]> jfr.im git - irc/SurrealServices/srsv.git/blob - branches/0.5.0/SrSv/Insp/Send.pm
[irc/SurrealServices/srsv.git] / branches / 0.5.0 / SrSv / Insp / Send.pm
1 # This file is part of SurrealServices.
2 #
3 # SurrealServices is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6 # (at your option) any later version.
7 #
8 # SurrealServices is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # GNU General Public License for more details.
12 #
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 # along with SurrealServices; if not, write to the Free Software
15 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
16 package ircd;
18 use strict;
19 use IO::Socket::INET;
20 use Event;
21 use Carp;
22 use MIME::Base64;
23 use Data::Dumper;
24 use SrSv::Conf 'main';
25 use SrSv::Insp::UUID;
26 use SrSv::Debug;
27 use SrSv::Log;
28 use Exporter 'import';
29 our @EXPORT = qw (agent_doconn getRevUuid getUuid setRevUuid setUuid);
30 # FIXME
31 use constant {
32 MAXBUFLEN => 510,
34 # These appear to match the implementations I've seen, but are unspecified in the RFCs.
35 # They may vary by implementation.
36 NICKLEN => 30, # some ircds are different. hyperion is 16.
37 IDENTLEN => 10, # Sometimes 8 or 9.
38 # hyperion may break this due to it's ident format: [ni]=identhere, like this n=northman
39 HOSTLEN => 63, # I think I've seen 64 here before.
40 MASKLEN => 30 + 10 + 63 + 2, # 105, or maybe 106. the 2 constant is for !@
42 CHANNELLEN => 32, # From 005 reply. hyperion is 30.
44 SJ3 => 1,
45 NOQUIT => 1,
46 NICKIP => 1,
47 SJB64 => 1,
48 CLK => 1,
51 };
52 die "NICKIP must be enabled if CLK is\n" if CLK && !NICKIP;
54 use SrSv::IRCd::IO qw(ircd_connect ircsend ircsendimm ircd_flush_queue);
55 use SrSv::IRCd::Event qw(addhandler callfuncs);
56 use SrSv::IRCd::State qw($ircline $remoteserv $ircd_ready synced initial_synced set_server_state set_server_juped get_server_state get_online_servers);
58 use SrSv::Unreal::Modes qw(@opmodes %opmodes $scm $ocm $acm);
59 use SrSv::Unreal::Tokens;
60 use SrSv::IRCd::Parse qw(parse_tkl parse_addline);
61 use SrSv::Unreal::Base64 qw(itob64 b64toi);
63 use SrSv::Text::Format qw( wordwrap );
65 use SrSv::Agent;
67 use SrSv::Process::InParent qw(update_userkill getRevUuid getUuid setRevUuid SetUUid);
69 our %defer_mode;
70 our %preconnect_defer_mode;
71 our @userkill;
72 our $unreal_protocol_version;
73 our $count = 65;
74 our %uuids; #NickServ -> AAAAAA
75 our %reverse_uuids; #AAAAA -> NickServ
76 addhandler('SEOS', undef(), undef(), 'ircd::eos', 1);
77 addhandler('NETINFO', undef(), undef(), 'ircd::netinfo', 1);
78 addhandler('VERSION', undef(), undef(), 'ircd::version', 1);
79 addhandler('SERVER', undef(), undef(), 'ircd::handle_server', 1);
80 addhandler('ENDBURST',undef(),undef(),'ircd::endburst',1);
81 sub getRevUuid($) {
82 my $id = $_[0];
83 my $nick = $reverse_uuids{$id};
84 $uuids{lc $nick} = $id;
85 return $nick;
86 }
87 sub getUuid($) {
88 my $nick = lc $_[0];
89 my $id = $uuids{$nick};
90 print "getUuid $nick $id\n";
91 return $id;
92 }
93 sub setRevUuid ($$) {
94 my ($id, $nick) = @_;
95 $reverse_uuids{$id} = lc $nick;
96 }
97 sub setUuid ($$) {
98 my ($nick, $id) = @_;
99 $uuids{lc $nick} = $id;
100 }
101 sub serv_connect() {
102 my $remote = $main_conf{remote};
103 my $port = $main_conf{port};
104 ircd_connect($remote, $port);
105 #ircsendimm('PROTOCTL '.($tkn ? 'TOKEN ' : '').'NICKv2 UMODE2 TKLEXT'.
106 #(CLK ? ' CLK' : ' VHP'). # CLK obsoletes VHP. Plus if you leave VHP on, CLK doesn't work.
107 # (NOQUIT ? ' NOQUIT' : '').(SJ3 ? ' SJOIN SJOIN2 SJ3' : '').
108 # (NICKIP ? ' NICKIP' : '').
109 # (SJB64 ? ' SJB64 NS VL' : ''),
111 ircsendimm( 'PASS :'.$main_conf{pass},
112 'SERVER '.$main_conf{local}.' ' . $main_conf{pass} . ' 0 ' .$main_conf{numeric} . ' ' .$main_conf{info} );
113 ircsendimm ('BURST ' .time);
114 %preconnect_defer_mode = %defer_mode;
115 %defer_mode = ();
116 }
118 # Helper Functions
120 sub handle_server($$$$;$$$) {
121 # This is mostly a stub function, but we may need the $unreal_protocol_version
122 # at a later date. Plus we may want to maintain a server tree in another module.
123 my ($src_server, $server_name, $num_hops, $info_line, $server_numeric, $protocol_version, $build_flags) = @_;
124 $unreal_protocol_version = $protocol_version if defined $protocol_version;
125 }
129 # Handler functions
130 sub pong($$$) {
131 my ($src, $cookie, $dst) = @_;
132 # This will only make sense if you remember that
133 # $src is where it came from, $dst is where it went (us)
134 # we're basically bouncing it back, but changing from PING to PONG.
135 if (defined($dst) and defined($cookie)) {
136 # $dst is always $main_conf{local} anyway...
137 # this is only valid b/c we never have messages routed THROUGH us
138 # we are always an end point.
139 ircsendimm(":$dst $tkn{PONG}[$tkn] $src :$cookie");
140 }
141 else {
142 ircsendimm("$tkn{PONG}[$tkn] :$src");
143 }
144 }
145 sub endburst {
146 print "GOT ENDBURST\n\n";
147 ircd_flush_queue();
148 ircsendimm ("ENDBURST");
149 $ircd_ready = 1; #!
150 }
151 sub eos {
152 print "GOT EOS\n\n";
154 #foreach my $k (keys %servers) {
155 # print "Server: $k ircline: ",$servers{$k}[0], " state: ", $servers{$k}[1], "\n";
156 #}
157 #print "Synced: ", synced(), "\n\n";
158 #exit;
160 ircsendimm(':'.$main_conf{local}.' '.$tkn{EOS}[$tkn], 'VERSION');
162 agent_sync();
163 flushmodes(\%preconnect_defer_mode);
164 ircd_flush_queue();
166 $ircd_ready = 1;
167 }
169 sub netinfo($$$$$$$$) {
170 ircsendimm($tkn{NETINFO}[$tkn].' 0 '.time." $_[2] $_[3] 0 0 0 :$_[7]");
171 $main_conf{network} = $_[7];
172 }
174 sub tssync {
175 ircsendimm((SJB64 ? '@'.itob64($main_conf{numeric}) : ':'.$main_conf{local})." $tkn{TSCTL}[$tkn] SVSTIME ".time);
176 }
178 sub parse_sjoin($$$$) {
179 my ($server, $ts, $cn, $parms) = @_;
180 my (@users, @bans, @excepts, @invex, @blobs, $blobs, $chmodes, $chmodeparms);
182 $server = '' unless $server;
184 if($parms =~ /^:(.*)/) {
185 $blobs = $1;
186 } else {
187 ($chmodes, $blobs) = split(/ :/, $parms, 2);
188 ($chmodes, $chmodeparms) = split(/ /, $chmodes, 2);
189 }
190 @blobs = split(/ /, $blobs);
192 foreach my $x (@blobs) {
193 if($x =~ /^(\&|\"|\')(.*)$/) {
194 my $type;
195 push @bans, $2 if $1 eq '&';
196 push @excepts, $2 if $1 eq '"';
197 push @invex, $2 if $1 eq "\'";
198 } else {
199 $x =~ /^([*~@%+]*)(.*)$/;
200 my ($prefixes, $nick) = ($1, $2);
201 my @prefixes = split(//, $prefixes);
202 my $op;
203 foreach my $prefix (@prefixes) {
204 $op |= $opmodes{q} if ($prefix eq '*');
205 $op |= $opmodes{a} if ($prefix eq '~');
206 $op |= $opmodes{o} if ($prefix eq '@');
207 $op |= $opmodes{h} if ($prefix eq '%');
208 $op |= $opmodes{v} if ($prefix eq '+');
209 }
211 push @users, { NICK => $nick, __OP => $op };
212 }
213 }
215 return ($server, $cn, $ts, $chmodes, $chmodeparms, \@users, \@bans, \@excepts, \@invex);
216 }
218 # Send Functions
220 sub kick($$$$) {
221 my ($src, $chan, $target, $reason) = @_;
222 $src = $main_conf{local} unless initial_synced();
223 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
224 my $targetId = ($target->{ID}?encodeUUID($target->{ID}):$target->{NICK});
225 ircsend(":$srcId $tkn{KICK}[$tkn] $chan $targetId :$reason");
226 callfuncs('KICK', 0, 2, [$srcId, $chan, $targetId, $reason]);
227 }
229 sub invite($$$) {
230 my ($src, $chan, $target) = @_;
231 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
232 my $targetId = ($target->{ID}?encodeUUID($target->{ID}):$target->{NICK});
233 ircsend(":$srcId $tkn{INVITE}[$tkn] $targetId $chan 0");
234 }
236 sub ping {
237 # if(@_ == 1) {
238 ircsend(':'.$main_conf{local}.' '.$tkn{PING}[$tkn].' :'.$main_conf{local});
239 # } else {
240 # ircsend(':'.$_[2].' '.$tkn{PONG}[$tkn].' '.$_[0].' :'.$_[1]);
241 # }
242 }
244 sub privmsg($$@) {
245 my ($src, $dst, @msgs) = @_;
246 my @bufs;
247 foreach my $buf (@msgs) {
248 # 3 spaces, two colons, PRIVMSG=7
249 # Length restrictions are for CLIENT Protocol
250 # hence the (MASKLEN - (NICKLEN + 1))
251 # Technically optimizable if we use $agent{lc $src}'s ident and host
252 my $buflen = length($src) + length($dst) + 12 + (MASKLEN - (NICKLEN + 1));
253 push @bufs, wordwrap($buf, (MAXBUFLEN - $buflen));
254 }
255 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
257 # submit a list of messages as a single packet to the server
258 ircsend(":$srcId $tkn{PRIVMSG}[$tkn] $dst :".join("\r\n".":$src $tkn{PRIVMSG}[$tkn] $dst :", @bufs));
259 callfuncs('LOOP_PRIVMSG', 0, 1, [$src, $dst, \@bufs]);
260 }
262 sub debug(@) {
263 my (@msgs) = @_;
264 debug_privmsg($main_conf{local}, $main_conf{diag}, @msgs);
265 write_log('diag', '<'.$main_conf{local}.'>', @msgs);
266 }
267 sub write_log () { }
268 sub debug_nolog(@) {
269 my (@msgs) = @_;
270 debug_privmsg($main_conf{local}, $main_conf{diag}, @msgs);
271 }
273 sub debug_privmsg($$@) {
274 my ($src, $dst, @msgs) = @_;
276 my @bufs;
277 foreach my $buf (@msgs) {
278 # 3 spaces, two colons, PRIVMSG=7
279 # Length restrictions are for CLIENT Protocol
280 # hence the (MASKLEN - (NICKLEN + 1))
281 my $buflen = length($src) + length($dst) + 12 + (MASKLEN - (NICKLEN + 1));
282 push @bufs, wordwrap($buf, (MAXBUFLEN - $buflen));
283 }
285 # submit a list of messages as a single packet to the server
286 ircsendimm(":$src $tkn{PRIVMSG}[$tkn] $dst :".join("\r\n".":$src $tkn{PRIVMSG}[$tkn] $dst :", @bufs));
287 callfuncs('LOOP_PRIVMSG', 0, 1, [$src, $dst, \@bufs]);
288 }
290 sub notice($$@) {
291 my ($src, $dst, @msgs) = @_;
292 my $target = $dst; #lazy erry
293 my @bufs;
294 foreach my $buf (@msgs) {
295 # 3 spaces, two colons, NOTICE=6
296 # Length restrictions are for CLIENT Protocol
297 # hence the (MASKLEN - (NICKLEN + 1))
298 my $buflen = length($src) + length($dst) + 12 + (MASKLEN - (NICKLEN + 1));
299 push @bufs, wordwrap($buf, (MAXBUFLEN - $buflen));
300 }
301 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
302 my $targetId;
303 if (ref ($dst) eq "HASH") { #User Object
304 $targetId = ($target->{ID}?encodeUUID($target->{ID}):$target->{NICK});
305 }
306 else { # /notice #channel This probably sucks. Blame erry :(
307 $targetId = $dst;
308 }
309 print "targid $targetId\n";
310 ircsend(":$srcId $tkn{NOTICE}[$tkn] $targetId :".join("\r\n".":$srcId $tkn{NOTICE}[$tkn] $targetId :", @bufs));
311 callfuncs('LOOP_NOTICE', 0, 1, [$srcId, $targetId, \@bufs]);
312 }
314 sub ctcp($$@) {
315 my ($src, $dst, $cmd, @toks) = @_;
316 my $target = $dst; #lazy erry
317 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
318 my $targetId = ($target->{ID}?encodeUUID($target->{ID}):$target->{NICK});
319 privmsg($srcId, $targetId, "\x01".join(' ', ($cmd, @toks))."\x01");
320 }
322 sub ctcp_reply($$@) {
323 my ($src, $dst, $cmd, @toks) = @_;
324 my $target = $dst; #lazy erry
325 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
326 my $targetId = ($target->{ID}?encodeUUID($target->{ID}):$target->{NICK});
327 notice($srcId, $targetId, "\x01".join(' ', ($cmd, @toks))."\x01");
328 }
330 sub setumode($$$) {
331 my ($src, $dst, $modes) = @_;
332 my $target = $dst; #lazy erry
333 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
334 my $targetId = ($target->{ID}?encodeUUID($target->{ID}):$target->{NICK});
335 ircsend(":$srcId $tkn{SVSMODE}[$tkn] $targetId $modes");
336 callfuncs('UMODE', 0, undef, [$dst, $modes]);
337 }
339 sub setsvsstamp($$$) {
340 my ($src, $dst, $stamp) = @_;
342 ircsend(":$src $tkn{SVS2MODE}[$tkn] $dst +d $stamp");
343 # This function basically set the svsstamp to
344 # be the same as the userid. Not all ircd will
345 # support this function.
346 # We obviously already know the userid, so don't
347 # use a callback here.
348 #callfuncs('UMODE', 0, undef, [$dst, $modes]);
349 }
351 sub setagent_umode($$) {
352 my ($src, $modes) = @_;
353 ircsend(":$src $tkn{UMODE2}[$tkn] $modes");
354 }
356 sub setmode2($$@) {
357 my ($src, $dst, @modelist) = @_;
358 #debug(" --", "-- ircd::setmode2: ".$_[0], split(/\n/, Carp::longmess($@)), " --");
359 foreach my $modetuple (@modelist) {
360 my $target = $modetuple->[1];
361 setmode($src, $dst, $modetuple->[0], $modetuple->[1]);
362 }
363 }
364 sub ban_list($$$$@) {
365 # Convenience function for lots of bans or excepts.
366 my ($src, $cn, $sign, $mode, @parms) = @_;
367 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
368 my @masklist;
369 foreach my $mask (@parms) {
370 push @masklist, [( ($sign >= 1) ? '+' : '-').$mode, $mask];
371 }
372 ircd::setmode2($srcId, $cn, @masklist);
373 }
375 sub setmode($$$;$) {
376 my ($src, $dst, $modes, $target) = @_;
377 my $srcId;
378 if (initial_synced()) {
379 $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:($src->{UUID}?$src->{UUID}:$src->{NICK}));
380 }
381 else {
382 $src = $main_conf{numeric};
383 $srcId = $src;
384 }
385 my $targetId = ($target->{ID}?encodeUUID($target->{ID}):$target->{NICK});
386 callfuncs('MODE', undef, 1, [$srcId, $dst, $modes, $targetId]);
387 #print "$ircline -- setmode($srcId, $dst, $modes, $targetId)\n" ;
388 ircsend(":$srcId MODE $dst $modes $targetId");
389 }
391 sub setmode_many($$$;@) {
392 my ($src, $dst, $modes, @targets) = @_;
393 my $srcId;
394 if (initial_synced()) {
395 $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:($src->{UUID}?$src->{UUID}:$src->{NICK}));
396 }
397 else {
398 $src = $main_conf{local};
399 $srcId = $src;
400 }
401 my $parms = "";
402 foreach my $target (@targets) {
403 my $targetId = ($target->{ID}?encodeUUID($target->{ID}):$target->{NICK});
404 $parms .= ($parms == ""?"":" ") . $targetId;
405 }
406 callfuncs('MODE', undef, 1, [$srcId, $dst, $modes, $parms]);
407 print "$ircline -- setmode($srcId, $dst, $modes, $parms)\n" ;
408 ircsend(":$srcId MODE $dst $modes $parms");
409 }
412 sub flushmodes(;$) {
413 my $dm = (shift or \%defer_mode);
414 my @k = keys(%$dm); my @v = values(%$dm);
415 for(my $i; $i<@k; $i++) {
416 my ($src, $dst) = split(/ /, $k[$i]);
417 my @m = @{$v[$i]};
418 foreach my $m (@m) {
419 my ($modes, $parms) = split(/ /, $m, 2);
420 setmode_real($src, $dst, $modes, $parms);
421 }
422 }
423 %$dm = ();
424 }
426 sub setmode_real($$$;$) {
427 my ($src, $dst, $modes, $parms) = @_;
428 print "$ircline -- setmode_real($src, $dst, $modes, $parms)\n";
429 # for server sources, there must be a timestamp. but you can put 0 for unspecified.
430 $parms =~ s/\s+$//; #trim any trailing whitespace, as it might break the simple parser in the ircd.
432 ircsend(":$src ".$tkn{MODE}[$tkn]." $dst $modes".($parms?" $parms":'').($src =~ /\./ ? ' 0' : ''));
433 }
435 sub settopic($$$$$) {
436 my ($src, $chan, $setter, $time, $topic) = @_;
437 $src = $main_conf{numeric} unless initial_synced();
438 #>> 38 :583AAAAAF TOPIC #erry :Welcome to erry(world|net). Have a cookie.
439 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
440 ircsend(":$srcId ".$tkn{TOPIC}[$tkn]." $chan :$topic");
441 callfuncs('TOPIC', undef, undef, [$srcId, $chan, $setter, $time, $topic]);
442 }
444 sub wallops ($$) {
445 my ($src, $message) = @_;
446 ircsend(":$src $tkn{WALLOPS}[$tkn] :$message");
447 }
449 sub globops ($$) {
450 my ($src, $message) = @_;
451 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
452 ircsend(":$srcId $tkn{GLOBOPS}[$tkn] :$message");
453 }
455 sub kline ($$$$$) {
456 my ($setter, $ident, $host, $expiry, $reason) = @_;
457 $setter = $main_conf{local} unless defined($setter);
458 $ident = '*' unless defined($ident);
459 # you need to use ADDLINE for this. GLINE is a user command
460 # format is
461 #>> 47 :583AAAAAA ADDLINE G test@testie inspircd.erry.omg 1308118489 0 :hi
463 #note that you need to provide expiry alone, not expiry +time
464 #otherwise you will end up with insanely long bans
465 my $setId = getUuid($setter);
466 if ($setId) { $setter = $setId; }
467 my $line = ":$setter ADDLINE G $ident\@$host " . $main_conf{local} . " ". time() . " " . ($expiry)." :$reason";
468 ircsend($line);
469 #return ($type, +1, $ident, $host, $setter, $expire, $time, $reason);
470 callfuncs('TKL', undef, undef, [parse_addline($line)]);
471 }
473 sub unkline ($$$) {
474 my ($setter, $ident, $host) = @_;
475 my $line = "TKL - G $ident $host $setter";
476 my $setId = getUuid($setter);
477 if ($setId) { $setter = $setId; }
478 #:583AAAAAE DELLINE G test@test.com
479 my $line = ":$setter DELLINE G $ident\@$host";
480 ircsend($line);
481 callfuncs('TKL', undef, undef, [parse_delline($line)]);
482 }
484 sub zline ($$$$) {
485 my ($setter, $host, $expiry, $reason) = @_;
486 $setter=$main_conf{local} unless defined($setter);
487 my $setId = getUuid($setter);
488 if ($setId) { $setter = $setId; }
489 #:583AAAAAE ADDLINE Z test.com inspircd.erry.omg 1308216407 0 :go away
490 my $line = ":$setter ADDLINE Z $host " . $main_conf{local} . " ". time() . " " . ($expiry)." :$reason";
491 ircsend($line);
492 callfuncs('TKL', undef, undef, [parse_addline($line)]);
493 }
495 sub unzline ($$) {
496 my ($setter, $host) = @_;
497 my $setId = getUuid($setter);
498 if ($setId) { $setter = $setId; }
499 my $line = ":$setter DELLINE Z $host";
500 ircsend($line);
501 callfuncs('TKL', undef, undef, [parse_delline($line)]);
502 }
504 sub spamfilter($$$$$$$) {
505 # Note the hardcoded zero (0).
506 # Looks like theoretically one can have expirable spamfilters.
507 # This is untested however.
508 my ($sign, $tkl_target, $tkl_action, $setter, $bantime, $reason, $regex) = @_;
509 my $tkl = "TKL ".($sign ? '+' : '-' )." F $tkl_target $tkl_action $setter 0 ".time()." $bantime $reason :$regex";
510 ircsend($tkl);
511 callfuncs('TKL', undef, undef, [parse_tkl($tkl)]);
512 }
514 sub update_userkill($) {
515 my ($target) = @_;
517 # This is a simple way to do it, that _could_ be defeated
518 # with enough users getting killed at once.
519 # The alternative would require a timer to expire the old entries.
520 return undef if (time() == $userkill[1] and $target eq $userkill[0]);
521 @userkill = ($target, time());
523 return 1;
524 }
526 sub irckill($$$) {
527 my ($src, $target, $reason) = @_;
528 $src = $main_conf{local} unless initial_synced();
529 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
530 my $targetId = ($target->{ID}?encodeUUID($target->{ID}):$target->{NICK});
531 my $srcNick = $target->{NICK};
532 return 0 unless update_userkill($targetId);
533 ircsendimm(":$srcId ".$tkn{KILL}[$tkn]." $targetId :$srcNick ($reason)");
534 callfuncs('KILL', 0, 1, [$srcId, $targetId, $srcNick, $reason]);
535 }
537 sub svssno($$$) {
538 my ($src, $target, $snomasks) = @_;
539 $src=$main_conf{local} unless defined($src);
540 # TODO:
541 # None, this doesn't affect us.
543 # SVSSNO is not in tokens.txt nor msg.h
544 ircsend(":$src ".'SVS2SNO'." $target $snomasks ".time);
545 }
547 sub svsnick($$$) {
548 my ($src, $target, $newnick) = @_;
549 $src=$main_conf{local} unless defined($src);
550 # note: we will get a NICK cmd back after a
551 # successful nick change.
552 # warning, if misused, this can KILL the user
553 # with a collision
554 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
555 my $targetId = ($target->{ID}?encodeUUID($target->{ID}):$target->{NICK});
556 ircsend(":$srcId ".$tkn{SVSNICK}[$tkn]." $targetId $newnick ".time);
557 }
559 sub svsnoop($$$) {
560 my ($targetserver, $bool, $src) = @_;
561 $src = $main_conf{local} unless defined($src);
562 if ($bool > 0) { $bool = '+'; } else { $bool = '-'; }
563 #this is SVS NO-OP not SVS SNOOP
564 ircsend(":$main_conf{local} $tkn{SVSNOOP}[$tkn] $targetserver $bool");
565 }
567 #START TODO - erry
569 sub svswatch ($$@) {
570 # Changes the WATCH list of a user.
571 # Syntax: SVSWATCH <nick> :<watch parameters>
572 # Example: SVSWATCH Blah :+Blih!*@* -Bluh!*@* +Bleh!*@*.com
573 # *** We do not track this info nor care.
574 my ($src, $target, @watchlist) = @_;
575 my $base_str = ":$src ".$tkn{SVSWATCH}[$tkn]." $target :";
576 my $send_str = $base_str;
577 while (@watchlist) {
578 my $watch = shift @watchlist;
579 if (length("$send_str $watch") > MAXBUFLEN) {
580 ircsend($send_str);
581 $send_str = $base_str;
582 }
583 $send_str = "$send_str $watch";
584 }
585 ircsend($send_str);
586 }
588 sub svssilence ($$@) {
589 # Changes the SILENCE list of a user.
590 # Syntax: SVSSILENCE <nick> :<silence parameters>
591 # Example: SVSSILENCE Blah :+Blih!*@* -Bluh!*@* +Bleh!*@*.com
592 # *** We do not track this info nor care.
593 my ($src, $target, @silencelist) = @_;
594 my $base_str = ":$src ".$tkn{SVSSILENCE}[$tkn]." $target :";
595 my $send_str = $base_str;
596 while (@silencelist) {
597 my $silence = shift @silencelist;
598 if (length("$send_str $silence") > MAXBUFLEN) {
599 ircsend($send_str);
600 $send_str = $base_str;
601 }
602 $send_str = "$send_str $silence";
603 }
604 ircsend($send_str);
605 }
607 sub svso($$$) {
608 # Gives nick Operflags like the ones in O:lines.
609 # SVSO <nick> <+operflags> (Adds the Operflags)
610 # SVSO <nick> - (Removes all O:Line flags)
611 # Example: SVSO SomeNick +bBkK
612 # *** We do not track this info nor care.
613 # *** We will see any umode changes later.
614 # *** this cmd does not change any umodes!
616 my ($src, $target, $oflags) = @_;
617 $src = $main_conf{local} unless defined($src);
618 ircsend(":$src $tkn{SVSO}[$tkn] $target $oflags");
620 }
622 sub swhois($$$) {
623 # *** We do not track this info nor care.
624 my ($src, $target, $swhois) = @_;
625 $src = $main_conf{local} unless defined($src);
626 ircsend(":$src $tkn{SWHOIS}[$tkn] $target :$swhois");
627 }
628 #END TODO - erry
630 sub svsjoin($$@) {
631 my ($src, $target, @chans) = @_;
632 while(my @chanList = splice(@chans, 0, 10)) {
633 # split into no more than 10 at a time.
634 __svsjoin($src, $target, @chanList);
635 }
636 }
638 sub __svsjoin($$@) {
639 my ($src, $target, @chans) = @_;
640 # a note. a JOIN is returned back to us on success
641 # so no need to process this command.
642 # similar for svspart.
643 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
644 my $targetId = ($target->{ID}?encodeUUID($target->{ID}):$target->{NICK});
645 ircsend(($srcId?":$srcId":'')." $tkn{SVSJOIN}[$tkn] $targetId ".join(',', @chans));
646 }
648 sub svspart($$$@) {
649 my ($src, $target, $reason, @chans) = @_;
650 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
651 my $targetId = ($target->{ID}?encodeUUID($target->{ID}):$target->{NICK});
652 ircsend(($srcId ? ":$srcId" : '')." $tkn{SVSPART}[$tkn] $targetId ".join(',', @chans).
653 ($reason ? " :$reason" : ''));
654 }
656 sub sqline ($;$) {
657 # we need to sqline most/all of our agents.
658 # tho whether we want to put it in agent_connect
659 # or leave it to the module to call it...
660 my ($nickmask, $reason) = @_;
661 #ircsend("$tkn{S1QLINE}[$tkn] $nickmask".($reason?" :$reason":''));
662 qline($nickmask, 0, $reason);
663 }
665 sub svshold($$$) {
666 my ($nickmask, $expiry, $reason) = @_;
667 #:583AAAAAA ADDLINE Q hell3o inspircd.erry.omg 1308295479 600 :Bye Bye
668 my $line = ':' . $main_conf{numeric} . ' ADDLINE Q '.$nickmask.' '.$main_conf{local}.' '. time() . ' ' . ($expiry ? $expiry : 0 ) . ' :'.$reason;
669 ircsend($line);
670 callfuncs('TKL', undef, undef, [parse_addline($line)]);
671 }
673 sub svsunhold($) {
674 my ($nickmask) = @_;
675 #>> 37 :583AAAAAA DELLINE Q errietta3
676 my $line = ":" . $main_conf{numeric} . ' DELLINE Q ' . $nickmask . "\n";
677 ircsend($line);
678 callfuncs('TKL', undef, undef, [parse_tkl($line)]);
679 }
681 sub qline($$$) {
682 my ($nickmask, $expiry, $reason) = @_;
683 #:583AAAAAA ADDLINE Q hell3o inspircd.erry.omg 1308295479 600 :Bye Bye
685 my $line = ':' . $main_conf{numeric} . ' ADDLINE Q '.$nickmask . ' ' . $main_conf{local} . ' '. time() . ' ' . ($expiry ? $expiry : 0).' :'.$reason;
686 ircsend($line);
688 # at startup we send these too early,
689 # before the handlers are initialized
690 # so they may be lost.
691 callfuncs('TKL', undef, undef, [parse_tkl($line)]);
692 }
694 sub unsqline ($) {
695 # we need to sqline most/all of our agents.
696 # tho whether we want to put it in agent_connect
697 # or leave it to the module to call it...
698 my ($nickmask) = @_;
699 unqline($nickmask);
700 }
702 sub unqline($) {
703 my ($nickmask) = @_;
704 # TKL version
705 # TKL - Q * test services.SC.net
706 my $line = 'TKL - Q * '.$nickmask.' '.$main_conf{local};
707 ircsend($line);
708 callfuncs('TKL', undef, undef, [parse_tkl($line)]);
709 }
711 sub svskill($$$) {
712 my ($src, $target, $reason) = @_;
713 # SVSKILL requires a src, it will NOT work w/o one.
714 # not sure if it'll accept a servername or not.
715 # consider defaulting to ServServ
716 die('svskill called w/o $src') unless $src;
717 ircsend(':'.$src.' '.$tkn{SVSKILL}[$tkn].' '.$target.' :'.$reason);
718 callfuncs('QUIT', 0, undef, [$target, $reason]);
719 }
721 sub version($) {
722 my ($src) = @_;
723 #ircsend(":$main_conf{local} 351 $src $main::progname ver $main::version $main_conf{local} ".
724 # $main::extraversion);
725 }
727 sub userhost($) {
728 my ($target) = @_;
729 ircsend($tkn{USERHOST}[$tkn]." $target");
730 }
732 sub userip($) {
733 my ($target) = @_;
734 die "We're not supposed to use USERIP anymore!" if DEBUG and NICKIP;
735 ircsend(":$main::rsnick USERIP $target");
736 }
738 sub chghost($$$) {
739 my ($src, $target, $vhost) = @_;
740 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
741 my $targetId = ($target->{ID}?encodeUUID($target->{ID}):$target->{NICK});
742 ircsend(($srcId?":$srcId ":'').$tkn{CHGHOST}[$tkn]." $targetId $vhost");
743 callfuncs('CHGHOST', 0, 1, [$srcId, $targetId, $vhost]);
744 }
746 sub chgident($$$) {
747 my ($src, $target, $ident) = @_;
748 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
749 my $targetId = ($target->{ID}?encodeUUID($target->{ID}):$target->{NICK});
750 ircsend(($src?":$srcId ":'').$tkn{CHGIDENT}[$tkn]." $targetId $ident");
751 callfuncs('CHGIDENT', 0, 1, [$srcId, $targetId, $ident]);
752 }
754 sub jupe_server($$) {
755 my ($server, $reason) = @_;
757 # :nascent.surrealchat.net SERVER wyvern.surrealchat.net 2 :SurrealChat
758 die "You can't jupe $server"
759 if ((lc($server) eq lc($remoteserv)) or (lc($server) eq lc($main_conf{local})));
760 ircsend(':'.$main_conf{local}.' '.$tkn{SQUIT}[$tkn]." $server :");
761 ircsend(':'.$main_conf{local}.' '.$tkn{SERVER}[$tkn]." $server 2 :$reason");
763 set_server_juped($server);
764 }
765 sub agent_dojoin($$) {
766 my ($agent, $chan) = @_;
767 print "DOJOIN " . Dumper ($agent);
768 my $srcId;
769 if (ref($agent) ne "HASH") {
770 $srcId = getUuid($agent);
771 if (!$srcId) {
772 $srcId = $agent;
773 }
774 print "SRCID " . Dumper($srcId);
775 }
776 else {
777 my $src = $agent;
778 $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:($src->{UUID}?$src->{UUID}:$src->{NICK}));
779 }
780 ircsend(":" . $srcId . " JOIN " . $chan);
781 }
783 sub agent_dopart ($$$) {
784 my ($agent, $chan, $reason) = @_;
785 my $srcId;
786 if (ref($agent) ne "HASH") {
787 $srcId = getUuid($agent);
788 if (!$srcId) {
789 $srcId = $agent;
790 }
791 }
792 else {
793 my $src = $agent;
794 $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:($src->{UUID}?$src->{UUID}:$src->{NICK}));
795 }
796 ircsend(":$srcId $tkn{PART}[$tkn] $chan :$reason");
797 }
798 sub rehash_all_servers(;$) {
799 my ($type) = @_;
801 # Validate the type before passing it along.
802 # Very IRCd specific! May be version specific.
803 $type = undef() if(defined($type) && !($type =~ /^\-(motd|botmotd|opermotd|garbage)$/i));
805 foreach my $server (get_online_servers()) {
806 ircsend(':'.$main::rsnick.' '.$tkn{REHASH}[$tkn].' '.$server.(defined($type) ? ' '.$type : '') );
807 }
808 }
810 sub unban_nick($$@) {
811 # This is an Unreal-specific server-protocol HACK.
812 # It is not expected to be portable to other ircds.
813 # Similar concepts may exist in other ircd implementations
814 my ($src, $cn, @nicks) = @_;
815 my $srcId = ($src->{ID}?$src->{ID}:$src->{NICK});
816 my $i = 0; my @nicklist = ();
817 while(my $nick = shift @nicks) {
818 push @nicklist, $nick;
819 if(++$i >= 10) {
820 ircsend(($src ? ":$src " : '' ).$tkn{SVSMODE}[$tkn]." $cn -".'b'x($i).' '.join(' ', @nicklist));
821 $i = 0; @nicklist = ();
822 }
823 }
825 ircsend(($srcId ? ":$srcId " : '' ).$tkn{SVSMODE}[$tkn]." $cn -".'b'x($i).' '.join(' ', @nicklist));
826 # We don't loopback this, as we'll receive back the list
827 # of removed bans.
828 }
830 sub clear_bans($$) {
831 # This is an Unreal-specific server-protocol HACK.
832 # It is not expected to be portable to other ircds.
833 # Similar concepts may exist in other ircd implementations
834 my ($src, $cn) = @_;
836 ircsend(($src ? ":$src " : '' ).$tkn{SVSMODE}[$tkn]." $cn -b");
837 # We don't loopback this, as we'll receive back the list
838 # of removed bans.
839 }
841 # HostServ OFF would want this.
842 # resets the vhost to be the cloakhost.
843 sub reset_cloakhost($$) {
844 my ($src, $target) = @_;
845 setumode($src, $target, '-x+x'); # only works in 3.2.6.
846 }
848 # removes the cloakhost, so that vhost matches realhost
849 sub disable_cloakhost($$) {
850 my ($src, $target) = @_;
851 setumode($src, $target, '-x'); # only works in 3.2.6.
852 }
854 # enables the cloakhost, so that vhost becomes the cloakhost
855 sub enable_cloakhost($$) {
856 my ($src, $target) = @_;
857 setumode($src, $target, '+x'); # only works in 3.2.6.
858 }
860 sub agent_doconn ($$$$$) {
861 my ($nick, $ident, $host, $modes, $gecos) = @_;
862 my $char = chr($count);
863 my $uuid = $main_conf{numeric} . "AAAAA" . $char; #FIXME - erry
864 ircsend(":" . $main_conf{numeric} . " UID" . " $uuid " . time . " $nick $host $host $ident ". (time+5) . " $modes " . ":$gecos" );
865 setUuid($nick,$uuid);
866 setRevUuid($uuid, $nick);
867 $count++;
868 }
870 sub nolag($$@) {
871 my ($src, $sign, @targets) = @_;
872 $src = $main_conf{local} unless $src;
873 foreach my $target (@targets) {
874 ircsend(':'.$src .' '.$tkn{SVS2NOLAG}[$tkn].' '.$sign.' '.$target);
875 }
876 }
878 1;