"" ( " Hello there!", " I'm $b$S$b, your handy message relay service.", "$b$b", " With this service you can relay long distance", " messages to other users, whether they be on", " or offline.", "=---------------------------------------=", " $bSEND$b - Sends a message.", " $bREAD$b - Reads a message.", " $bDELETE$b - Deletes a message.", " $bLIST$b - Lists your messages.", " $bCANCEL$b - Cancels a message you have sent.", " $bHISTORY$b - Lists any existing memos that you have sent.", " $bSET$b - Sets certain options in relation with $S.", " $bEXPIRY$b - Displays when old unread messages will be deleted.", " $bSTATUS$b - Displays a few details about $S's status.", "$b$b", " $bPrivileged Commands:$b", " $bEXPIRE$b - Expires messages.", " $bOSET$b - Modify account options in relation with $S.", "$b$b", " See $b/msg $S help $b for syntax", " and usage for a command. Before you can", " start using $S you must get an $N", " account, see $b/MSG $N HELP$b for getting", " and maintaining your user account."); "COMMANDS" "${index}"; "SET" ("/msg $S SET [ ]", "Changes your $S settings. Settings are:", "$bAUTHNOTIFY$b - Indicates if $S should notify you of any new messages when you authenticate with $N. Default is yes.", "$bNEWNOTIFY$b - Indicates if $S should notify you instantly when someone sends you a new message. Default is yes.", "$bPRIVMSG$b - If yes, $S will notify you of new messages via message, instead of notice. Default is yes.", "$bPRIVATE$b - If yes, $S will not allow people to send messages to you (do-not-disturb mode). Default is off.", "$bIGNORERECIEPTS$b - Indicates if $S will always ignore read receipt requests. Default is no.", "$bSENDRECIEPTS$b - Indicates if $S will always send read receipts with your messages. Default is no.", "$bLIMIT$b - Indicates how many messages $S will accept before denying them. Set to 0 to receive no messages. Defaults to 50."); "OSET" ("/msg $S OSET [ ]", "Allows opers/helpers to change a user $S settings. You may set:", "You may use *Account instead of Nick as the name argument; the * makes $S use the name of an account directly (useful if the user is not online).", "$uSee Also:$u set"); "EXPIRY" ("/msg $S EXPIRY ", "Sends you the current time set in which any old unread messages will be deleted."); "EXPIRE" ("/msg $S EXPIRE ", "Runs an expire process through $S's messages, deleting any messages and history that are over date.", "$uSee Also:$u expiry"); "CANCEL" ("/msg $S CANCEL ", "Cancels the messaged marked with as long as you have sent the message."); "HISTORY" ("/msg $S HISTORY", "Shows you any messages that you have sent, provided that the recipient has not deleted them.", "$uSee Also:$u expiry"); "SEND" ("/msg $S SEND <-flags> ", "Sends a message to a user. Flags can be $br$b to request a read receipt. Take note of the ID number if you wish to cancel the message in the future. The ID number is required in the CANCEL command.", "You may use *Account instead of Nick as the name argument; the * makes $S use the name of an account directly (useful if the user is not online).", "$uSee also:$u read, list"); "READ" ("/msg $S READ <-flags>", "Shows you the message behind . Flags can be $bi$b to ignore a read receipt request.", "$uSee also:$u send, list"); "DELETE" ("/msg $S DELETE ", "Deletes from your inbox.", "NOTE: You may supply $b*$b or $ball$b as the memo id, which will result in $S deleting all your messages."); "LIST" ("/msg $S LIST", "This will list all the messages in your inbox. Messages marked with (r) have a read receipt requested", "$uSee also:$u read, send"); "STATUS" ("/msg $S STATUS", "This will list some details about $S's status, i.e the total amount of memos sent and expired."); "INDEX" "${index}";