]> jfr.im git - irc/evilnet/x3.git/blame - src/modcmd.help
Added nickserv pointer to general help message in chanserv
[irc/evilnet/x3.git] / src / modcmd.help
d76ed9a9 1"bind" ("/msg $S BIND <service> <bindname> <command> [additional args..]",
2 "Binds (adds) a command to an existing service. $bbindname$b is the name of the new command for the service. $bcommand$b may be one of:",
3 " CommandName To refer to a command on the same service.",
4 " ServiceNick.CommandName To refer to a command bound on a different service.",
5 " *ModuleName.CommandName To bind a command directly from a module (note the asterisk before the module name).",
6 " *ModuleName.* To bind all commands from the named module.",
7 "For simplicity, you cannot bind to a command that is itself an alias. Certain commands will not bound with the last form; you must bind them by name.",
8 "(A command binding is very similar to an alias, but only pays the speed penalty for alias expansion when there are additional arguments in the binding.)",
9 "$uSee also:$u unbind");
10"commands" "${index}";
11"god" ("/msg $C GOD [on|off]",
12 "Toggles security override, which grants you complete access to all channels. Please use carefully.");
13"help" ("/msg $S HELP [command]",
14 "Help will show you the information for the given command.",
15 "All help files will use the same syntax, with optional parameters listed in [] and required parameters listed in <>.",
16 "To see what commands are available for use with $S, type /msg $S help commands. For help on any specific command or topic, type /msg $S help command.");
17"readhelp" ("/msg $S READHELP <module>",
18 "Re-reads the module's help file from disk.",
19 "$uSee Also:$u help");
20"unbind" ("/msg $S UNBIND <service> <command>",
21 "Unbinds a command from a service, so that it is no longer accessible.",
22 "Some commands (such as $bauth$b and $bbind$b) will not let you unbind their last binding -- for obvious reasons.",
23 "$uSee Also:$u bind");
24"timecmd" ("/msg $S TIMECMD <command and args>",
25 "Reports how long it takes to run the specified command.");
26"command" ("/msg $S COMMAND <command>",
27 "Shows the restrictions on who can use the named command (and how).");
28"modcmd" ("/msg $S MODCMD <command> [<option> <newval> ...]",
29 "Displays options for the specified command, or changes the options and values listed. The command name may be prefixed with $bServiceNick.$b to specify another service's command (for example, $N.AUTH to refer to the auth command).",
30 "Supported options are:",
31 " FLAGS Comma-separated, +/- prefixed list of flags to add or remove.",
32 " CHANNEL_ACCESS Minimum ChanServ access.",
33 " OPER_ACCESS Minimum OpServ access.",
34 " ACCOUNT_FLAGS Account flags to require or deny (for example, +R-S)",
35 "See the $bmodcmd flags$b help entry for a list of supported flags.");
36"modcmd flags" ("The following flags are supported for commands:",
37 " ACCEPTCHAN Treat a normal channel name (if specified) as the context for the command",
38 " ACCEPTPLUSCHAN Accept modeless channel names as well as normal channel names",
39 " AUTHED Require that the user be authed to use the command",
40 " CHANNEL Require that an existing channel be given as the context",
41 " CHANUSER Require that the user have $C access to the context",
42 " DISABLED Command is disabled",
43 " HELPING Require that the user have security override enabled",
44 " IGNORE_CSUSPEND Allow a +REGCHAN command to work even if the channel is suspended",
45 " JOINABLE Require that the user have $C access to the channel, be in the channel, or be network staff to use the command",
46 " KEEPBOUND Do not let the last instance of the command be removed",
47 " LOGHOSTMASK Log the user's ident, hostname and IP (as well as nick and account name)",
48 " NOLOG Do not log the command at all",
49 " NETWORKHELPER Allow network helpers to use the command",
50 " OPER Allow opers to use the command",
51 " QUALIFIED Require $b/msg Service@$s$b addressing when using the command",
52 " REGCHAN Require a registered channel to be give as the context",
53 " SUPPORTHELPER Allow support helpers to use the command",
54 " TOY Command is a toy (cannot be invoked on a channel from outside the channel)",
55 "Note: If any of SUPPORTHELPER, NETWORKHELPER, OPER, any of the specified flags is considered sufficient. For example, NETWORKHELPER and OPER both specified means both network helpers and opers can use the command.");
56"joiner" ("/msg $S JOINER [subcmd ...]",
57 "Magically looks up subcommands and redirects to them. Use the command by itself to see what subcommands are known.");
58"stats modules" ("/msg $S STATS MODULES [modulename]",
59 "With no module name argument, shows a list of loaded modules and brief statistics for each.",
60 "When a module name is given, shows commands exported by that module.",
61 "$uSee Also:$u stats services, command, modcmd, bind");
62"stats services" ("/msg $S STATS SERVICES [botnick]",
63 "With no bot nick argument, shows a list of the service bots using the unified command framework, and brief statistics for each.",
64 "When a bot nick is given, shows commands bound to that service.",
65 "$uSee Also:$u stats modules, command, modcmd, bind, unbind");
66"showcommands" ("/msg $S SHOWCOMMANDS [opserv-access] [channel-access]",
67 "Shows commands which you can execute (with their required access levels). If you give a numeric $O access level or text $C access name, it further restricts output to only show commands which can be executed by users with that access.",
68 "$uSee Also:$u command");
69"helpfiles" ("/msg $S HELPFILES <service> [module list]",
70 "With only a service nick, shows the helpfiles used by that service.",
71 "With a list of modules, sets the order that the service will look up non-command help entries.",
72 "$uSee Also:$u bind, unbind");
73"service add" ("/msg $S SERVICE ADD <nick> <hostname> <description>",
74 "Creates a new service bot.",
75 "$uSee Also:$u service rename, service trigger, service remove");
76"service rename" ("/msg $S SERVICE RENAME <oldnick> <newnick>",
77 "Renames a service bot. Currently does not support the default services.",
78 "$uSee Also:$u service add, service trigger, service remove");
79"service trigger" ("/msg $S SERVICE TRIGGER <nick> [remove|<trigger>]",
80 "Sets or clears the trigger character that the named service uses to identify in-channel messages directed at it.",
81 "To remove a trigger, use the word $bremove$b (or $bnone$b) as the argument. Otherwise, the first letter of the argument will be used as the new trigger.",
82 "If no argument is given, shows the current trigger for the service.",
83 "$uSee Also:$u service add, service rename, service remove");
84"service remove" ("/msg $S SERVICE REMOVE <nick> [<quit reason>]",
85 "Destroys a service. If a default service is named, it will be recreated when srvx restarts.",
86 "$uSee Also:$u service add, service rename, service trigger");
87"version" ("/msg $S version",
88 "Sends you version and copyright information for this software.");