X3 Frequently Asked Questions ------------------------------- This FAQ assumes that your services are named NickServ, ChanServ and OpServ respectively. Q1) How do I set up X3? A1) Read the README and INSTALL files, especially INSTALL. Q2) How do I set up my IRC server so X3 talks to it? A2) That depends on which IRC server you use. Check its documentation. #evilnet will not support ircd questions other than Nefarious IRCu Q3) I get "You must first authenticate with NickServ", help! A3) To register an account, /msg NickServ@services.example.com register YourName Password. You must be a global IRC operator to register the first account; X3 gives the first account "root" level (1000) access. To log in afterwards, use the "auth" command instead of "register". Q4) I do not like having to type "/msg NickServ@services.example.com" for all of my commands. How can I change that? A4) If you want to disable that for the auth command, use "/msg OpServ modcmd NickServ.auth flags -qualified". However, that is a BAD idea: if you have an auto-perform to log in, and you connect to some other IRC network, you will send your password to whoever or whatever is named NickServ on that network. Q5) When I try to register a channel with ChanServ, it tells me I have to have "security override" on. Why? A5-1) X3's default configuration is to only allow network staff to register channels. For IRC operators and network helpers (users with account flag +H), security override can be enabled by sending "/msg ChanServ god on". For support helpers (users with account flag +h), security override is enabled when the user is in the configured support channel. A5-2) If you want to allow anyone to register channels, use "/msg OpServ modcmd ChanServ.register flags -helping". Q6) How do I enable HelpServ? A6) When you run the "configure" script, you must enable the helpserv module; for example, "./configure --enable-modules=helpserv". After you compile and start X3 with that option, "/msg OpServ bind OpServ helpserv *helpserv.helpserv". After that, you can use "/msg OpServ helpserv help" and "/msg OpServ helpserv register"; the "helpserv" command acts as a gateway into the HelpServ system. Q7) How do I enable MemoServ? A7) When you run the "configure" script, you must enable the MemoServ module; for example, "./configure --enable-modules=memoserv". Then see the comment near the start of src/mod-memoserv.c for configuration options. Q8) How do I enable both HelpServ and MemoServ? A8) In addition to the post-install configuration steps above, you must mention both when you run the configure script. For example, run it using "./configure --enable-modules=memoserv,helpserv". (You may add the snoop and/or sockcheck modules as well; separate the module names with commas.)