"CHANNEL" ("$bChannel Management Commands:$b", " OPEN Remove +ilk channel modes and any bans on you from a channel.", " USERS List all users of a channel.", " CLIST coowners of a channel.", " MLIST masters of a channel.", " OLIST ops of a channel.", " PLIST pals of a channel.", " BANS List all the bans for a channel.", " TOPIC Set the current topic, or reset it to the default topic.", " MODE Change a channel mode.", " INVITE Invite new users to your channel.", " INFO Show numerical information about the users in a channel.", " SET Change various channel settings.", " EVENTS View a list of events relevant to a channel.", " NOTE Set a note on a channel.", " DELNOTE Remove a note from a channel.", " RESYNC Synchronise ops and voice with the channel userlist." ); "RESYNC" ("/msg $S RESYNC <#channel>", "Synchronises users in the channel with the userlist. This means that if the user can normally get ops, $S makes sure the user has ops. Otherwise, if the user normally gets voice, $S makes sure the user has voice but not ops. Otherwise, $S makes sure the user has neither voice nor ops."); "SET DEFAULTTOPIC" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> DEFAULTTOPIC ", "This changes the default topic for the channel. $C will set the IRC topic to this value when the $btopic$b command is used with no arguments, when the topic refresh happens (if you have $bset topicrefresh$b), or when an unauthorised user changes the topic to something else.", "$uSee Also:$u set, set topicrefresh, set enftopic, set topicmask"); "SET ENFOPS" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> ENFOPS ", "This setting restricts who may op users who are not at least ops on the userlist. If $C sees someone with access below the specified access op someone not on the userlist (or who is a pal), it will deop the second user. It is a numeric user level, or 501 to mean no one may op unrecognised users.", "$uSee Also:$u set"); "Byte" " I just worked out Byte's role in the srvx team It's his job to break srvx Nothing else";