Using translations: copy the languages folder into your x3 runtime directory, and restart x3. alternate languages will be available in /msg authserv set lanugage NOTE: Currently no other languages are caught up to recent development. if you speak them, please see below for updating instructions. Translating: Thanks for your interest in helping to translate X3 to other languages. How to make a new language: 1: run the export script, to make an up-to-date "C" baseline db: ./ > strings.db 2: make a dir for your language such as de/ mkdir fo 3: copy thi strings.db into your new dir cp strings.db fo 4: copy the help files into your new dir cp ../src/*.help fo 5: edit the .help and .db files, translating them to your laungage. nano fo/strings.db (etc) 6: test the strings.db file ./ fo 7: fix any problems. How to keep your language up to date after changes: 1: run the export script, to make an up-to-date "C" baseline db: ./ > strings.db 2: test the strings.db file ./ fo 3: fix any changes. You should also watch the cvs mailing list for changes in meaning of the strings since X3 is under active development.