There are different types of access within X3. This document attempts to list the privileges and restrictions for each (in the default configuration -- OpServ and ChanServ may be changed at runtime, and the defaults can be changed in the source). The basic classes of users are these: Unauthenticated user Unauthenticated oper Authenticated user Authenticated support helper Authenticated network helper Authenticated oper "Staff" is used to refer to the set of opers (either authenticated or not) plus authenticated support or networkhelpers. A staff member also has an "OpServ access level." If they are authenticated, it is the access level of their handle. If they are not authenticated, it is zero. For ChanServ operations on a channel, there is also a "channel access level." For pals, this is 100; for ops, 200; for masters, 300; for co-owners, 400; for owners, 500; and for staff members with security override on, 600 (if they have a non-override account with sufficient access, that is used instead). Authenticated opers and network helpers may use the !god mode in ChanServ to toggle security override on and off. Support helpers have security override on if (and only if) they are in a designated "support channel." On GameSurge, this is #support. (More documentation goes here.)