TODO LIST --------- Groups: I'm having second thoughts about the supergroup/subgroup structure I originally built. Review, and possible remove the supergroup/subgroup functionality, leaving that to the application to manage. Threading: - Implement threading! Discussion ongoing - current ideas focus around... - Accept thread - poll/read/parse thread pool assigned sockets from accept thread - write thread to handle blocked sockets that cannot be written to immiedately (?) - event timer thread and interfaces to go with it Socket Handling: - SSL support, possibly encrypting prior to buffering in order to maintain vectored writes - Compression support via zlib - UDP socket support Error Handling: - The error handling and logging facilities need to be improved and properly implemented Time Syncronization: - Possibly in concert with the event threading system, time sync items need to be addressed Other than that, look up some FIXME's in the code, there are a bunch of them!