#!/bin/sh reponame="$(basename "$(readlink -f .)")" FORMAT="%C(auto)%h by %an (%ah: %s) sig: %G? %GS 0x%GK https://jfr.im/git/$reponame/commitdiff/%h" H2I="https://h2i:ef199c443ca3f1f49709dbe79c3758273658fb7cfbb2ff88ab97ef9aedd6bb30@chat.2948.ca/h2i/null" ref="$1" old="$2" new="$3" if [ "$old" = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" ]; then # new branch commits="created with $(git describe --always "$new")" elif [ "$new" = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" ]; then # deleted branch commits="deleted from $(git describe --always "$old")" elif [ "$old" = "$(git merge-base "$old" "$new")" ]; then # fast-forward update commits="updated from $(git describe --always "$old") -> $(git describe --always "$new")" elif [ "$new" = "$(git merge-base "$old" "$new")" ]; then # rollback commits="!! rolled back to $(git describe --always "$new") erasing history through $(git describe --always "$old")" else # commit --amend, rebase, or similar commits="!! rewrote history from $(git describe --always "$(git merge-base "$old" "$new")") -> $(git describe --always "$new") erasing history through $(git describe --always "$old")" fi curl -sS -d "[$reponame] $ref $commits" "$H2I" >/dev/null if [ "$old" = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" ]; then git show --no-show-signature --no-patch --pretty="tformat:$FORMAT" "$new" else git log --no-show-signature --pretty="tformat:$FORMAT" "$old".."$new" fi | while read line; do curl -sS -d "$line" "$H2I" >/dev/null done