"" ( " $O provides Oper Services for the Network. ", " Please choose from the following categories: ", " $bGOD$b Enabling channel override. ", " $bPUNISH$b Commands to discipline users.", " $bINFORMATION$b Get information about users. ", " or $O, $C, and $N. ", " $bTRACES$b Powerful commands for ", " viewing or acting on lists of", " IRC objects. ", " $bALERTS$b Automated responses. ", " $bCHANNEL$b Channel commands. ", " $bCLONES$b Manage trusts and limits. ", " $bSETTINGS$b View and temporarily change ", " config file settings. ", " $bADMIN$b Misc Administrator Commands. ", " $bOWNERONLY$b $O operator only commands. " ); "COMMANDS" "${index}"; "PUNISH" ( " $bGLINE$b Global Ban a host.", " $bUNGLINE$b Remove a GLINE.", " $bBLOCK$b Gline by nickname.", " $bTRACE GLINE$b Gline all hosts matching a search.", " $bGTRACE$b Search the gline list.", " $b$b", " $bGAG$b Cause the services to ignore... ", " $bUNGAG$b ...or unignore by mask." ); "INFORMATION" ( " $bACCESS$b Shows a users $O access level.", " $bSTATS$b Show various lists and runtime info.", " $bWHOIS$b Show details about a user by nick.", " $bVERSION$b Show the $O version information.", " $bLOG$b View $O logs.", " $bTRACES$b Powerfull commands for viewing or acting on lists of IRC objects." ); "TRACES" ( " $bTRACE$b Search current users and optionally apply an action.", " $bGTRACE$b Search current GLINEs and optionally remove them.", " $bCSEARCH$b Search current channels." ); "ALERTS" ( " $bADDALERT$b Make $O automatically do something", " when users match a criteria.", " $bDELALERT$b Remove an alert.", " $bSTATS ALERT$b See a listing of alerts. " ); "CHANNEL" ( " $bOP$b Op someone.", " $bDEOP$b Deop someone.", " $bVOICE$b Voice someone.", " $bDEVOICE$b Devoice someone.", " $bKICK$b Kick someone.", " $bBAN$b Ban someone.", " $bKICKBAN$b Kickban someone.", " $b$b", " $bOPALL$b Op everyone in a channel.", " $bDEOPALL$b Deop everyone in a channel.", " $bVOICEALL$b Voice everyone in a channel.", " $bDEVOICEALL$b Devoice everyone in a channel.", " $bKICKALL$b Kick everyone from a channel.", " $bKICKBANALL$b Kickban everyone from a channel.", " $b$b", " $bINVITE$b Invite someone to a channel.", " $bINVITEME$b Invite yourself to a channel.", " $bCLEARBANS$b Cear all bans from a channel.", " $bCLEARMODES$b Clear all modes from a channel." ); "CLONES" ( " $bADDTRUST$b Add a clone limit exemption for a host.", " $bDELTRUST$b Remove a clone exemption.", " $bEDITTRUST$b Modify a clone exemption.", " $bquery services/opserv/untrusted_max$b", " View the clone kill limit" ); "SETTINGS" ( " $bQUERY$b Show a runtime config setting.", " $bSET$b $uTemporarily$u change a runtime config setting." ); "ADMIN" ( " $bACCESS$b Modify someone's $O access level.", " $bCOMMAND$b Show details of a command.", " $bSHOWCOMMANDS$b List all commands and required access levels.", " $b$b", " $bBANEMAIL$b Ban an email address from being used by the email system.", " $bUNBANEMAIL$b Remove an email ban.", " $b$b", " $bJOIN$b Make $O join a channel.", " $bPART$b Make $O leave a channel.", " $b$b", " $bCLONE$b Create and manipulate a fake user.", " $bCOLLIDE$b Create a clone, colliding an existing user.", " $bRESERVE$b Permanently reserve a nick with a clone.", " $bUNRESERVE$b Remove a perminant reserved clone.", " $bJUPE$b Create dummy server.", " $bUNJUPE$b Remove a dummy server.", " $b$b", " $bREFRESHG$b Refresh the Glines.", " $bSETTIME$b Synchronize time across the network.", " $bTIMECMD$b Time how long a command runs." ); "OWNERONLY" ( " $bWRITE$b Write out a database.", " $bWRITEALL$b Write out ALL databases.", " $bREOPEN$b Close and Re-Open the logs.", " $bREADHELP$b Re-read a help file.", " $bDUMPMESSAGES$b Writes messages to a .db file (for translators).", " $b$b", " $bREHASH$b Re-read the config files.", " $bRESTART$b Quit and re-run X3.", " $bDIE$b Make the bot quit.", " $bJUMP$b Change uplink servers.", " $bRECONNECT$b Reconnect to this uplink server.", " $bGSYNC$b Pull glines from the givin server into memory.", " $b$b", " $bMODCMD$b Change details of a command.", " $bBIND$b Make a command alias.", " $bUNBIND$b Remove a command alias.", " $bREBINDALL$b Re-create all missing commands on all services", " $bHELPFILES$b Change the helpfile priority order.", " $b$b", " $bSERVICE ADD$b Create a new service bot.", " $bSERVICE REMOVE$b Remove a service bot.", " $bSERVICE RENAME$b Rename a service bot.", " $bSERVICE PRIVILEGED$b Sets if only opers can use the service.", " $bSERVICE TRIGGER$b Change the command character of a service.", " $b$b", " $bADDBAD$b Add a word to the illegal channel word list.", " $bDELBAD$b Remove a word from the illegal channel word list.", " $bADDEXEMPT$b Make an exception to the illegal word list for a channel.", " $bDELEXEMPT$b Remove an exception of the illegal word list.", " $b$b", " $bDUMP$b Drop safetychecked server protocol to the server. ", " $bRAW$b Drop raw server protocol to the server. (DANGEROUS!)" ); "ACCESS" ("/msg $O ACCESS [nick|*account] [new-level]", "Displays the $O access level for the specified user or account. With no arguments, displays your own access level. With two arguments, sets the target's $O access level to the second argument (assuming you have sufficient access to do so).", "Access level: $b${level/access}$b", "$uSee Also:$u commands, modcmd" ); "ADDALERT" ("/msg $O ADDALERT ", "Adds the specified alert to the $b$O$b alert list.", "Alerts watch for users matching a givin criteria and perform an action on them.", " - An alphanumeric word to identify this alert in the list", " - What to do if a user matches the criteria. See $bALERT REACTION$b.", " - What to look for. See $bTRACE CRITERIA$b.", "Access level: $b${level/addalert}$b", "$uSee Also:$u delalert, alert reaction, trace criteria" ); "TIME NOTATION" ( " Many commands require a duration perameter ", " which all use the same syntax: ", " 1s - 1 second ", " 2m - 2 minutes ", " 3h - 3 hours ", " 4d - 4 days ", " 5w - 5 weeks ", " 6M - 6 months", " 1y - 1 year", " Times can be compounded such as: ", " 1m40s - 1 minute and 40 seconds ", " 5h20m30s - 5 hours 20 minutes and 30 seconds " ); "ADDTRUST" ("/msg $O ADDTRUST ", "Extends the clone kill limit for the specified to for .", " uses $btime notation$b", "You may use 0 as the duration if you do not wish the trust to ever expire, and 0 as the count for unlimited connections.", "Access level: $b${level/addtrust}$b", "$uSee Also:$u deltrust, stats trusted, time notation" ); "ALERT REACTION" ("$bALERT REACTION$b", "Valid alert actions (to be taken when an alert is hit) are:", "$bNOTICE$b: Send a notice to the $b$O$b alert channel", "$bKILL$b: Disconnect the user", "$bGLINE$b: Gline the user that tripped the alert", "$uSee Also:$u addalert, delalert" ); "DELALERT" ("/msg $O DELALERT [alert]...", "Remove the specified alerts from the $b$O$b alert list.", "Access level: $b${level/delalert}$b", "$uSee Also:$u addalert, stats" ); "DELTRUST" ("/msg $O DELTRUST ", "Deletes a trusted IP from $b$O's$b trusted hosts list. A trusted IP address is exempted from normal client limits. A list of currently trusted IPs is displayed by $bstats trusted$b.", "Access level: $b${level/deltrust}$b", "$uSee Also:$u addtrust, stats" ); "INVITEME" ("/msg $O INVITEME [nick]", "Invites the specified user (if omitted, you) to $O's debug channel.", "This is currently pointless, since no output is sent to the debug channel.", "Access level: $b${level/inviteme}$b", "$uSee Also:$u invite, clearmodes, clearbans" ); "TRACE" ("/msg $O TRACE [ ]...", "Searches through the current users for those matching the specified criteria, and applies the specified action to them. A detailed list of actions can be found in $bhelp trace action$b and a list of criteria in $bhelp trace criteria$b.", "Quick Ref ACTIONS: PRINT, COUNT, KILL, GLINE, GAG, DOMAINS", "Quick Ref CRITERIA: MASK, NICK, IDENT, HOST, INFO, SERVER, IP, ACCOUNT, AUTHED, CHANNEL, NUMCHANNELS, LIMIT, NICKAGE, ACCESS, REASON, DEPTH, DURATION, CLONES, INFO_SPACE, ABUSE OPERS, LOG, REGEX", "Access level: $b${level/trace}$b", "$uSee Also:$u trace action, trace criteria" ); "TRACE ACTION" ("$bTRACE ACTION$b", "Options for action in $btrace$b are:", "$bPRINT$b: Display the hostmask to you.", "$bCOUNT$b: Count all matching users.", "$bKILL$b: Kill matching clients.", "$bGLINE$b: Issue a gline for the client's host (by default, 1 hour long).", "$bGAG$b: Gag all matching users (by default, does not expire).", "$bDOMAINS$b: Display counts of users in each domain (length specified by DEPTH criteria.", "Note: By default, IRC operators are not affected by the KILL, GLINE or GAG actions. You can override this by specifying the $bABUSE OPERS$b criteria for a trace. Even if you do specify $bABUSE OPERS$b, it will not affect opers at your access level or above.", "$uSee Also:$u trace criteria, trace" ); "TRACE CRITERIA" ("$bTRACE CRITERIA$b", "Criteria and values for $btrace$b (a search with $btrace$b must match all specified items):", "$bMASK$b nick!user@host Specifies a full hostmask to search for.", "$bNICK$b nick Specifies a nick to search for.", "$bIDENT$b ident Specifies an ident to search for.", "$bHOST$b host Specifies a hostname to search for.", "$bINFO$b infoline Specifies a user's info to search for.", "$bSERVER$b server Specifies a server to search for.", "$bIP$b Specifies an IP to search for (independent of hostname).", "$bACCOUNT$b account Specifies an account to search for.", "$bAUTHED$b yes/no Specifies if matching users must be authenticated with $N or not", "$bCHANNEL$b #target Specifies a channel the client must be in.", "$bNUMCHANNELS$b 5 Specifies a number of channels the client must be in.", "$bLIMIT$b 50 Limits the number of responses to a certain number.", "$bNICKAGE$b cmp Client has had nick this long (=Nu or >Nu)", "$bACCESS$b cmp Access constraints (=nnn or >nnn)", "$bREASON$b reason Reason for kill or gline (must be listed last).", "$bDEPTH$b depth How many domain-name parts to use for $bDOMAINS$b action.", "$bDURATION$b duration How long to apply a G-line or gag.", "$bCLONES$b min Ignore clients from hosts with fewer than this many connections.", "$bINFO_SPACE$b yes/no Clients match only if their info starts with a space (' ') character.", "$bABUSE OPERS$b Force adverse actions to affect opers as well.", "$bLOG$b Record matching users in $O's log file (in addition to acting).", "$bREGEX$b yes/no Specifies if NICK/IDENT/HOST/INFO should be treated as a regular expression.", "Additionally, the $bCHANNEL$b target may be prefixed with @ to select channel operators, + to select voiced users (will not select chanops unless @ is also used), or - to select non-voiced non-chanop users. For example, CHANNEL #foo will select all users in #foo; CHANNEL +#foo will select only users voiced in #foo; CHANNEL @+#foo will select ops and voiced users in #foo; etc.", "$uSee Also:$u trace action, trace" ); "WHOIS" ("/msg $O WHOIS ", "Displays detailed information for the named user.", "Access level: $b${level/whois}$b", ); "CHANINFO" ("/msg $O CHANINFO <#channel> [users]", "Displays very detailed information on the specified channel. If the channel is omitted, then $bchaninfo$b will be done on the channel where the command was given. You must give a second parameter ($busers$b) to list users in the channel.", "Access level: $b${level/chaninfo}$b", "$uSee Also:$u whois" ); "CSEARCH" ("/msg $O CSEARCH [ ]...", "Searches through the network's channels for those matching the specified criteria, and applies the specified action to them. A list of actions can be found under $bhelp csearch action$b and a list of criteria in $bhelp csearch criteria$b.", "Access level: $b${level/csearch}$b", "$uSee Also:$u csearch action, csearch criteria" ); "CSEARCH ACTION" ("$bCSEARCH ACTION$b", "Options for action in $bcsearch$b are:", "$bPRINT$b: Display the channel and user count.", "$bCOUNT$b: Count all matching channels." ); "CSEARCH CRITERIA" ("$bCSEARCH CRITERIA$b", "Criteria and values for $bcsearch$b (a search with $bcsearch$b must match all specified items):", "$bNAME$b name Specifies a name to search for.", "$bTOPIC$b topic Specifies a topic to search for.", "$bUSERS$b cmp User count constraint (=Nu or >Nu)", "$bTIMESTAMP$b cmp Timestamp constraint (=Nu or >Nu; supports interval notation)", "$bLIMIT$b 50 Limits the number of responses to a certain number." ); "JOIN" ("/msg $O JOIN <#channel> ", "Makes $b$O$b join the specified channel.", "Access level: $b${level/join}$b", "$uSee Also:$u part" ); "PART" ("/msg $O PART <#channel> ", "Makes $b$O$b leave the specified channel.", "Access level: $b${level/part}$b", "$uSee Also:$u join" ); "ADDBAD" ("/msg $O ADDBAD ", "Adds a bad word to $b$O's$b bad word list. Bad words make any channel that has a bad word anywhere in a channel's name illegal. A list of current bad words can be displayed by $bstats bad$b.", "Access level: $b${level/addbad}$b", "$uSee Also:$u addexempt, delbad, stats bad, $C:noregister" ); "ADDEXEMPT" ("/msg $O ADDEXEMPT <#channel>", "Adds a channel to $O's \"exempt\" list. These channels (and only these channels) are never considered to contain prohibited words. Note that you $bmust$b specify the whole channel name, and may not use wildcards.", "For example, if you have added $ufree$u to the bad-word list, you could add $u#FreeBSD$u to the exempt list, and anyone could join #FreeBSD. Users joining #FreeBSDISOz would be kickbanned by $O.", "The current exempt list is displayed with the current bad-words in $bstats bad$b.", "Access level: $b${level/addexempt}$b", "$uSee Also:$u addbad, delexempt, stats" ); "DELBAD" ("/msg $O DELBAD ", "Deletes a bad word from $b$O's$b bad word list. Bad words make any channel that has a bad word anywhere in a channel's name illegal. A list of current bad words can be displayed by $bstats bad$b.", "Access level: $b${level/delbad}$b", "$uSee Also:$u addbad, delexempt, stats bad, $C:allowregister" ); "DELEXEMPT" ("/msg $O DELEXEMPT <#channel>", "Removes a channel from $O's bad-word-exempt channel list.", "Access level: $b${level/delexempt}$b", "$uSee Also:$u addexempt, delbad, stats" ); "BAN" ("/msg $O BAN <#channel> ", "Bans the specified hostmask from the specified channel.", "If a nick is used instead of hostmask, the hostmask is generated based on the nickname.", "If the channel is omitted, the $bban$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.", "Access level: $b${level/ban}$b", "$uSee Also:$u kickban, kickbanall, unban" ); "UNBAN" ("/msg $O UNBAN <#channel> ", "Unbans the specified hostmask from the specified channel.", "If the channel is omitted, the $bunban$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.", "Access level: $b${level/unban}$b", "$uSee Also:$u kickban, kickbanall, ban" ); "CLEARBANS" ("/msg $O CLEARBANS <#channel> ", "Clears all bans in the specified channel.", "If the channel is omitted, then $bclearbans$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.", "Access level: $b${level/clearbans}$b", "$uSee Also:$u ban, unban" ); "CLEARMODES" ("/msg $O CLEARMODES <#channel> ", "Clears the specified channel of all modes.", "If the channel is omitted, then $bclearmodes$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.", "Access level: $b${level/clearmodes}$b", "$uSee Also:$u mode" ); "DEOP" ("/msg $O DEOP <#channel> [nick]...", "Deops the specified user from the specified channel.", "If the channel is omitted, then $bdeop$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.", "Access level: $b${level/deop}$b", "$uSee Also:$u deopall, devoiceall, op, opall" ); "DEOPALL" ("/msg $O DEOPALL <#channel>", "Deops all members of the specified channel.", "If the channel is omitted, then $bdeopall$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.", "Access level: $b${level/deopall}$b", "$uSee Also:$u deop, devoiceall, op, opall" ); "DEVOICEALL" ("/msg $O DEVOICEALL <#channel>", "Devoice all members of the specified channel who do not have channel ops.", "If the channel is omitted, then $bdevoiceall$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.", "Access level: $b${level/devoiceall}$b", "$uSee Also:$u deop, deopall, op, opall" ); "KICK" ("/msg $O KICK <#channel> [reason]", "Kicks the specified user from the specified channel.", "If the channel is omitted, then $bkick$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.", "Access level: $b${level/kick}$b", "$uSee Also:$u ban, kickall, kickban, kickbanall" ); "KICKALL" ("/msg $O KICKALL <#channel> [reason]", "Kicks all users in the specified channel except for the user issuing the command.", "If the channel is omitted, then $bkickall$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.", "Access level: $b${level/kickall}$b", "$uSee Also:$u ban, kick, kickbanall" ); "KICKBAN" ("/msg $O KICKBAN <#channel> [reason]", "Kicks and bans the specified user. $b$O$b determines the hostmask to ban from the nick specified.", "If the channel is omitted, then $bkickban$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.", "Access level: $b${level/kickban}$b", "$uSee Also:$u ban, kickall, kickbanall" ); "KICKBANALL" ("/msg $O KICKBANALL <#channel> [reason]", "Kick and bans all members of the specified channel except for the user issuing the command.", "If the channel is omitted, then $bkickbanall$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.", "Access level: $b${level/kickbanall}$b", "$uSee Also:$u ban, kick, kickban" ); "MODE" ("/msg $O MODE <#channel> <+/- mode>", "Sets the specified modes (but cannot include voice, ban or op changes) on a channel.", "If the channel is omitted, then $bmode$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.", "Access level: $b${level/mode}$b", "$uSee Also:$u ban, deop, kickban, op" ); "OP" ("/msg $O OP <#channel> [nick]...", "Ops specified nicknames the specified channel.", "If the channel is omitted, then $bop$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.", "Access level: $b${level/op}$b", "$uSee Also:$u deop, deopall, opall" ); "OPALL" ("/msg $O OPALL <#channel>", "Ops all members of the specified channel.", "If the channel is omitted, then $bopall$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.", "Access level: $b${level/opall}$b", "$uSee Also:$u deopall" ); "VOICEALL" ("/msg $O VOICEALL <#channel>", "Voices all members of the specified channel who do not have channel ops.", "If the channel is omitted, then $bvoiceall$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.", "Access level: $b${level/voiceall}$b", "$uSee Also:$u opall, deopall, devoiceall" ); "GLINES" ("$bGLINE COMMANDS$b", "Searches for, issues, and removes G-lines (network-global K-lines).", " BLOCK [${level/block}]", " GLINE [${level/gline}]", " GTRACE [${level/gtrace}]", " GSYNC [${level/gsync}]", " REFRESHG [${level/refreshg}]", " UNGLINE [${level/ungline}]" ); "BLOCK" ("/msg $O BLOCK [reason]", "GLINES the host of the specified nick for one hour If no reason is given, use a default reason.", "Access level: $b${level/block}$b", "$uSee Also:$u gline, ungline" ); "GLINE" ("/msg $O GLINE ", "Issues a GLINE (network ban) on the network for the speicified user@host for the specified duration (making the expiration time: net time + duration).", "Access level: $b${level/gline}$b", "$uSee Also:$u trace, ungline" ); "GTRACE" ("/msg $O GTRACE [ ]...", "Searches through the glines, much like $bTRACE$b does for users.", "Access level: $b${level/gtrace}$b", "$uSee Also:$u trace, gtrace action, gtrace criteria" ); "GTRACE ACTION" ("$bGTRACE ACTION$b", "Options for the action in $bgtrace$b are:", "$bPRINT$b: Display the glines (mask, issuer, expiration time, reason)", "$bCOUNT$b: Count the number of matching glines", "$bUNGLINE$b: Remove matching glines", "$uSee Also:$u gtrace criteria, gtrace" ); "GTRACE CRITERIA" ("$bGTRACE CRITERIA$b", "Criteria and values for $bgtrace$b (a search with $bgtrace$b must match all the criteria you give):", "$bMASK SUPERSET$b user@host G-line matches if it applies to someone with this hostmask.", "$bMASK SUBSET$b user@host G-line matches if this hostmask \"covers\" the G-line target.", "$bMASK EXACT$b user@host G-line matches only if the target is exactly this.", "$bMASK$b user@host Specifies a mask to search for (equivalent to MASK SUPERSET).", "$bLIMIT$b count Limits the number of matching glines.", "$bREASON$b reason Looks for glines with the given reason.", "$bISSUER$b account Looks for glines issued by the given account.", "$bAFTER$b interval Looks for glines that expire more than $binterval$b in the future.", "$uSee Also:$u gtrace action, gtrace" ); "GSYNC" ("/msg $O GSYNC [server]", "Requests a list of GLINES from its uplink or the specified server. This can be used in the event X3 is down for period and becomes desynced.", "Access level: $b${level/gsync}$b", "$uSee Also:$u refreshg, gline, ungline" ); "REFRESHG" ("/msg $O REFRESHG [server]", "Re-issues all GLINES in $b$O's$b database. Usually used for newly joining or desynched servers. If a server mask is specified, the GLINES are only sent to server(s) with matching names.", "Access level: $b${level/refreshg}$b", "$uSee Also:$u gline, ungline, gsync" ); "UNGLINE" ("/msg $O UNGLINE ", "Removes a gline from the network before it expires.", "Access level: $b${level/ungline}$b", "$uSee Also:$u gline" ); "CLONE" ("/msg $O CLONE ", "Creats and manipulates a fake user. Sub-commands for $bclone$b are:", "$bADD$b: Adds a new clone. Arguments: ", "$bREMOVE$b: Removes a clone. Arguments: ", "$bJOIN$b: Joins a clone to a channel. Arguments: ", "$bPART$b: Parts a clone from a channel. Arguments: ", "$bOP$b: Ops a clone in a channel. Arguments: ", "$bSAY$b: Makes a clone say something to a channel. Arguments: ", "Access level: $b${level/clone}$b", "$uSee Also:$u collide, reserve, jupe" ); "COLLIDE" ("/msg $O COLLIDE ", "Creates a clone with the specified properties, colliding any existing user with the same nick.", "Access level: $b${level/collide}$b", "$uSee Also:$u clone, reserve, jupe" ); "JUPE" ("/msg $O JUPE ", "Causes X3 to create a \"juped\" (dummy) server. This can be used to prevent a poorly connected server from connecting.", "Access level: $b${level/jupe}$b", "$uSee Also:$u unjupe, clone, reserve" ); "RESERVE" ("/msg $O RESERVE ", "Used to ban, protect, or jupe a given nick. Unlike $bclone$b and $bcollide$b, reserved nicks are saved across restarts of X3.", "Access level: $b${level/reserve}$b", "$uSee Also:$u unreserve, clone, jupe" ); "UNJUPE" ("/msg $O UNJUPE ", "Causes X3 to unjupe a jupe server.", "Access level: $b${level/unjupe}$b", "$uSee Also:$u jupe, unreserve, clone" ); "UNRESERVE" ("/msg $O UNRESERVE ", "Removes a nick from $b$O's$b reserve list.", "Access level: $b${level/unreserve}$b", "$uSee Also:$u reserve, clone, unjupe" ); "LOG" ("/msg $O LOG [ ]...", "Searches services logs based on critera specified and displays the results.", "Criteria and associated values (a search match all specified items):", "$bBOT$b - A service bot's name (for example, $O).", "$bCHANNEL$b - The channel where a command was issued (accepts wildcards).", "$bNICK$b - The nickname issuing the command (accepts wildcards).", "$bACCOUNT$b - The account of the user who issued the command (accepts wildcards).", "$bHOSTMASK$b - The ident@host of the user who issued the command (accepts wildcards).", "$bAGE$b - Age of commands to find (for example, 1m or >3m).", "$bLIMIT$b - Maximum number of results to show.", "$bLEVEL$b - Comma-separated list of COMMAND, OVERRIDE, STAFF, to return only those commands.", "$bTYPE$b - Name of module that generated log (see $bSTATS MODULES$b).", "By default, all levels of audit log entries are returned. You may exclude levels from the results by using the level criteria and the '-' character in front of the level name.", "Access level: $b${level/log}$b", "$uSee Also:$u reopen" ); "REOPEN" ("/msg $O REOPEN", "Close and re-open all the log files.", "$uSee Also:$u log, rehash, write, writeall, readhelp" ); "DIE" ("/msg $O DIE ", "SQUIT X3 with the given reason and shuts it down.", "Access level: $b${level/die}$b", "$uSee Also:$u restart, reconnect, jump" ); "JUMP" ("/msg $O JUMP ", "Causes X3 to connect to the specified uplink.", "Access level: $b${level/jump}$b", "$uSee Also:$u reconnect, restart, die" ); "RECONNECT" ("/msg $O RECONNECT ", "Causes X3 to reconnect to its current uplink.", "Access level: $b${level/reconnect}$b", "$uSee Also:$u jump, rehash, restart, die" ); "REHASH" ("/msg $O REHASH", "Causes X3 to re-read its configuration file and update its state as much as possible.", "Access level: $b${level/rehash}$b", "$uSee Also:$u die, reconnect, jump, restart" ); "RESTART" ("/msg $O RESTART ", "Causes X3 to SQUIT with the specified reason and restart.", "Access level: $b${level/restart}$b", "$uSee Also:$u reconnect, rehash, die" ); "GAG" ("/msg $O GAG ", "Sets a complete services-wide ignore on all users matching the provided mask. All services will completely ignore all private messages or notices from gagged users.", "The gag will automatically expire after $b$b (or last forever if that is zero).", "Access level: $b${level/gag}$b", "$uSee Also:$u ungag, trace, stats gags" ); "HELPSERV" ("/msg $O HELPSERV ", "Sends a command to the HelpServ system. It is used for all \"override\" commands, as well as registration and unregistration.", "$uSee also:$u /msg $O HELPSERV HELP" ); "QUERY" ("/msg $O QUERY [key][/[/]...]", "Displays the value of the given configuration key. ", "If the key is a composite entry, show the subkeys inside it.", "Examples:", " QUERY - shows 1st level keys ", " QUERY services/chanserv - shows list of chanserv settings ", " QUERY services/chanserv/chan_expire_delay - shows value ", "Access level: $b${level/query}$b", "$uSee Also:$u set, rehash" ); "SET" ("/msg $O SET