"" { "/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" { "/services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( " $b$N$b is the login bot. It provides ", " accounts for use on the network. ", " $N is how you 'log in' to get access ", " in channels registered with $C, and ", " its how ircops are known to $O and $G.", " To get an account: ", " $b/msg $N HELP REGISTER$b ", " To login to your account: ", " $b/msg $N@$s AUTH accountname password$b", " $b$b", " Read more about $N in the help system:", " To read help, type:", " $b/msg $N HELP <$bsubject$b>$b ", " (In help, words in <> represent required", " parameters. Words in [] are optional.)", " For example: $b/msg $N HELP REGISTER$b", " shows help with the command create an ", " account. ", " $b$b", " $b$N$b help categories:", " $bACCOUNT$b Account management.", " $bEMAIL$b Email based commands", " such as recovering forgotten", " passwords.", " $bIGNORE$b Ignore list management.", " $bINFORMATION$b Informational functions.", " $bOPER$b Commands for IRC Operators.", "$b$b", " $b$N is $uNOT$u a NickServ$b! ", " We do not 'own' nicks here. ", " see $b/msg $N HELP NOT NICKSERV$b ", " for details " ); "!/services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( " $b$N$b is the login bot. It provides ", " accounts for use on the network. ", " $N is how you 'log in' to get access ", " in channels registered with $C, and ", " its how ircops are known to $O and $G.", " To get an account: ", " $b/msg $N HELP REGISTER$b ", " To login to your account: ", " $b/msg $N@$s AUTH accountname password$b", " $b$b", " Read more about $N in the help system:", " To read help, type:", " $b/msg $N HELP <$bsubject$b>$b ", " (In help, words in <> represent required", " parameters. Words in [] are optional.)", " For example: $b/msg $N HELP REGISTER$b", " shows help with the command create an ", " account. ", " $b$b", " $b$N$b help categories:", " $bACCOUNT$b Account management.", " $bINFORMATION$b Informational functions.", " $bIGNORE$b Ignore list management.", " $bOPER$b Commands for IRC Operators.", "$b$b", " $b$N is $uNOT$u a NickServ$b! ", " We do not 'own' nicks here. ", " see $b/msg $N HELP NOT NICKSERV$b ", " for details " ); }; "!/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" { "/services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( "$b$N Help$b", "$b$N$b is a nickname and authentication", "service, intended to serve as a central", "authentication point for all other network", "services. $b$C$b, $b$O$b, and $b$G$b all", "depend on $b$N$b to verify that users are", "valid. It also manages nickname ownership.", "$b$b", "$b$N$b command categories:", " ACCOUNT Account management.", " NICK Nick management.", " EMAIL Email maintenance commands.", " INFORMATION Other functions.", " OPER $N commands for IRC Operators." ); "!/services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( "$b$N Help$b", "$b$N$b is a nickname and authentication", "service, intended to serve as a central", "authentication point for all other network", "services. $b$C$b, $b$O$b, and $b$G$b all", "depend on $b$N$b to verify that users are", "valid. It also manages nickname ownership.", "$b$b", "$b$N$b command categories:", " ACCOUNT Account management.", " NICK Nick management.", " INFORMATION Other functions.", " OPER $N commands for IRC Operators." ); }; }; "HANDLE" ("The term $uhandle$u from earlier versions was confusing to many new users. Therefore, it has been changed to $uaccount$u."); "ACCOUNT" { "/services/nickserv/enable_ghost" ( " Accounts are the way that $b$C$b ", " identifies you for access to channels. ", " They are slightly similar to IRC nicks, ", " but only have meaning to the services ", " bots. Until you authenticate to $b$N$b ", " on an account, you can only use the ", " $bREGISTER$b and $bAUTH$b commands. ", "$b$b", " Account management commands are:", " $bREGISTER$b Register a new account.", " $bUNREGISTER$b Unregister an account.", " $bAUTH$b Authenticate yourself to $b$N$b using an existing account.", " $bPASS$b Change your account's password.", " $bADDMASK$b Add a hostmask to your account.", " $bDELMASK$b Remove a hostmask from your account.", " $bADDSSLFP$b Add an SSL fingerprint to your account.", " $bDELSSLFP$b Remove an SSL fingerprint from your account.", " $bSET$b Set per-account options.", " $bGHOST$b Disconnects your old clients", " $bACCOUNT FLAGS$b Definition for each account flag" ); "!/services/nickserv/enable_ghost" ( " Accounts are the way that $b$C$b ", " identifies you for access to channels. ", " They are slightly similar to IRC nicks, ", " but only have meaning to the services ", " bots. Until you authenticate to $b$N$b ", " on an account, you can only use the ", " $bREGISTER$b and $bAUTH$b commands. ", "$b$b", " Account management commands are: ", " $bREGISTER$b Register a new account.", " $bUNREGISTER$b Unregister an account.", " $bAUTH$b Authenticate yourself to ", " $b$N$b using an existing account.", " $bPASS$b Change your account's password.", " $bADDMASK$b Add a hostmask to your account.", " $bDELMASK$b Remove a hostmask from your account.", " $bADDSSLFP$b Add an SSL fingerprint to your account.", " $bDELSSLFP$b Remove an SSL fingerprint from your account.", " $bSET$b Set per-account options.", " $bRENAME$b Renames an account", " $bACCOUNT FLAGS$b Definition for each account flag" ); }; "NOT NICKSERV" { "/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( " $N is $unot$u a NickServ. On this network, ", " nicknames are not owned. $N allows ", " you to register a single account to ", " log in to all channels, seperate from ", " your nickname. ", " $b$N$b can tell you what ", " account a user is authenticated to ", " using the $bUSERINFO$b command. " ); }; "INFORMATION" ("$bInformational commands:$b", " $bACCOUNTINFO$b Displays information about an account.", " $bUSERINFO$b Display what account an online user is authenticated to.", " $bSTATUS$b $b$N$b status.", " $bVERSION$b $b$N$b version information." ); "OPER" ("$bIRC Operator Help:$b", " $bSEARCH$b Search accounts and apply an action.", " $bOSET$b Modify account details including password.", " $bRENAME$b Rename an account.", " $bMERGE$b Merge one account into another.", " $bOREGISTER$b Create an account for someone else.", " $bOUNREGISTER$b Remove an account by name.", " $bODELCOOKIE$b Deletes a pending cookie.", "*$bOREGNICK$b Add a nick to someone's account.", "*$bOUNREGNICK$b Remove a nick from someone's account.", " $bOADDMASK$b Add a mask to someone's account.", " $bODELMASK$b Remove a mask from someone's account.", " $bOADDSSLFP$b Add an SSL fingerprint to someone's account.", " $bODELSSLFP$b Remove an SSL fingerprint from someone's account.", " $bOADDIGNORE$b Add an ignore to someone's account.", " $bODELIGNORE$b Remove an ignore from someone's account.", " $bMERGEDB$b Load a database into memory.", "$b$b", "Commands prefixed with * only if nick ownership is enabled." ); "OUNREGISTER" { "/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "/msg $N OUNREGISTER [FORCE]", "Un-registers the specified account.", "You may use *Account instead of Nick as the name", "argument; the * makes $N use the name of an account", "directly (useful if the user is not online).", "$b$b", "Without FORCE only accounts that are inactive and", "have no special flags can be unregistered.", "$uSee Also:$u oregister" ); "!/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "/msg $N OUNREGISTER [FORCE]", "Un-registers the specified account, and any nicks that", "have been registered to that account.", "You may use *Account instead of Nick as the name", "argument; the * makes $N use the name of an account", "directly (useful if the user is not online).", "Without FORCE only accounts that are inactive", "and have no special flags can be unregistered.", "$uSee Also:$u oregister, oregnick, ounregnick" ); }; "UNREGISTER" { "/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "/msg $N@$s UNREGISTER ", "Un-registers the account you are authenticated as.", "$uSee Also:$u register" ); "!/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "/msg $N@$s UNREGISTER ", "Un-registers the account you are authenticated with,", "and any nicks that have been registered to that account.", "$uSee Also:$u register, regnick, unregnick" ); }; "NICK" { "!/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "You may register IRC nicknames to be associated with your", "accounts, and will be able to request a KILL for anyone", "using a nickname registered to you.", "$b$b", "Nick management commands are:", " NICKINFO Find out who has registered a nick.", " REGNICK Register a nickname.", " UNREGNICK Unregister a nickname.", " RECLAIM Reclaim a nick registered to you." ); }; "NICKINFO" { "!/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "/msg $N NICKINFO ", "Displays information on the nick specified.", "$uSee Also:$u accountinfo, userinfo" ); }; "REGNICK" { "!/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "/msg $N REGNICK ", "Registers your current nick to the account you are authenticated to.", "$uSee Also:$u register, unregister, unregnick" ); }; "OREGNICK" { "!/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "/msg $N OREGNICK [ ]", "Registers specified nick to the specified account. If nick", "and account are not specified, then $boregnick$b registers", "your current nick to the account you are authenticated to.", "$b$b", "You may use *Account instead of Nick as the name argument;", "the * makes $N use the name of an account directly (useful", "if the user is not online).", "$uSee Also:$u oregister, ounregister, ounregnick" ); }; "OUNREGNICK" { "!/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "/msg $N OUNREGNICK ", "Un-registers a nick that was previously registered to an account.", "$uSee Also:$u oregister, oregnick, ounregister" ); }; "UNREGNICK" { "!/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "/msg $N UNREGNICK [nick]", "Un-registers a nick that was previously registered to your account.", "If you do not specify a nick, your current nick will be un-registered.", "$uSee Also:$u register, regnick, unregister" ); }; "RECLAIM" { "!/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "/msg $N RECLAIM ", "Reclaims the specified nick. You must be authenticated to the account", "that registered the nick.", "Depending on configuration, this may do nothing, may ask the user", "nicely, may force a nick change on them, or may /KILL (disconnect)", "the target user." ); }; "EMAIL" { "/services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( "Email-based maintenance commands and topics are:", " AUTHCOOKIE Email a cookie to allow you to authenticate (auth)", "without a matching hostmask.", " RESETPASS Request a password change if you forgot your old password.", " COOKIE Complete an email-based maintenance action.", " DELCOOKIE For AUTHCOOKIE or RESETPASS, cancel the requested cookie.", " EMAIL POLICY This network's policy on account email addresses." ); }; "AUTHCOOKIE" { "/services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( "/msg $N AUTHCOOKIE ", "Requests that $N send you email with a cookie that allows you to auth", "to your account if you do not have a matching hostmask. (For example,", "if your ISP changed your IP or hostname.)", "$b$b", "Once you receive the cookie in email, you can use the $bcookie$b", "command to log in.", "$uSee Also:$u cookie, delcookie" ); }; "RESETPASS" { "/services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( "/msg $N@$s RESETPASS ", "Requests that $N send you email with a cookie that will change your", "password (in case you have forgotten it). Once you receive the", "cookie in email, use the $bcookie$b command to actually change your", "password.", "$b$b", "$bYour password will not be changed, and you will not be able to use", "it to log in, until you confirm the change using the $ucookie$u command.$b", "$uSee Also:$u cookie, delcookie" ); }; "DELCOOKIE" { "/services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( "/msg $N DELCOOKIE", "Requests that $N cancel your authcookie or resetpass cookie.", "(Since set-email cookies and registration cookies send email to unverified", "addresses, to prevent mail flooding, they cannot be cancelled.)", "$uSee Also:$u authcookie, resetpass, cookie" ); }; "COOKIE" { "/services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( "/msg $N@$s COOKIE ", "Completes the maintenance action (for example, activating an account or", "changing your password) for which a cookie was issued. The cookie will", "then be forgotten.", "$uSee Also:$u authcookie, resetpass, set, delcookie" ); }; "EMAIL POLICY" { "/services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( "$bEMAIL POLICY", "AfterNET has utmost respect for the privacy of its users. We will submit", "your email address to as many spam databases as we can find, and we will", "even post it on our web site.", "$b$b", "(No, not really. It looks like somebody forgot to edit nickserv.help or", "nickserv.help.m4 to remove this entry. Make sure they edit the mail", "section of x3.conf while they are at it.)" ); }; "ADDMASK" ("/msg $N ADDMASK [user@host]", "Adds the specified user@host to the account you are authenticated to", "with $b$N$b. If no mask is given, it uses your current mask.", "$uSee Also:$u auth, delmask"); "ALLOWAUTH" ("/msg $N ALLOWAUTH [account] [STAFF]", "Allows the specified nick to $bauth$b to the specified account.", "$bAllowauth$b does NOT add the hostmask of that nick to the specified", "account.", "$b$b", "If no account is given, it will cancel the allowauth for the user", "(assuming the user has an allowauth).", "If the account is marked as a helper or oper, the STAFF qualifier", "must be given afterwards. This reduces social engineering attacks.", "$uSee Also:$u addmask, auth"); "LOGIN" ("See /MSG $N HELP AUTH"); "AUTH" { "/services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( "/msg $N@$s AUTH [account] ", "Authenticates yourself with $b$N$b to the specified account.", "You must use $bauth$b before you have any access to network", "services, including channels that are registered with $b$C$b.", "If you omit the account, it uses your current nick as your account name.", "$uSee Also:$u pass, resetpass, authcookie", ); "!/services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( "/msg $N@$s AUTH [account] ", "Authenticates yourself with $b$N$b to the specified account.", "You must use $bauth$b before you have any access to network", "services, including channels that are registered with $b$C$b.", "If you omit the account, it uses your current nick as your account name.", "$uSee Also:$u pass", ); }; "IDENTIFY" { "/services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( "/msg $N@$s IDENTIFY [account] ", "Authenticates yourself with $b$N$b to the specified account.", "You must use $bidentify$b before you have any access to network", "services, including channels that are registered with $b$C$b.", "If you omit the account, it uses your current nick as your account name.", "$uSee Also:$u pass, auth, resetpass, authcookie", ); "!/services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( "/msg $N@$s IDENTIFY [account] ", "Authenticates yourself with $b$N$b to the specified account.", "You must use $bidentify$b before you have any access to network", "services, including channels that are registered with $b$C$b.", "If you omit the account, it uses your current nick as your account name.", "$uSee Also:$u pass, auth", ); }; "DELMASK" ("/msg $N DELMASK ", "Removes a hostmask from the account you are authenticated on.", "An account must have at least one hostmask; you cannot remove the last", "mask for an account.", "$uSee Also:$u addmask"); "ACCOUNTINFO" { "/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "/msg $N ACCOUNTINFO ", "Displays infomation on the specified account, including the date the account", "was registered, the last time it was used, its infoline, its flags,", "its hostmask(s), its channels, and nicknames of users currently using the account.", "$b$b", "You may use *Account instead of Nick as the name argument; the * makes $N use", "the name of an account directly (useful if the user is not online).", "$uSee Also:$u userinfo, account flags" ); "! /services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "/msg $N ACCOUNTINFO ", "Displays infomation on the specified account, including the date the account", "was registered, the last time it was used, its infoline, its flags,", "its hostmask(s), its channels, and nicknames of users currently using the account.", "$b$b", "You may use *Account instead of Nick as the name argument; the * makes $N use", "the name of an account directly (useful if the user is not online).", "$uSee Also:$u nickinfo, userinfo, account flags" ); }; "ACCOUNT FLAGS" ("$bACCOUNT FLAGS$b", "The following flags on accounts are defined:", "$bS$b $O access suspended", "$bp$b Use PRIVMSG for messages rather than NOTICE", "$bh$b User is a support helper (must be in support channel to override security)", "$bH$b User is a network helper (can toggle security override)", "$bg$b God mode (security override for IRC staff)", "$bs$b Account suspended", "$bc$b Use mIRC color codes in responses", "$bf$b Account frozen/on vacation (will not be unregistered for inactivity; cleared when account is authenticated against)", "$bn$b No-delete (will never be unregistered for inactivity)", "$bb$b Hides you from the staff list", "$uSee Also:$u accountinfo, set, $C staff"); "OADDMASK" ("/msg $N OADDMASK ", "Adds a hostmask to the specified account.", "You may use *Account instead of Nick as the name argument; the * makes", "$N use the name of an account directly (useful if the user is not online).", "$uSee Also:$u odelmask"); "ODELMASK" ("/msg $N ODELMASK ", "Removes a hostmask from the specified account.", "An account must have at least one hostmask; you cannot remove the last mask for an account.", "You may use *Account instead of Nick as the name argument; the * makes", "$N use the name of an account directly (useful if the user is not online).", "$uSee Also:$u oaddmask"); "OREGISTER" { "/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" { "/services/nickserv/email_required" ( "/msg $N@$s OREGISTER [user@host] [nick]", "Registers an account for nick with $b$N$b using the specified account name,", "password, email address and user@host. If the nick of an online user is specified,", "then they will be logged in, and that user's user@host is used if you don't", "specify one. If no nickname or hostmask is used, it uses a default hostmask, or", "adds one when they first authenticate.", "$uSee Also:$u ounregister, oaddmask, oset" ); "!/services/nickserv/email_required" ( "/msg $N@$s OREGISTER [user@host] [nick]", "Registers an account for nick with $b$N$b using the specified account name,", "password, email address and user@host. If the nick of an online user is specified,", "then they will be logged in, and that user's user@host is used if you don't", "specify one. If no nickname or hostmask is used, it uses a default hostmask, or", "adds one when they first authenticate.", "$uSee Also:$u ounregister, oaddmask, oset" ); }; "!/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" { "/services/nickserv/email_required" ( "/msg $N@$s OREGISTER [user@host] [nick]", "Registers an account for nick with $b$N$b using the specified account name,", "password, email address and user@host. If the nick of an online user is specified,", "then they will be logged in, and that user's user@host is used if you don't", "specify one. If no nickname or hostmask is used, it uses a default hostmask, or", "adds one when they first authenticate.", "$uSee Also:$u oregnick, ounregister, ounregnick, oaddmask, oset" ); "!/services/nickserv/email_required" ( "/msg $N@$s OREGISTER [user@host] [nick]", "Registers an account for nick with $b$N$b using the specified account name,", "password, email address and user@host. If the nick of an online user is specified,", "then they will be logged in, and that user's user@host is used if you don't", "specify one. If no nickname or hostmask is used, it uses a default hostmask, or", "adds one when they first authenticate.", "$uSee Also:$u oregnick, ounregister, ounregnick, oaddmask, oset" ); }; }; "OSET" ( "/msg $N OSET [ ]", "Allows opers/helpers to change a users account settings. You may set:", "$bPASSWORD$b: Sets user's password.", "$bFLAGS$b: Changes account flags (SphHdscfn) for user (see $uaccount flags$u).", "$bLEVEL$b: Sets $O access level.", "$bEPITHET$b: The description shown for the user's access in /whois.", "$bNOTE$b: Adds a note to the user's account.", "$bTITLE$b: The title the user will get (in their hostname) when +x.", "$bFAKEHOST$b: The fake hostname the user will get when +x.", "..or anything $bset$b can change.", "$b$b", "You may use *Account instead of Nick as the name argument; the * makes", " $N use the name of an account directly (useful if the user is", "not online).", "$uSee Also:$u accountinfo, account flags, set, userinfo" ); "ODELCOOKIE" { "/services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( "/msg $N ODELCOOKIE ", "Requests that $N cancel the cookie of the specified account.", ); }; "PASS" ("/msg $N@$s PASS ", "Changes your $b$N$b password.", "$uSee Also:$u auth"); "REGISTER" { "0: /services/nickserv/email_required" ( "/msg $N@$s REGISTER ", "$bDO NOT TYPE THE < and >!$b <> indicates required fields. ", "Register is the command to create an an account with $b$N$b. ", "Having an account provides a single login identity for the network,", "and for use with $b$C$b.", "$b$b", "$bEmail activation is required:$b An email will be sent to the email", "address you give to verify it. You must provide a valid email address", "or registration will fail. After you register, check your email for", "instructions validating your account.", "$b$b", "If you already have an account, login using the $bAUTH$b command:", "$b/msg $N@$s AUTH $b", "$uSee Also:$u auth, unregister" ); "1: /services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( "/msg $N@$s REGISTER [email]", "$bDO NOT TYPE THE < and >!$b <> indicates required fields. ", "Register is the command to register an account with $b$N$b. Later,", "you can use your account and password with $bauth$b to authenticate", "to your account.", "Having an account provides a single login identity for use with $b$C$b.", "Email activation is not required: But, if you specify an email address,", "an email will be sent to it containing a cookie that will let you", "activate your account. Once you have that cookie, use the $bcookie$b", "command to activate your account.", "$b$b", "If you already have an account, login using the $bAUTH$b command:", "$b/msg $N@$s AUTH $b", "$uSee Also:$u auth, unregister" ); "2: !/services/nickserv/email_enabled" ( "/msg $N@$s REGISTER ", "Register is the command to register an account with $b$N$b. Later,", "you can use your account and password with $bauth$b to authenticate", "to your account.", "Having an account provides a single login identity for use with $b$C$b.", "$uSee Also:$u auth, unregister" ); }; "SET" { "/services/nickserv/email_enabled && /services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "/msg $N SET [ [value]]", "Changes your $N account settings. Settings are:", "$bANNOUNCEMENTS$b: Indicates whether you wish to receive community announcements via the $G service.", "$bCOLOR$b: If set, $b$N$b and $b$C$b will use $bbold$b and $uunderlines$u in text they send you.", "$bEMAIL$b: Sets (or changes) your email address.", "$bINFO$b: Your infoline for $b$N$b (which can be viewed with the $baccountinfo$b command).", "$bLANGUAGE$b: Your preferred language for private messages from the services.", "$bSTYLE$b: Your preferred output style: normal, clean, classic, or advanced.", "$bPRIVMSG$b: If set, $b$N$b and $b$C$b will send text to you using PRIVMSGs rather than NOTICEs.", "$bTABLEWIDTH$b: Sets the width for wrapping table-formatted text. (Use 0 for the default.)", "$bWIDTH$b: The width you want X3 to wrap text it sends you. (Use 0 for the default.)", "$bMAXLOGINS$b: The number of users that can log into your account at once. (Use 0 for the default.)", "$bTITLE$b: A title set on your account by network staff (affects hidden hosts).", "$bEPITHET$b: An epithet set on your account by network staff (shows in whois).", "$bAUTOHIDE$b: Automatically sets +x (hides your host) when you login.", "$bADVANCED$b: If set advanced options and commands will be shown to you.", "$bset$b with no arguments returns your current settings.", "$uSee Also:$u accountinfo, userinfo" ); "/services/nickserv/email_enabled && !/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "/msg $N SET [ [value]]", "Changes your account settings for X3. Settings are:", "$bANNOUNCEMENTS$b: Indicates whether you wish to receive community announcements via the $G service.", "$bCOLOR$b: If set, $b$N$b and $b$C$b will use $bbold$b and $uunderlines$u in text they send you.", "$bEMAIL$b: Sets (or changes) your email address.", "$bINFO$b: Your infoline for $b$N$b (which can be viewed with the $baccountinfo$b command).", "$bLANGUAGE$b: Your preferred language for private messages from the services.", "$bSTYLE$b: Your preferred output style: normal, clean, classic, or advanced.", "$bPRIVMSG$b: If set, $b$N$b and $b$C$b will send text to you using PRIVMSGs rather than NOTICEs.", "$bTABLEWIDTH$b: Sets the width for wrapping table-formatted text. (Use 0 for the default.)", "$bWIDTH$b: The width you want X3 to wrap text it sends you. (Use 0 for the default.)", "$bMAXLOGINS$b: The number of users that can log into your account at once. (Use 0 for the default.)", "$bTITLE$b: A title set on your account by network staff (affects hidden hosts).", "$bEPITHET$b: An epithet set on your account by network staff (shows in whois).", "$bAUTOHIDE$b: Automatically sets +x (hides your host) when you login.", "$bADVANCED$b: If set advanced options and commands will be shown to you.", "$bset$b with no arguments returns your current settings.", "$uSee Also:$u accountinfo, nickinfo, userinfo" ); "!/services/nickserv/email_enabled && /services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "/msg $N SET [ [value]]", "Changes your account settings for X3. Settings are:", "$bANNOUNCEMENTS$b: Indicates whether you wish to receive community announcements via the $G service.", "$bCOLOR$b: If set, $b$N$b and $b$C$b will use $bbold$b and $uunderlines$u in text they send you.", "$bINFO$b: Your infoline for $b$N$b (which can be viewed with the $baccountinfo$b command).", "$bLANGUAGE$b: Your preferred language for private messages from the services.", "$bSTYLE$b: Your preferred output style: normal, clean, classic, or advanced.", "$bPRIVMSG$b: If set, $b$N$b and $b$C$b will send text to you using PRIVMSGs rather than NOTICEs.", "$bTABLEWIDTH$b: Sets the width for wrapping table-formatted text. (Use 0 for the default.)", "$bWIDTH$b: The width you want X3 to wrap text it sends you. (Use 0 for the default.)", "$bMAXLOGINS$b: The number of users that can log into your account at once. (Use 0 for the default.)", "$bTITLE$b: A title set on your account by network staff (affects hidden hosts).", "$bEPITHET$b: An epithet set on your account by network staff (shows in whois).", "$bAUTOHIDE$b: Automatically sets +x (hides your host) when you login.", "$bADVANCED$b: If set advanced options and commands will be shown to you.", "$bset$b with no arguments returns your current settings.", "$uSee Also:$u accountinfo, userinfo" ); "!/services/nickserv/email_enabled && !/services/nickserv/disable_nicks" ( "/msg $N SET [ [value]]", "Changes your account settings for X3. Settings are:", "$bANNOUNCEMENTS$b: Indicates whether you wish to receive community announcements via the $G service.", "$bCOLOR$b: If set, $b$N$b and $b$C$b will use $bbold$b and $uunderlines$u in text they send you.", "$bINFO$b: Your infoline for $b$N$b (which can be viewed with the $baccountinfo$b command).", "$bLANGUAGE$b: Your preferred language for private messages from the services.", "$bSTYLE$b: Your preferred output style: normal, clean, classic, or advanced.", "$bPRIVMSG$b: If set, $b$N$b and $b$C$b will send text to you using PRIVMSGs rather than NOTICEs.", "$bTABLEWIDTH$b: Sets the width for wrapping table-formatted text. (Use 0 for the default.)", "$bWIDTH$b: The width you want X3 to wrap text it sends you. (Use 0 for the default.)", "$bMAXLOGINS$b: The number of users that can log into your account at once. (Use 0 for the default.)", "$bTITLE$b: A title set on your account by network staff (affects hidden hosts).", "$bEPITHET$b: An epithet set on your account by network staff (shows in whois).", "$bAUTOHIDE$b: Automatically sets +x (hides your host) when you login.", "$bADVANCED$b: If set advanced options and commands will be shown to you.", "$bset$b with no arguments returns your current settings.", "$uSee Also:$u accountinfo, nickinfo, userinfo" ); }; "SET LANGUAGE" ("/msg $N SET LANGUAGE ", "Sets the language that $S and other services will use when sending you messages.", "If a particular message is not available in your language, it will use the closest match it has.", "Supported languages are: ${modcmd:languages}", "$uSee Also:$u set"); "SET STYLE" ("/msg $N SET STYLE