]> jfr.im git - erebus.git/blame_incremental - modules/server.py
fix exception when parting a channel
[erebus.git] / modules / server.py
... / ...
1# Erebus IRC bot - Author: Erebus Team
2# vim: fileencoding=utf-8
3# Utility commands to show info like uptime and current server
4# This file is released into the public domain; see http://unlicense.org/
6import time
8# module info
9modinfo = {
10 'author': 'Erebus Team',
11 'license': 'public domain',
12 'compatible': [0], # compatible module API versions
13 'depends': [], # other modules required to work properly?
14 'softdeps': ['help'], # modules which are preferred but not required
17# preamble
18import modlib
19lib = modlib.modlib(__name__)
20modstart = lib.modstart
21modstop = lib.modstop
23# module code
24def _since(when):
25 duration = time.time() - when
26 days, duration = divmod(duration, 60*60*24)
27 hours, duration = divmod(duration, 60*60)
28 minutes, duration = divmod(duration, 60)
29 seconds = duration
30 output = []
31 if days > 0:
32 output += [str(int(days)), "days" if days > 1 else "day"]
33 if hours > 0:
34 output += [str(int(hours)), "hours" if hours > 1 else "hour"]
35 if minutes > 0:
36 output += [str(int(minutes)), "minutes" if minutes > 1 else "minute"]
37 if seconds > 0:
38 output += [str(int(seconds)), "seconds" if seconds > 1 else "second"]
39 return ' '.join(output)
41@lib.hook(needchan=False, wantchan=True)
42@lib.help(None, 'identifies which server the bot is connected to')
43def server(bot, user, chan, realtarget, *args):
44 if chan is not None: replyto = chan
45 else: replyto = user
47 bot.msg(replyto, "Connected to %s (from %s:%s) since %s UTC" % (bot.servername, bot.server, bot.port, time.asctime(time.gmtime(bot.connecttime))))
49@lib.hook(needchan=False, wantchan=True)
50@lib.help(None, 'shows the uptime of the bot')
51def uptime(bot, user, chan, realtarget, *args):
52 if chan is not None: replyto = chan
53 else: replyto = user
55 bot.msg(replyto, "This bot has been connected %s (process uptime %s)" % (_since(bot.connecttime), _since(bot.parent.starttime)))