"" ( " Hello there!", " I'm $b$S$b, your helper service.", "$b$b", " With this service you can request help. Your", " request will be picked up by a helper and you", " will be assisted.", "=---------------------------------------=", " $bQUEUE$b - Managing the request queue.", " $bUSERS$b - Managing $S helpers", " $bOPER$b - IRC operator administration commands", "$b$b", " See $b/msg $S help $b for syntax", " and usage for a command."); "" ( " Hello there!", " I'm $b$S$b, your helper service.", "$b$b", " With this service you can request help. Your", " request will be picked up by a helper and you", " will be assisted.", "=---------------------------------------=", " $bCLOSEREQ$b - Close your current request.", " $bHELPER$b - Find out who is currently helping you.", " $bSHOWREQ$b - Detailed information on your current request.", " $bWAIT$b - Find out where you are in the queue.", "$b$b", " See $b/msg $S help $b for syntax", " and usage for a command. To open a help request,", " just type $b/msg $S $b.", " A request will be opened and picked up as soon as", " possible by a helper"); "QUEUE" ("Managing the request queue in $S", " LIST List open requests", " NEXT Pick up the next unassigned request", " PICKUP Pick up a particular unassigned request", " REASSIGN Assign a request to another helper", " CLOSE Close out a request", " SHOW Show detailed information on a request", " ADDNOTE Add a note to a request", " PAGE Try to wake up other helpers", " STATS Get statistics on time and requests handled", " STATSREPORT Shows statistics for all users"); "USERS" ("Managing helpers in $S", " USER ACCESS Description of the user access levels", " HELPERS List current helpers and their access levels", " GIVEOWNERSHIP Transfer ownership to another user", " ADDMANAGER Add a new manager to the service", " ADDHELPER Add a helper to the service", " ADDTRIAL Add a trial helper to the service", " DELUSER Remove a person from the service", " CLVL Change a user's access", " SET Change $S settings"); "USER ACCESS" ("User access levels", "There are four levels of user access to $S: $btrial$b helper, $bhelper$b, $bmanager$b, and $bowner$b.", "Helpers can use the normal help queue management functions.", "Trial helpers have the same access as helpers, but they do not stop the \"empty alert\" from occurring", "Managers also have the ability to use the $ureassign$u command, add and remove helpers, and see stats for any helper.", "Owners have those abilities, can add and remove managers, and change queue settings."); "OPER" ("IRC operator administration commands", " REGISTER Register a new HelpServ bot", " SUSPEND Suspend a HelpServ bot", " UNSUSPEND Unsuspend a HelpServ bot", " ADDOWNER Add an owner to an existing HelpServ", " DELOWNER Remove an owner from an existing HelpServ", " MOVE Change the channel or nick the service helps on", " UNREGISTER Unregister a HelpServ bot", " BOTS List registered HelpServ instances", " EXPIRE Expire inactive channels", " READHELP Re-read help file"); "COMMANDS" "${index}"; "WAIT" ( "/msg $S WAIT", "Tells you where you are sitting in the request queue and how long the first person has been sitting in the queue."); "ADDTRIAL" ( "/msg $S ADDTRIAL ", "Add the specified user to the bot as a trial helper.", "$uSee also:$u helpers, addhelper, addmanager, clvl, deluser"); "ADDHELPER" ( "/msg $S ADDHELPER ", "Add the specified user to the bot as a helper.", "$uSee also:$u helpers, addtrial, addmanager, clvl, deluser"); "ADDMANAGER" ( "/msg $S ADDMANAGER ", "Add the specified user to the bot as a manager.", "$uSee also:$u helpers, addtrial, addhelper, clvl, deluser"); "ADDOWNER" ( "/msg $O HELPSERV ADDOWNER ", "Add the specified user to the bot as a owner.", "$uSee also:$u clvl, delowner, helpers"); "ADDNOTE" ( "/msg $S ADDNOTE ", "Adds a helper note to a request (useful for requests that last a long period of time).", "$uSee also:$u show"); "BOTS" ( "/msg $O HELPSERV BOTS", "Lists the currently defined HelpServ bots (along with their channels and owners' accounts).", "$uSee also:$u EXPIRE"); "EXPIRE" ( "/msg $O HELPSERV EXPIRE", "Expires any HelpServ bots that have been inactive for too long.", "$uSee also:$u BOTS"); "GIVEOWNERSHIP" ( "/msg $S GIVEOWNERSHIP CONFIRM", "Gives ownership of the bot to another user on the userlist."); "CLOSE" ( "/msg $S CLOSE [reason]", "Closes out the specified request. The optional [reason] is included in the request log file."); "CLVL" ( "/msg $S CLVL ", "Allows an owner or manager to change a user's access with $S.", "$uSee also:$u addtrial, addhelper, addmanager, deluser, helpers"); "DELOWNER" ( "/msg $O HELPSERV DELOWNER ", "Delete an owner from the channel user list. (Secretly, this is just an alias for deluser.)", "$uSee also:$u clvl, deluser, helpers"); "DELUSER" ( "/msg $S DELUSER ", "Delete a user from the channel user list.", "$uSee also:$u addhelper, addmanager, clvl, helpers"); "HELP" ( "/msg $S HELP [command|topic]", "HELP will show you usage or other information for the command you give.", "All help entries will use the same syntax for usage, with optional parameters listed in [] and meta-parameters listed in <> (a meta-parameter is one that you must provide a value for).", "If you do not give a command or topic for HELP, an index is shown."); "HELPERS" ( "/msg $S HELPERS", "Displays the trials, helpers, managers and owner(s) registered with $S.", "$uSee also:$u addtrial, addhelper, addmanager, deluser, tlist, hlist, mlist, wlist"); "WLIST" ( "/msg $S WLIST", "Displays the owner(s) registered with $S.", "$uSee also:$u helpers"); "MLIST" ( "/msg $S MLIST", "Displays the managers registered with $S.", "$uSee also:$u helpers"); "HLIST" ( "/msg $S HLIST", "Displays the helpers registered with $S.", "$uSee also:$u helpers"); "TLIST" ( "/msg $S TLIST", "Displays the trials registered with $S.", "$uSee also:$u helpers"); "LIST" ( "/msg $S LIST [unassigned|assigned|me|all]", "Lists open help requests of the specified type (if not specified, defaults to \"unassigned\").", "\"assigned\" means that a helper has picked up the request or been assigned to handle it.", "\"me\" means to only show requests assigned to you.", "$uSee also:$u next, pickup"); "MOVE" ( "/msg $O HELPSERV MOVE ", "Makes the HelpServ bot use a different nick or channel."); "NEXT" ( "/msg $S NEXT", "Assigns the next unhandled help request to you.", "$uSee also:$u list, pickup, reassign, close"); "PAGE" ( "/msg $S PAGE ", "Pages the current page target, requesting attention.", "$uSee also:$u set"); "PICKUP" ( "/msg $S PICKUP ", "Assigns the request with $breqid$b to you.", "$uSee also:$u list, next, reassign, close"); "READHELP" ( "/msg $O HELPSERV READHELP", "Re-reads the HelpServ help file."); "REASSIGN" ( "/msg $S REASSIGN ", "Reassigns (or assigns) the specified request to $bnew_helper_nick$b.", "$uSee also:$u next, pickup, close"); "REGISTER" ( "/msg $O HELPSERV REGISTER <#channel> ", "Registers a new HelpServ bot to the specified channel, and adds the given user as owner.", "$uSee also:$u unregister, helpers"); "SET" ( "/msg $S SET [