 that it became necessary to back out the NOIDPRIVMSG feature, which blocks unregistered users from sending private messages. But users responding to requests for feedback on the feature, via global notice and news item, commented very positively, with about 60% favoring the permanent adoption of the feature, and 83% favoring its use in some temporary or permanent form. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 1b3eaa4ac..922c7d39d 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ author: christel date: 2005-09-10 10:27:54+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-memory-upgrade -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Memory Upgrade' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Memory Upgrade --- We'll be restarting a main rotation server on either Monday or Tuesday at 5:00am, in order to perform a memory upgrade. The server has been removed from rotation and, so far, no more than about 2,000 users should be affected. Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index e59e4399f..3e9ba83c5 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ author: christel date: 2005-12-16 18:11:40+00:00 slug: afternoon-all -title: '[Announcement] DNS change' +title: [Announcement] DNS change --- freenode is currently experiencing a large-scale nuisancebot infestation. We've temporarily removed the **** rotation, but you can find us on [](irc:// If you're a client developer or you run an IRC network list site, please do not list this new hostname without first emailing **staff at freenode dot net** to make sure it's okay to do so. Apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you for using the network! diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 640ecea92..f91cf98f0 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2005-12-17 12:18:55+00:00 slug: good-afternoon-everyone -title: '[Announcement] Temporary DNS Change' +title: [Announcement] Temporary DNS Change --- For the last 18 hours, freenode experienced a large-scale nuisancebot infestation. We temporarily removed the [](irc:// rotation and replaced it with [](irc://, in order to try to stem the tide of spambots hitting the network. In the process of doing so, we discovered a new methodology for analyzing the spambot net and produced a patched server version to mitigate the effects of the infestation. As of a few minutes ago, all freenode servers have been upgraded to this new code. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 4baefa9f8..3ee9a3f99 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2005-12-22 01:10:59+00:00 slug: good-morning-all-2 -title: '[Announcement] Network problems' +title: [Announcement] Network problems --- Yesterday evening, freenode had network problems related to the recent spambot infestation. Despite the recent server patch, the underlying infestation continues and has created some temporary resource issues. Several servers restarts ensued and network staff rearranged the main server rotation to compensate for the problem. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index ab06310a0..36f95705d 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2006-02-20 05:38:01+00:00 slug: good-morning-all -title: '[Announcement] Group registration and fundraising.' +title: [Announcement] Group registration and fundraising. category: community category: development category: freenode diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 98dde7d6c..cd7aa762c 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2006-05-02 21:03:26+00:00 slug: good-evening-everyone -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] European Rehubbing' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] European Rehubbing category: freenode category: infrastructure category: technical diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index f12548f3a..2067d0486 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2006-09-16 10:47:55+00:00 slug: announcement-rob-levin-has-passed-away -title: '[Announcement] Rob Levin has passed away' +title: [Announcement] Rob Levin has passed away category: community category: different category: freenode diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 7652465a8..448c408f8 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2006-11-02 16:46:39+00:00 slug: downtime-unexpected-downtime -title: '[Downtime] Unexpected downtime.' +title: [Downtime] Unexpected downtime. category: infrastructure category: technical --- diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 320dff4ad..8d55c86eb 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2006-11-11 08:00:49+00:00 slug: introducing-the-pdpc-board -title: '[Announcement] Introducing the PDPC board' +title: [Announcement] Introducing the PDPC board category: pdpc --- It is with great pleasure that I can finally introduce the new board of directors for PDPC, the not-for-profit entity that runs freenode. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 34e398356..1aab8c894 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2006-12-22 00:00:53+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-ircd-upgrade -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] IRCD upgrade.' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] IRCD upgrade. category: infrastructure category: technical --- diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 0861b93a7..3261365af 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: Xyrael date: 2007-04-19 13:07:23+00:00 slug: getting-voice-in-freenode-social -title: 'Getting voice in #freenode-social' +title: Getting voice in #freenode-social category: community category: freenode --- diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 3933aff5b..81dbfeff4 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: SportChick date: 2007-05-02 17:24:56+00:00 slug: silence-is-golden-handling-trolls-and-spammers -title: 'Silence is Golden: Handling trolls and spammers' +title: Silence is Golden: Handling trolls and spammers category: community category: freenode category: philosophy diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 6abad6fc2..07ac40e7e 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2007-05-15 03:49:56+00:00 slug: all-roads-lead-to-defocus -title: 'All roads lead to #defocus' +title: All roads lead to #defocus category: community category: freenode category: philosophy diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index cfbda3522..ef6b07f5e 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: Xyrael date: 2007-07-11 17:58:11+00:00 slug: freenode-defocus-an-evaluation -title: '#freenode & #defocus: an evaluation' +title: #freenode & #defocus: an evaluation category: community category: freenode category: social diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 0782bfd67..227328aa5 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: skenmy date: 2008-05-31 17:56:35+00:00 slug: new-services-nicknames-and-accounts -title: 'New Services: Nicknames and Accounts' +title: New Services: Nicknames and Accounts category: freenode category: technical --- diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 7bfb27f1d..c62a50fb1 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2008-07-02 18:58:46+00:00 slug: lugradio-live-the-grand-finale -title: 'Lugradio Live: The grand finale' +title: Lugradio Live: The grand finale category: community category: projects category: social diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 5c57dea53..0e0f96df4 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: skenmy date: 2008-08-28 11:00:51+00:00 slug: freenode-autovoice-trial -title: '#freenode: Autovoice Trial' +title: #freenode: Autovoice Trial category: community category: freenode --- diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 8e35a21df..c7a601c8e 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: njan date: 2008-09-14 19:17:17+00:00 slug: change-in-defocus-policy-and-what-do-you-think -title: 'Change in #defocus policy - and what do you think?' +title: Change in #defocus policy - and what do you think? category: community category: freenode category: philosophy diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 8b05b924c..d93cc5e8e 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2008-11-02 19:01:07+00:00 slug: maintenance-downtime-warning-lem-orwell -title: '[Maintenance] Downtime warning -- lem, orwell' +title: [Maintenance] Downtime warning -- lem, orwell category: community category: freenode category: infrastructure diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index cebb3669b..0d7886dae 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: SportChick date: 2009-01-30 19:41:25+00:00 slug: the-beauty-of-freenode -title: 'The Beauty of #freenode' +title: The Beauty of #freenode --- #freenode channel, as it currently exists, is a veritable work of art - people who come to the channel are nearly always provided help or referred somewhere for the answer. The really beautiful thing about #freenode, though, is that at least 50% of the help provided comes from network users (rather than freenode staff). diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index d0126cb7c..99939a556 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: JonathanD date: 2009-03-30 17:09:19+00:00 slug: free-as-in-node-episode-2-release -title: 'free-as-in-node: Episode 2 release' +title: free-as-in-node: Episode 2 release --- We're happy to announce we've just released our second episode of the new freenode podcast, free-as-in-node!  In this episode, we talk about Gary's recent offenses, geeknics and k-lining park-goers.  We also meet with Dave "Daviey" Walker from Ubuntu to discuss the Ubuntu COC and Ubuntu Locos during this episodes Pimp my project. We continue looking at the recent Microsoft and TomTom legal actions and share our views on them. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 4db10ede1..3802f7b41 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: JonathanD date: 2009-04-01 01:07:55+00:00 slug: pdpc-yahoo-acquisition -title: 'PDPC Yahoo acquisition ' +title: PDPC Yahoo acquisition category: different --- It is with great fanfare that we announce the Yahoo acquisition of the PDPC, and by extension, freenode. After much deliberation, we have decided to accept Yahoo's offer to purchase the freenode irc network and associated resources for the amount of  approximately £2,700,000.00 in yahoo shares.  At present it is expected that all current network staff will remain in place while certain yahoo employees will be added to the mix. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 7ce366826..4ed44bdf0 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2009-04-14 09:52:41+00:00 slug: wikipedia-licensing-change -title: 'Wikipedia licensing change? ' +title: Wikipedia licensing change? --- **Wikipedia to change license to Creative Commons BY-SA?**  -- From []( diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 24af1f839..ca3d9cb0c 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2009-06-09 09:43:51+00:00 slug: scheduled-maintenance-services-database-clear-out-2 -title: '[Scheduled Maintenance] Services database clear-out.' +title: [Scheduled Maintenance] Services database clear-out. category: infrastructure category: technical --- diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 486e6715b..0cbbda461 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2009-06-17 09:39:25+00:00 slug: we-want-you -title: 'We want YOU! ' +title: We want YOU! category: community category: different category: freenode diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 0f91ef21a..a247766b0 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: Martinp23 date: 2010-01-29 18:55:02+00:00 slug: connecting-to-freenode-using-tor-sasl -title: 'Connecting to freenode using Tor: SASL' +title: Connecting to freenode using Tor: SASL category: development category: freenode category: infrastructure diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index a7a5e084d..ba06cb620 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: RichiH date: 2011-02-23 17:46:04+00:00 slug: port-6697-irc-via-tlsssl -title: 'Default port for IRC via TLS/SSL (hint: it''s 6697)' +title: Default port for IRC via TLS/SSL (hint: it''s 6697) --- As some of you might be aware, there has been a push to [standardize]( on a common port for IRC via SSL/TLS. Same as you can reasonably expect any public ircd for plain text connections to listen on port 6667, you should be able to expect any public ircd for IRC via SSL/TLS to listen on port 6697. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 1820c8e65..3d3614ce4 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: RichiH date: 2011-04-01 00:01:08+00:00 slug: important-service-announcement-regarding-defocus -title: 'Important service announcement regarding #defocus' +title: Important service announcement regarding #defocus --- As many of you are aware, [back in 2008](news/2008-09-14-change-in-defocus-policy-and-what-do-you-think) we changed our policy in #defocus and the method in which the channel works to require users have voice to speak. For the past few years we've been using a combination of manual action, scripts and bots to voice users as needed to control when and how and when they are voiced. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index edc2e6a59..81f199239 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: JonathanD date: 2011-07-14 11:36:40+00:00 slug: fosscon-2011-philadelphia-pennsylvania-23rd-july-2011 -title: 'Fosscon 2011: Philadelphia Pennsylvania, 23rd July, 2011.' +title: Fosscon 2011: Philadelphia Pennsylvania, 23rd July, 2011. --- July 23, 2011 - (All day) diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index a5de4d738..e75eaa59c 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: christel date: 2011-08-31 08:46:35+00:00 slug: fixing-defocus -title: 'Fixing #defocus' +title: Fixing #defocus --- We want #defocus, the network social channel, to be a welcoming place for relaxed, easy conversation. Of late, we're seeing that staff are acting in a policing role more than we are able to take an active part in the flow of the channel. This is something of a circle, as the more we are seen to be police, the harder it is for us to achieve what we want with the channel. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 1180c8ce2..55eca1da1 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: mrmist date: 2011-12-30 11:50:37+00:00 slug: focus-on-defocus -title: 'Focus on #defocus' +title: Focus on #defocus --- We've been working on improving the environment in #defocus for a while now.  We think we're on the right track with opening up channel moderation to more than @freenode/staff/ but we need your help to get to where we want to be. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index f4541ce44..d7092f7cc 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: Martinp23 date: 2012-01-29 22:14:36+00:00 slug: defocuss-visit-to-the-opticians-new-guidelines -title: 'Defocus''s visit to the opticians: new guidelines' +title: Defocus''s visit to the opticians: new guidelines --- A couple of months ago, mrmist posted about the #defocus-focus channel, which was looking to improve the atmosphere in #defocus. diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index d8015c17a..71555d703 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: Pricey date: 2013-08-09 08:50:14+00:00 slug: check-your-nickserv-email -title: 'Reminder: Keep your NickServ email up to date.' +title: Reminder: Keep your NickServ email up to date. --- If you've registered with NickServ within the last few years then you'll have used an email address and we'll have sent you a mail to verify it. That will probably be the last time you heard from us... diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index 5a82e71ca..afdd8d1a1 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: Pricey date: 2014-06-18 15:54:08+00:00 slug: new-extban-j -title: 'New extban: $j' +title: New extban: $j category: freenode category: infrastructure category: technical diff --git a/content/news/ b/content/news/ index d8c52aa47..8e3bb2f52 100644 --- a/content/news/ +++ b/content/news/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ author: Pricey date: 2014-10-15 21:27:44+00:00 slug: server-issues-update -title: 'Server Issues: Update' +title: Server Issues: Update --- Following up on our [previous blog post](, we have continued to investigate the compromise of freenode infrastructure, aided by our sponsors in addition to experts in the field.