; Copy this file to bot.config ; Note: comments will not be retained in bot.config, ; and you can not edit it by hand while the bot is running. [erebus] realname = Erebus r1 host = irc.quakenet.org port = 6667 #pass = foobar dbhost = localhost dbuser = erebus dbpass = darkness dbname = erebus trigger = ! pidfile = pidfile ; Wait for numeric 396 (hidden host) before joining channels? wait_for_hidden_host = 0 ; path to write bot's ident config (~/.oidentd.conf format) into ; empty or not supplied to disable ;oidentd_path = /home/erebus/.oidentd.conf [autoloads] control = 1 eval = 0 [watchdog] ; The bot includes a watchdog timer. It sends a PING to the server every ; "interval" seconds, and resets itself (by ending the process) if ; "maxtime" seconds go by without receiving anything. interval = 30 maxtime = 300 ; MODULES: [trivia] jsonpath = /bla/foo/bar/modules/contrib/trivia/trivia.json.example con = twitter consumer con_sec = twitter consumer secret token = twitter token token_sec = twitter token secret topiccommand = TOPIC %(chan)s :%(topic)s [sms] account_sid = twilio AccountSid auth_token = twilio auth token mynumber = +11234567890 (sms "callerid") [help] url = https://where.ever/dir/%d.txt [reddark] update_interval = 600 topicsuffix = | Something something mumble mumble [weatherstack_weather] key = your API Key [bashorg] path = /home/erebus/bash.org/ [listenbrainz] format = https://listenbrainz.org/user/%(user)s is playing %(track)s by %(artist)s (%(album)s) (from %(player)s) [urls] multiline = 1 [steam] apikey = steam api key [nitterize] instance = https://nitter.net/ [exception_hook] destination = #channel [sockets] = #channel